Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 – Whispering

The Prime Minister paused for a moment, holding the gavel.

When was it? It wasn’t that long ago.

Before the New Year’s meeting, officials from each department would gather every morning to discuss agenda items, and in the afternoon, it was routine to present them to His Majesty.

But at some point, grand meetings for major issues began to be called at all hours. Ah. Was it since the rebellion of Mariv and Gale?

Anyway, two princes were already dead, and things had come to this point. A grand meeting without a scribe! This had significant implications for Bariel.

“I’ll inform you in advance. The grand meeting about to begin will have no scribe, which means we intend not to inform future generations. Do not leave any trace of any words exchanged, and the moment you turn around, cut out the memory.”

The Ministry of Magic would help ensure this.

The mages were looking for an appropriate method to seal secrets. A spell of silence or a potion, or if those weren’t feasible, they would even resort to magical tools. In any case, Ian’s approval was needed.

Bang! Bang bang!

The Prime Minister struck the gavel roughly to announce the opening. Simultaneously, the doors closed firmly. With not just officials but nobles present as well, the air felt more stuffy than usual.

“It would have been better if Lord Ian were here, but understanding his physical condition, we accept his absence. Instead, refer to the reports distributed previously.”

He was referring to the meeting on the day when none of Hayman and Arsen’s faction had attended. More precisely, the meeting where they had failed to obtain a grand meeting resolution regarding the filing of accusations.

The report detailed the curse and oracle that began at the Carbo Temple, “The Biography of Roberside,” and testimonies from Jin and Abidel.


The sound of turning pages echoed softly here and there. Jin was doing the same. With each sentence he read, it felt like he was objectively retracing the traces of his dead brother.

“Of course, these were mere allegations at the time. But we all knew they were true. The Carbo Temple should receive appropriate punishment. Are there any relevant laws regarding this? Judiciary?”

“Since oracles don’t have legal effect, there are no cases or precedents yet. Above all, since it was the work of a demon, it’s considered unintentional, so it seems difficult to charge them with deceiving the imperial family or other crimes.”

“How about letting the Carbo Temple handle it internally? There should be independent regulations within the temple.”

The statements went around one by one and stopped at Jin. In fact, he was the biggest victim of the oracle. It was right to consider his opinion as the most important.

“…I too think it’s right to leave it to the temple. Although Abidel received the oracle incorrectly, when she realized its true nature, she didn’t turn away but helped Ian. Her attitude of trying to make amends was clearly seen.”

The ten years had been painful, but he couldn’t lose the future over what was already lost.

Keep emotions as just emotions.

Don’t let them lead to decisions.

Jin spoke thus, recalling Ian’s teachings.

“And I heard her wailing. It was so heartrending that even God seemed to pity and comfort her. She was already stuck in a swamp of pain, not knowing what to do, so further punishment would be excessive.”

“If His Highness Jin says so…”

“Understood. We will inform the Carbo Temple accordingly.”

Bang bang!

The Prime Minister quickly concluded the resolution. There wasn’t much time. With the imperial palace closed off, they needed to handle matters quickly before harsh rumors spread outside. He adjusted his glasses and brought up ‘that’ name.

“Next is about Prince Gale. Arsen’s records only span ten years, so although difficult, we can cut them out.”

Moreover, Arsen was just a child receiving prince education, overshadowed by Mariv and Gale. He had never put his name to official duties or external activities of the imperial family, so erasing the records wasn’t entirely impossible.

But what about Gale?

“However, Prince Gale’s materials are vast. Since we can’t deny his existence, I think it would be better to write anew about his death.”

“I agree. He still maintained his prince status before the trial, and it’s easier to add than to erase, isn’t it?”

Although he had directly stabbed Arsen’s heart, no one knew. Not even Jin. God and Ian, who had witnessed his last moments, were silent.

“Then, since treason charges are involved anyway, why not say he was suppressed after starting a rebellion? It would serve as an example for future generations, and the flow would be natural.”

“I agree.”

“What about the mages who died at the scene?”


It wasn’t a big problem that external forces, such as the rarely admitted nobles, died or were injured. But the mages were the imperial family’s talents and assets of the empire. They were people whose names were recorded in history, so their deaths couldn’t be glossed over.

