Maou no Hajimekata

Volume 2 - Ch 7.1

Translator: Jay_Samuel, Editor: Krizzeir

All right Aur, everythings ready!

Right, good work.

Aur praises Yunis, as he embraces her after she teleported to his side.

I was tired of waiting, to be honest.

Its not my fault that your power is simply too strong.

Aur answered Misha as she bit her lip. Her power turned to be more convenient than Aur had initially assumed. Way too convenient.

As the Goddess of the Boundary, she was able to connect every boundary in existence at the snap of her fingers, whether they be doors, gates or even Dungeons.

Moreover, even though connecting the two points with one another required the usage of magical power, it would seem that it wasnt necessary to maintain the connection. So now it was possible to connect this Dungeon with their base at the Old Continent, allowing their forces to travel freely from place to place.

But that was exactly what also made it so dangerous. Because it they were ever attacked here, the enemy could easily launch an assault on their home base.

Nevertheless, it was still quite useful.

In order to solve this problem, Aur build a special room that was not connected to anything other than Mishas cave. They used normal means of transportation to travel from there to the Dungeon. The distance between those two places was small enough that no one had any objections to that idea.

That way, the enemy could not intrude upon them if he didnt knew the right coordinates. There was still a possibility of someone like Tena existing, but it was nothing that couldnt be offset with a certain level of preparation.

Should worst come to pass, they will just bury the whole place with soil.

Well, Ill open it now.

Misha extended her hands towards the giant gate. As everyone was watching her, she touched it with her fingertips. And then she opened it with a sound typical to that of double doors opening.

Normally there would have been just an empty space, but now, behind that door was a whole new room.

When he saw that, Aurs eyes opened wide. To be honest, he expected something more like whirlpool of energy akin to the one they established at Figlia. But Misha did something else entirely.

Behind those door, a familiar scenery awaited him.

Lord Aur!

Surprisingly, Mio was the first one to jump at him.

As he held her soft body in his arms, many more familiar faces approached them.

Took you long enough!

Im so happy to see you again!

Ellen and Celes were next to jump on him, making the four of them almost trip and fall.

Welcome home, Lord Aur.

Sharl greeted him by pressing her hand against her chest and bowing politely.

Welcome home, Master.

Its been so lonely here without you!

Nadia and Wikia cling together to his other arm.

I missed you too!

When Faro jumped onto his neck, he finally lost his balance and fell onto the ground.

He tried to get up, but the weight of the girls clinging onto him prevented him from doing so. He couldnt even lift a finger.

All right, all right everybody, make way!

When Melizand appeared and began clapping her hands, the girls reluctantly let go of Aur.


Wikia extended her hand to him and helped him get up.

Dont be unreasonable girls, everyone here wants to welcome Aur back.

Aside from the ones present here, the queen and princesses of Figlia, their daughters, and various demons and demi-humans all waited patiently to welcome their Master back home.

Howre ya doin, Master?

Aur smiled back at Gnome who welcomed him with a warm smile.

Welcome back, Master. I hope youre in good health.

Spina was calmer about welcoming him back, perhaps due to the fact that they were frequently seeing each other on the New Continent.

Im back home, me!

Welcome back, me!

Lilu cheerfully welcomed her own clone, whom she left behind to oversee the affairs of the Ground and Heavenly Dungeon.

Welcome home, Aur.

Even though she was standing right next to him, Yunis still said that to him with a smile.


Aur nodded deeply and inhaled the air of his home for the first time in quite a while.

That welcome was a bit too ceremonial.

Sitting on his throne, Aur was checking the reports on what has transpired during his absence.

According to the reports, there was a total of one thousand two hundred attempts to take over both Dungeons, but they were all easily thwarted.

Of course, he had some idea of what was happening, mainly thanks to Yunis who filled him in when she visited them on the New Continent.

Other than that, there was nothing that he should worry about, or that required his immediate attention.

Feeling relieved, he took a deep breath.

Even in his wildest dreams, he would have never anticipated that they would leave the Old Continent for such a long time.

Your loyalty and dedication must be rewarded.

That is why he decided that he should reward his subordinates for doing such a good job while he was away. Each and every one out of his many subordinates.

First in order were Aurs wives and mistresses.

I want you to take it as both a reward, and an apology.

Aside from Lilu, Yunis and Spina, who were with him on the New Continent practically every day, he left the rest of them for almost an entire year.

In other words, their rewards mustve been a sufficient compensation for all the loneliness they mustve felt.

What kind of reward are you talking about, Master?

Ellen of the Black Alv clan asked, when she raised her head.

Aur nodded and replied shortly.

Whatever you decide.

Say what?

Ellens mouth was open wide, as she pondered the meaning behind Aurs words.

Im saying that I will give you whatever you will ask of me.

No, I understand that much, but

Ceres, the head of the White Alv clan cut into her words there.

What we want is not money or treasure.

I know that.

Aur expected that they would ask for something other than material goods. After all, he knew all of them for such a long time that he understood them without them saying a single word.

You want to ask for a day.

As Aur declared that, Ellen and Ceres both titled their heads.

As long as itll be within the scope of acceptance, I will grant you one day to do whatever you want with me.

All of them were honestly surprised.

Is that really okay? For us to have you all to ourselves for an entire day, I mean.

Such a thing can be fun from time to time, so I do not particularly mind it.

Aur answered Sharls question, but the reason was more complex than that.

Everyone knows that a typical ruler is always busy, oftentimes from sunrise to sunset. Even though he just returned, even though Melizand took over a part of his duties, the documents that required his attention, still piled up into mountains, and to realize just how horrific and strenuous the task of organizing them all was, one just had to look at how pale Lilus clone was, when she left Aurs office.

An entire day of time, when considering his busy schedule was more valuable than a pile of gold.

But even so, everyone here just wanted a little of his attention above everything else.

I will make sure to take care of you all equally, regardless of your position in the hierarchy.

Hearing Aurs words, all of the girls stood up and dispersed, concerned with the plans they were going to make for their day off with Aur. Melizand was the only one who stayed.

This is going to be quite an ordeal you got yourself into, you know? Are you sure youre ready for this?

What are you saying? I am the Demon Lord, I was born ready.

Aur answered Melizands suspicions.

You may act all polite and diplomatic, but the truth is, my dear Mary, that youre looking forward to it just like the others.

W-What?! Please, dont be absurd. Something like that would be highly

I cant wait to hear what you are going to wish for when your turn comes.

With a smug expression on his face, Aur left her behind, embarrassed and dumbfounded, as he walked to his office.

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