Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 230

Chapter 230 – D-1

“Your Highness.”


“Your Highness Jin. Are you alright?”

Jin’s eyes snapped open. It felt as if he had been submerged in deep water and suddenly pulled to the surface. As the tight grip of pain in his chest loosened, tears that had pooled in his eyes rolled down.

Xiaoshi was kneeling at the bedside, meeting Jin’s eye level. He must have been calling Jin’s name repeatedly. Unable to touch the prince’s body carelessly, he was about to call for Ian if Jin didn’t wake up this time.

“Haa, haa…”

“Are you feeling unwell? Should I call someone?”


His entire body was drenched in sweat. As the child slightly raised his upper body, Xiaoshi propped up the pillow and poured lukewarm water. The sunlight coming through the window was bright. It must be well past dawn.

“Did anything happen last night?”

What a sudden and vague question. Xiaoshi carefully examined Jin’s complexion. Fear and anxiety were clearly visible.

Well, it’s understandable. Being told that your brother is a demon, and that he had been methodically withering you away for ten years – who could maintain their sanity in such a situation?

Whatever the case, Xiaoshi’s answer was predetermined.

“Nothing happened.”


“Yes. I was by Your Highness’s side all night.”

“I see. So that’s how it was.”

Then it must have been a dream, Jin thought as he awkwardly rubbed his nape, shaking off the embarrassment.

Still, it was fortunate. The fact that he had stood up to Arsen, even if he had been overwhelmed. It felt like his eroded sense of self was slowly coming back to life.

Jin buried his face in the pillow and let out a sigh of relief.

“I’ll have the washbasin brought in.”

“Okay. It would be good to change the bedding too.”

Just a simple nightmare. A vision that naturally appeared due to the tension in his body before the big event. Jin dismissed it as such, shaking off his worries.

Knock knock.

Soon, servants brought in the washbasin and clothes to assist with Jin’s morning grooming. The child sat in the chair, quietly receiving their attention, but somehow something felt strange.

“Is something happening outside?”

The servants’ demeanor was off, and the commotion seemed more than usual. The Ministry of Magic was always noisy, but this was notably different.

The servants remained silent, exchanging glances as if unable to answer.

“I asked a question.”

“We apologize. Well, there’s a rumor spreading in the imperial palace…”

“A rumor? What kind?”

“That His Highness Arsen is a d-demon…”

Jin’s eyes widened. Wasn’t this supposed to be top secret known only to a few? If even a low-ranking servant knew about it, it meant everyone in the palace already knew. Everything had been fine when he went to sleep last night, but in just a few hours, the world had been turned upside down.

Xiaoshi informed Jin as he helped him put on his shoes.

“I hear the master spoke about it at the general assembly last night. It seems he didn’t particularly try to keep it secret, so since dawn, people from other departments have been flooding in, making things a bit chaotic.”

Some came out to directly ascertain the truth, while others strongly protested, demanding an immediate stop to the slander.

It wasn’t just outsiders who were confused. The mages too were debating whether Ian’s statement was true or not.


“Oh my, Your Highness!”

Jin rejected the servant’s assistance and ran towards Ian’s office. But he had to stop in his tracks, unable to get close due to the countless people crowding in front of it.

Thump! Thump thump!

“Lord Ian. Are you in there?”

“We haven’t seen you for days, and when did you go to the general assembly?”

“I heard it was held at night. They say he prepared the carriage quietly.”

“I’m from the Administration Department. Let’s talk!”

“Is what you said at the general assembly true, Lord Ian?”

Murmur murmur, conversations with various intents filled the corridor. Xiaoshi, who had followed, draped a coat over Jin’s shoulders.

“It seems like he’s pulling tricks because he’s afraid of losing his position as minister.”

“Of course. Twins born at the same time, but one’s a demon and one’s human? Who would believe that? He’s clearly trying to create controversy to avoid the upcoming mana confirmation ceremony.”

“Still, this statement carries a different weight. If it’s not true, he’d face immediate execution. The fact that he openly revealed this suggests there might be some credibility to it.”