“Let’s record that they died during the civil war.”

“That seems appropriate.”

“There were many casualties at the time, so let’s include them among those.”

As the officials were creating gaps in history by exchanging words, Jin slightly raised his hand to cut off their conversation.

“Unlike Brother Gale, the mages don’t bear any crimes. They died fighting against a demon to protect Bariel, so I think it’s right to honor them.”

“Ah, well. That is a valid point too.”

An official replied awkwardly, smacking his lips. No matter how much of a prince he was, wasn’t he just a ten-year-old child? Moreover, he hadn’t been attending meetings formally for long.

“When Lord Ian wakes up, it would be good to coordinate with the entire Ministry of Magic’s opinion before deciding. It’s not an urgent matter, is it?”

Everyone smiled awkwardly and remained silent. The intention to link the Ministry of Magic’s victims to the rebellion was, in the long run, an attempt to check the Ministry of Magic’s power.

Although everyone now knew of the Ministry of Magic’s achievements and had handed over real power, it would eventually fade, and in the future, their existence would only be gauged by records.

By connecting the Ministry of Magic with civil war, someone from the imperial side, a future restrainer, could use it effectively. In whatever way.

“Your Highness.”

A voice tinged with laughter called out to Jin. It was Duke Hayman. He was smiling with just the corners of his mouth raised, and his intention was clear.

‘Ah, look at this young and foolish prince. Perfect to devour.’


“Tying the deaths of mages to the rebellion is helpful to Your Highness. May I ask why you oppose it?”

It was an urging to confess that there was no reason, and it was just due to poor calculation. The nobles whispered behind their fans. One couldn’t know what expressions they were making beyond what couldn’t be seen.

Instead of answering, Jin slowly looked around the conference hall and soon noticed the hidden intention. It was remarkable how they were trying to take maximum advantage of Ian’s absence while having survived thanks to him.

Was it because this was a meeting without a scribe, one that would dissipate immediately after ending? Were they doing this freely because there was no one to directly receive Ian’s backlash?

“Didn’t you just state the reason? They are heroes who died fighting a demon, so let’s respect them as much as possible.”

As the prince’s silence lengthened, Quintana stepped in to smooth over the atmosphere. But Hayman kept smiling, his gaze fixed on Jin. It was clear disregard and pressure.

“They are already dead. It’s a death that won’t be recorded in history, so it seems you’re going to extremes to honor it.”

“…Lord Hayman.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Jin called out to Hayman in a clear voice. It was so clear and distinct that the resonance was crisp. As he raised his chin, the light made his blue eyes sparkle even more.

“If the end of those who died for the empire is miserable, who will step forward in times of crisis? Don’t insult those who sacrificed. They did so for a greater cause, and we have an obligation to be grateful for that. Respecting their honor. That’s the least the living can do.”

Moreover, isn’t it not something for nobles, of all people, to say? When the empire faced danger, for example in wartime situations, nobles were the first to be drafted and sacrificed. How could they make such statements?

“Well, those who would just watch during an imperial crisis probably can’t comprehend the spirits of those who sacrificed. Hmm. If anyone has a different opinion, please feel free to share. I’m still inexperienced, it was just a small personal view.”

Wouldn’t adding more here make one “someone who would just watch during an imperial crisis”? As Jin smiled brightly as if he didn’t understand anything, Quintana and the Prime Minister exchanged glances, hiding their surprise. Being young and inexperienced was Jin’s absolute weakness. But instead of clumsily hiding or decorating it, wasn’t he openly using it as a weapon?

‘Lord Ian must have taught him well. Though the result is different, he’s thoroughly imitated his demeanor.’

This time, everyone’s gaze turned to Hayman. He bit the inside of his cheek as if exasperated, but soon composed himself and continued his opinion.

“…No. I only brought it up out of concern for Your Highness. Please don’t misunderstand.”

“Misunderstand? Not at all. Isn’t this what meetings are for? To find the best option, the existence of second-best is also important. That’s how we know the best is truly the best.”

