Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 162 - 39

Chapter 162 - 39

Heaven asked her handmaiden Kate to bring her maid's clothes. While Zamiel waited outside in her garden, she quickly changed. She could not go out with her fancy dress.

Once she was ready, she went back to the garden. Zamiel was sitting on a bench, waiting. "Do I still look breathtaking?" She asked playfully once Zamiel looked at her.

"No dress can make you look any less." He told her looking into her eyes.

Heaven had never felt so excited by compliments before, and people complimented her often.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Heaven. You father told me you have many enemies, and I failed to protect my family. Do you still want to go out with me?"

His eyes reflected so much guilt. Heaven could see he had a hard time letting go of the fear of failure to protect her.

She went to to sit next to him. "Ask me what I truly want, Zamiel?" She said.

"What do you truly want?" He asked, turning to her.

"I want to live. And I want you to live."

He looked at her, confused.

"There is a difference between living and existing. I don't want to only exist. I want to live." She explained. "Staying protected keeps me alive, but it doesn't make me live."

Zamiel seemed impressed by her words. "How can someone as dead as me make you live?"

"You already did. Perhaps not purposely, but your belief that a woman could rule made me believe in myself."

"Do you really want to become a ruler?" He asked.

Heaven had to think. It was a question she was still struggling with. "No one wants to be responsible for so many people. People who want to ruler either have no choice or want wealth and power. My father didn't become a ruler for the people of this kingdom, but caring for them made him a great ruler."

She didn't know exactly what she wanted to bring about with her words, but Zamiel seemed to understand.

"You seem to like white flowers." He said looking around her garden.

"Yes. They look like the moon and stars at night."

Zamiel smiled. "Why don't you just look at the sky."

"They seem far away then." She said.

"There is a way to bring them closer." He told her.

Heaven was surprised to hear that. She knew ancient demons had special powers, but how could he bring the moon closer?

"How?" She asked.

He stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and he drew her into his arms. Before she could blink he had already taken her somewhere else.

Heave felt she was standing on a soft surface. When she looked around, she realized she was on a beach and there was the ocean stretching beyond reach.

Zamiel released her, and Heaven turned to the still and quiet ocean. She had seen a sea before, but never at night. The water was dark, reflecting the glowing moon and shining stars.

Now she understood what Zamiel meant, and it brought a smile to her face. She turned to him and found him staring at her. For a moment she forgot what she wanted to say and stared back. He looked as beautiful as the night. His hair was like the dark sky and his eyes glowed like the silver of the moon.

He smiled at her. "Now you can swim among the stars." He told her.

Heaven looked back at the ocean. She wondered what it would feel like if she walked into the water. She wanted to try it.

"Do you want to try?" He asked.

Heaven nodded eagerly.

Zamiel began to take off his boots and then his jacket. Heaven panicked. She didn't want to take off anything except her shoes.

Hesitantly she took off her shoes, but then she just stood there, her heart pounding in her ears as Zamiel began to take off his shirt. When their eyes locked, he stopped halfway and kept it around his shoulder.

"You… don't have to take off anything." He told her.

But Heaven knew she couldn't get into the water with all her clothes on. She had to at least take off her outer dress. Under it, she was wearing a sleeveless short white dress.

Feeling shy, she turned away from him and began to open the straps on the front of her dress. She felt her cheeks burn as she let it slide off her shoulders and fall on the sand before stepping out of it. She tried to cover her bare arms with her long hair. When she turned to Zamiel, he wasn't looking at her which she felt thankful for. She hurried to step inside the water so at least her legs were covered.

The water was cold, causing her to shiver as she walked further in. When her legs were covered she turned back. Zamiel was walking into the water with his clothes on. The cold water didn't seem to bother him.

Heaven was already adapting to the temperature. It wasn't as cold as when she first walked in.

Zamiel came to stand in front of her. "Are you alright?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Do you want to walk further in?"


Heaven instinctively reached her hand out as she pushed through the heavy water. Zamiel caught her hand and led her deeper, further into the ocean. When the water reached her waist, he came to a halt.

"Have you swum before?" He asked.

Heaven shook her head. "No."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes." She said before she could even think. There was this voice inside of her that spoke for her. This voice, that knew exactly how she felt and what she wanted.

"I want you to lie on the water."

Heaven looked at him, appalled. "How can I lay on water?" She asked.

"I'll show you." He said.

He grabbed her shoulders gently and turned her to the side. Then he put a hand on her back.

"Lean back." He told her.

Heaven was afraid, but trusted him. He supported her with his hands as she leaned back, then he put his other hand under her legs, lifting her slowly. When her head touched the water she became afraid. She grabbed onto his arms.

"Don't be afraid. I won't let you got until you are ready." He assured her. "Just relax."

The water seemed to lift her up because it couldn't be Zamiel holding her up. His touch on her back and legs were too light.

"Are you ready?" He asked her. "I'll release you slowly, but I promise you want drown."

She nodded, releasing his arm. Zamiel slowly released her and then stepped away from her.

Heaven couldn't believe it. She was lying on water. Floating. And looking up at sky.

"How does it feel?" He asked.

"It feels like… I am flying."

Zamiel easily lay down beside her, and they watched the night sky together.



"Is the urge to bite me gone?" She asked.

"No. It??s still there."

"It doesn't seem to pain you, or does it?"

"It's painful." He admitted. "But it's bearable now. I won't bite you unless you want me to."

She didn't want him to be in pain.

"I want you to." She said.

He rose to his feet and then helped her up. Heaven's heart skipped a beat. Would he do it now?

She was already his, but this time, if he bit her, he would make her his willingly. His eyes were already red and his fangs had elongated.

Heaven embraced herself for what was to come.

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