“Why, didn’t the officials say before? That His Highness Arsen didn’t show his mana in front of people. He used physical condition as an excuse, but don’t you think there must be something off about it?”

“What’s the reaction from His Highness Arsen’s side?”

As Arsen’s name was mentioned, Jin hid himself deeper into the corner. What would Arsen do? Arsen…

Tap tap.


At that moment, there was a presence tapping Jin’s shoulder – it was Ian. He smiled, putting a finger to his lips, then nodded as if to say “let’s go out.” Behind him was Romandro, looking haggard.

Tap tap tap!

“Did you cough? I heard your sleep wasn’t good. You’re not sick, are you?”

“N-no, it’s not that. Don’t worry.”

While walking through a quiet corridor, Jin looked up at Ian. His expression was as calm as ever. Like a sea that embraces everything.

Jin thought that the sea that had engulfed him this morning was both different and similar to Ian’s sea. The clear difference was that being swallowed by Ian’s sea wasn’t frightening.

“I heard that you spoke at the general assembly.”

“That Arsen is a demon? Yes, that’s correct.”

“Why? With only one day left.”

“Because there’s only one day left, it’s the perfect timing. Even for the same phenomenon, conclusions differ based on known facts. There’s a big difference between participating in the confirmation ceremony knowing Arsen is a demon and not knowing.”

“…I don’t quite understand.”

As Jin muttered in confusion, Ian pondered. At times like this, a simple analogy would be best.

“Well, Your Highness. Let’s suppose Berik appeared severely injured. Those who don’t know Berik would only ‘guess’ why he was hurt, but couldn’t ‘be certain.’ Did he fall somewhere? If he’s a slave, was he beaten by his master? If not that, then-“

But someone who knows Berik well could reach ‘certainty’ without going through that process. Romandro, who had been listening from behind, answered instead.

“That rascal, where did he get into a fight again!”

“I want everyone to think like that when they see the injured Berik. That’s why I revealed the information that Berik is aggressive and likes blood.”

The mana confirmation ceremony won’t proceed normally like the New Year’s gathering. There will be numerous reactions revealing that Arsen is a demon, but if one sees it with a blank slate, they might misjudge the effects of the magic.

But if they watch with the information that ‘Arsen is a demon’?

“They’ll be sensitive to even the slightest oddity. That’s why it’s better to inform them before the mana confirmation ceremony.”

“…I’m worried.”

“You’re concerned that Arsen and Hayman might cause trouble, aren’t you?”

At that moment, a rainbow appeared in the distance. It was because the gardener was spraying water generously. He recognized Ian and Jin and greeted them, taking off his hat.

“Arsen didn’t refuse the mana confirmation ceremony and seemed confident. Whatever it is, it means he has the leeway to activate the light of the oracle. And with that, he gained the support of Hayman and his close associates. Even if Arsen himself doesn’t know, those around him are probably celebrating.”

The stakes were high. Didn’t he say he would die if Arsen wasn’t a demon?

It’s a kind of winner-takes-all match. From their perspective, dominating the political situation, there’s no reason to refuse. They can officially and justifiably crush Ian.

“So you can assume there’s no possibility of them causing trouble by overturning the mana confirmation ceremony with just one day left.”

“Um, Lord Ian.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Actually, I had another dream about Lord Roberside.”

He was referring to the night two days ago when Ian had read him a fairy tale, the night when his brother’s identity was first revealed.

Jin was curious. If Arsen was a demon, was he aware of it? Did he really understand the calling of the curse and commit evil acts consciously?

“Lord Roberside didn’t answer.”

“That’s because it’s a question that can’t be answered.”


“Evil people don’t know they’re evil. Likewise, good people don’t think of themselves as good. If someone adorns themselves with flowery words about how good they are, remember this. That person is more arrogant and selfish than anyone else.”

One’s own standard becomes justice. Therefore, there’s no need to know, nor can one know, the other’s self-awareness. Ian grasped Jin’s hand tightly and urged.