To imply that Hayman’s statement was completely useless like that. Quintana almost let out an exclamation involuntarily. Isn’t this truly interesting? His highness must have harbored a firm determination.

And for good reason, the opponent was none other than Hayman. He was the core of Arsen’s faction that had been in check, and the essence of the nobles who had been causing trouble since Mariv and Gale’s rebellion.

“By the way, Duke Hayman.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Are you alright?”

Hayman hesitated at the sudden question. But regardless, Jin feigned innocence and asked after his well-being.

“Except for my mother, you had the most contact with Arsen, who turned out to be a demon.”

It was a move to point out his association with the demon. Most of the attendees were those who had turned their backs believing in Arsen’s magic power, so everyone tensed up, repeatedly wetting their lips with saliva.

“Yes. I was brainwashed without realizing it and almost committed a disgraceful act. But the mages and priests have double-checked, and they say there’s no problem now.”

“Oh? It was brainwashing?”

You’re calmly telling a lie that will be exposed once Ian wakes up and time passes. But Jin just kept nodding his head, pretending to be pondering something.

“However, Your Highness…”

Just as Hayman was about to speak, the Prime Minister’s subordinate entered from outside and urgently conveyed something to him. The Prime Minister’s brow instantly furrowed as he looked at Hayman.

What could it be? Jin was about to ask curiously, but the Prime Minister struck his gavel to prevent it.

Bang! Bang!

“Excuse me. We’ll take about an hour’s break.”

Leaving behind the bewildered nobles, the Prime Minister whispered to Jin. With Mariv, Gale, and even the Emperor absent, he was the only one left in the imperial palace.

“Your Highness. I hear an official delegation from Ruswena has arrived. I’ll meet them first at my level, so please stay in your seat for now.”

Ruswena! Why now? Jin managed his expression and glanced at Hayman. He too was urgently discussing something with other nobles. But, they probably don’t know yet.

As the Prime Minister left the conference hall, Hayman casually inquired after Jin’s well-being.

“Your Highness. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

“It must be thanks to the imperial family’s blessing. That’s a relief. But you know, there’s an incredibly absurd rumor going around, could you confirm if it’s true?”

“Which one?”

“They say that before the demon died, it said Lord Ian was of royal blood. Is that true?”

Quintana, who had stood up to smoke, turned around in disbelief. What nonsense is this? It’s a question far beyond the bounds of common sense. Hayman has gone too far, she thought, clicking her tongue involuntarily as she responded.

“Duke. Your statement is shocking. Even without a scribe, this is the imperial palace. What on earth are you-“

“Even the High Priest, full of divine power, fell helplessly. I’m just asking out of curiosity about how Lord Ian was unharmed. Why are you reacting so sensitively?”

As Quintana was about to retort, snapping her pipe in half, Jin stopped her with his hand. The child kept smiling.

“Duke. Ian is the Minister of the Ministry of Magic. Isn’t it natural that a demon’s tricks wouldn’t work on him, given his extraordinary magical power?”

Then he slowly stood up and approached the duke. Although it was break time and everyone seemed to be minding their own business, they were subtly paying attention to the two.

“And even if not, the demon might have excluded Ian when using its ability to cause confusion.”

“Yes. That’s possible.”

“Ian being of royal blood. Hahaha. You seem to be more conscious of the demon’s words than of the person who saved the imperial palace twice. Perhaps your brainwashing hasn’t fully worn off? You should go to the Ministry of Magic for additional examination.”

As the child approached, Hayman also bent slightly at the waist to meet his eye level. Ian being of royal blood was just a tool to create repercussions. The essence was to shake the relationship between Ian and Jin. He suggested very quietly. Like a demon, it was a tickling whisper.

“I’m just worried about Your Highness. Didn’t the demon say that Ian was hiding his true intentions?”


“So why don’t you test it?”

The matter of Ian rising to the position of minister, actively appointing people despite external opposition. No matter how you look at it, it was an unnecessary thing, but he stubbornly refused to give it up, contrary to reason.

“The construction of the Ministry of Magic’s annex would be appropriate. It’s just to expand the Ministry of Magic’s influence, so I’m curious how Ian would react if Your Highness opposes it.”

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