Maou no Hajimekata

Chapter 17.7

Translator: Reflet


Wha, Lilu, uwah!?

Knocked over by the overbearing Lilus dive into her arms, Yunis rolled off the chair. Just before that, the plate that held a fork and a mountain of pasta along with the table it sat on were instantly transferred to the corner of the room.

Welcome back, Yunis

Oh, its good to be back, Spina. Huh, did you change a bit or what?

Yunis responded to Spina at her own pace, being squeezed by Lilu all the while. A question mark floated above her head as she took notice of Spinas hard expression and closed posture.

Theres a lot that you want to askWell, eat first

As Aur carried two heaping plates of pasta in both of his hands, he set them on the table.

Uhh, yeah, I dont think that even I can eat that much!?

Fool, this is mine and Marys share

Aur said in an exasperated tone while tearing Lilu from Yunis and returning the table back to its original position. However, that full plate was clearly too much even for Mari.

Aaah, YuPasta!

Mary shrieked as soon as she entered the room. She had looked at Yunis for an instant, but her attention immediately shifted to the pasta on top of the table.

Havent changed much either, have ya Mary

Yunis gave a wry smile while petting Mary, who was intently shoving pasta into her mouth.

But wow, that was a little unexpected. I didnt think that you would trust me in such a straightforward manner, Aur

Yunis said while heartily bringing food to her mouth.

I merely concluded that that was the most likely possibility. Dont misinterpret

Lilu lifted a gleeful smile to her face in response to the astonished Aur.

If all else failed, we had Plan B prepared to force you into your corpse and re-brainwash you. Yep, we dont need that corpse anymore so go ahead and dispose of it


Wait dont burn my body!?

When the flabbergasted Yunis stopped Spina, who had nodded without hesitation, the magus teacher and student said with earnest faces,Its obviously a jokeOf course it was a joke. She had never seen a joking aspect of either of them. Just think of it as them rejoicing over our reunion, thought Yunis as she forced herself to come to terms with this.

Oh, so that was why you left the corpse there

Lilu gave an exasperated sigh.

What did you think it was left for?

WellUmm, sentimental valueetc


As Lilu gave her response, Aur snorted with laughter.

Tch, that kinda offends me!

Yunis smiled wryly to their usual back-and-forth exchange.

Yunis, are you hungry or something?

Mary inquired while comparing with her eyes Yuniss empty plate and Yuniss face.


Tears had been running down Yuniss cheeks at some point.

Here you go

Misunderstanding in some way, Mary thrust her plate out to Yunis without hesitation.

Thanks, but, Im fine

Yunis answered with a cheerful smile, not bothering to wipe her ever-flowing tears, overwhelmed with the fact that she had returned to the place where she belonged.

Cause my chest is, already full

So why did you wear that helmet anyway?

Once the lively mealtime had settled down, Lilu gestured to the full-face helmet lying in a corner of the room, inquiring. She had favored light clothing in her previous life, so there was no way that she would have given herself the opportunity to wear a helmet.

Im bad at things like actingSo I wore it in order to not give it away with my facial expressions. Theres also the fact that heroic spirits dont generally change their expressions

Heroic spirits could apparently change their equipment to a certain degree. This was fundamentally the same idea as Lilus ability to shape clothing with mana.

Which means that as I thought, you could move freely as soon as they called you a heroic spirit. I didnt feel any killing intent, so I thought that was odd

YeahIts because big brother assisted me

Yunis mumbled that with a slightly meek expression.

Big brothers ability isLead. It negates any and every arte/technique, denying their existence. And lawful artes are no exception. So without being bound by the lawful artes of a saint, I was able to freely act

So it was Zitelid who dropped the sky-soaring carriages. But, if thats the case then dont they also retain their ego?

Yunis nodded to Aurs question.

Oh, and Father helped too. Its just that they seemed pretty hellbent on defeating you, Aur, so I dont think theyll be allies

So Wolfs also there, huh

Saying things like Take care of my daughterAur had had enough of him. He was someone that Aur would never like to meet again if he could help it.

Are you ready to prostrate yourself in front of him saying Please give me the young lady?

If thatll end it then Ill bow as many times as he wants

After all, unravelling long history would reveal him to be the lands greatest, most famous hero king. He was renowned for living to such an age, siring children that also became heroes known far and wide. If he were to go further and become a heroic spirit, it would be reasonable to imagine that old age would be irrelevant to him, regaining the 100% of the power of Wolfs golden age.

So how many heroic spirits are there?

With me included that would make 7 people. And, each of them have their own unique ability of sortsusing something like magic

Yunisu leaped with a tap, transporting herself right in front of Aur.

I have this. It was calledLeaping Piece. This ability ignores barriers or long distances and allow you to move anywhere in an instant. Seems like you can also pursue someones mana to track down their magical transport destination. Im limited to carrying myself and at most another person, though

Thats ridiculous, thought Aur. Ignoring barriers and distance, that was the kind of power that overturned the very foundations of magic.

Big Brother is Lead, the nullification of every type of arte/technique. Father is Dragon Slayer, and if his opponent is a dragon, he can kill them unconditionally, apparently

So that relates to his great exploit, huh

The genesis of the transportation gate that Yunis had accomplished when Aur was captured in Figuria. That was in fact probably her greatest achievement of great exploits, using her power. And now, Aur had come to get a good idea of what kind of thing lawful artes really were.

The force urges reason, which is the power that shapes the world. Which means that lawful artes, are artes that create reasoncreate law and order, huh

Much like how things fall to the earth, Wolf could not lose to a dragon. To bring about rules themselves that make such a thing natural. That was the essence of lawful artes.

Magic twisted reason, but magic had its own magical rules. Perhaps they could be referred to as the logic of magic. What could and could not be done with magic was made clear, and there were certain things that were set in stone and common sense. Lawful artes distorted that, twisted it.

Cant tell what exactly the abilities of the other 4 are. I just killed one of them, so 3 more, I suppose. They were calledMagic Bullet,Avidya, andImmortal

Along with their names, Yunis gave basic descriptions of various things such as their outer appearance.

Magic Bullet and Avidya are probably The Magical Bullet ArcherRex and, The BlindGaius. As forImmortalI dunno

Aur shuffled through his memories, finding applicable hero names. Rex was also known asHundred in One Shot, a master archer who never missed with his arrows. There was only one time in his life when the arrows aim was deviated by someones scheme, shooting his wife to death.

Gaius The Blind was a special case of having acquired his Herostatus. Bathing in the blood of saints, it was said that he gained sight. Afterwards, it was said that he devotedly killed many monsters and fought for the sake of the world but was killed by a saints disciple.

Heeey, heroic spirits are what heroes become after they die, right?

What are you saying so late into the conversation

Lilu flapped her hands to Aurs exasperated words.

NoI was just thinking, ifImmortaldoesnt die then how did he become a heroic spirit

Unh, Aur muttered for an instant. But that wasnt because he thought that Lilus words hit home.

On the contrary, immortal heroes arent scarce. However, as the meaning suggests, there are no heroes who do not die

A heros ability was generally was god-given. If even that god was destroyed, there was no way that heroes would not be destroyed.

For most of them theres some sort of weak point, and if you strike there then they die. It could be their ankle, their back, or even the protection of some sort of contract

But that was only the law of the earths surface. The lawful artes of heroes who polished on earth their god-given power and rose to heaven were abilities were a cut above that.

Would an immortal man turned heroic spirit die after all?

A tinge of discomfort floated across Aurs heart.

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