“And even if Arsen is unaware that he’s a demon and denies his own existence, don’t waver. That in itself is pure evil. What dies that day is not Your Highness’s brother, but the curse tormenting Bariel.”

Jin nodded, looking straight into Ian’s eyes. It was a promise that he wouldn’t waver. Ian smiled with satisfaction and released the child’s hand.

“Anyway, thanks to stirring things up, the Ministry of Magic is a bit chaotic. Please bear with it until tomorrow, Your Highness.”

“Alright. I’ll personally overlook it.”

“Thank you.”

As the two engaged in playful conversation, mages came running from afar. It seemed the gardener had told them where to find Ian.

Tap tap tap!

“Lord Ian! Oh, really! Lord Ian!”

“Why are you here? Everything’s in chaos inside.”

“That’s precisely why I escaped.”

“Why are you doing this, really! Please don’t. You’re the Minister of Magic!”

As the mages pounced on him, nearly in tears, Ian cut them off with a laugh. They quickly gathered their wits and reported.

“They’ve arrived!”

“They’re just passing through the main gate of the imperial palace now.”

“The Carbó high priests and the light of the oracle!”


“Have you heard?”

“Yes. Lord Ian made a huge mistake. Calling His Highness Arsen a demon? How preposterous! What about His Highness Jin who was born with him? Hah. Ridiculous.”

“I thought my ears were deceiving me.”

“He’s gone too far. It’s a ploy to disparage His Highness Arsen’s mana. We absolutely must not allow it.”

Clatter! Clink!

The ministers gathered in Dilaina’s reception room laughed as they criticized Ian. They said he was resorting to all sorts of antics before the mana confirmation ceremony.

But when Dilaina abruptly set down her teacup as if throwing it, they fell silent and only coughed awkwardly. Arsen, sitting next to her, was indifferently staring out the window.

“Is it amusing? Ian’s statement implies that I gave birth to a demon. It’s an insult to the Carbó family and a disgrace to me and His Majesty the Emperor. I’m so furious I could wring his neck right now, yet you find it laughable? All of you?”

“Lady Dilaina. That’s not what we meant…”

“Ahem. We apologize.”

Dilaina’s eyes narrowed sharply. She looked ready to tear apart anyone who dared to displease her even slightly, in place of Ian. The ministers repeatedly bit their innocent tongues, refraining from speaking.

“Lady Dilaina. Please calm your anger. Once the mana confirmation ceremony is over, you can wring his neck or quarter him as you wish. Then you can also reclaim guardianship of His Highness Jin, and from then on, only blessings will dwell in Bariel.”

At someone’s consolation, Dilaina tightly grasped the hand of her son sitting beside her. How could this lovely, precious son be a demon? The more she dwelled on it, the more indignant she became, flames of anger rising within her.


“Yes, Mother.”

“If only His Majesty the Emperor were here at a time like this.”

The mother embraced her son tightly, but the child merely stared at the ceiling without emotion. How foolish. Did she think there would have been an opportunity if the Emperor was well? Just as Arsen was about to pry off his mother’s arms-

Knock knock!

“What is it?”

“Word just came in. The light of the oracle has just entered the palace.”

“Oh, finally!”

“What perfect timing! Yes! Hahaha!”

The ministers clapped their hands and rose from their seats. It was to welcome the light of the oracle. Everyone wore bright expressions, but oddly enough, only Arsen didn’t smile.

Ian had bet his life. From what Arsen sensed, Ian was not someone who would take a losing bet.

‘…What could it be?’

As Arsen sank deep into thought, Dilaina grasped the child’s shoulders and called out worriedly, as if asking what was troubling him.


Arsen quickly changed his expression and smiled brightly.

“Let’s go out too, Mother.”

He had never used his ability on a mage before. But now that questions about his existence had been raised, there was nothing to lose by trying, right? Whether it would work on Ian, who was the minister, was uncertain. He couldn’t let this day pass with such doubts lingering.

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