Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Volume 5 - Ch 7

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One week had passed since the start of the new semester.

At last it was time to officially announce the Student Council President election, even among those who were not really involved (especially students in classes E to H). "Who will be a candidate?, "Who has influence?", and similar topics could be heard. As classmates exchanged morning greetings, Tatsuya, who was going to his assigned terminal, heard the voice of the previously arrived Mikihiko call out Morning, Tatsuya.

Morning. Mikihiko, youre always early.

Ha ha, youre right. Because Ive recently been given more Asa no Gongyou to do, I really wanted to take on things a little more slowly, but tradition.

The word, Gongyou, originally indicated Buddhist religious services. But, probably due to the influence of the Shinto-Buddhist amalgamation, even people like Mikihiko, who came from a long line of Shintoists, used the word Gongyou. In short, Asa no Gongyou was early morning religious rites. That the phrase been given more properly meant I can participate again, Tatsuya grasped from the crumbs of information he got when talking to both Mikihiko himself and Erika.

His friend was not only steadily regaining his power, but increasing his power as well. He was happy for him, but he was also envious. Previously, Mari had tossed around a joke about him transferring into course one, but Tatsuya thought Mikihiko might really become the first person to transfer from course two into course one.

By the way Tatsuya, I have to ask you about something you might think is weird, but

Something weird?

This blunt but muttered inquiry seemed to be coming from out of left field. His first response was to tell him to proceed. After all, the two of them were fellow students, but he withheld comment and slowed to keep in step with him.

I dont think this is very weird, but Tatsuya, is it really true that youre a candidate for Student Council President?

What did you say?

There was no way Tatsuya was not listening to what Mikihiko said. Tatsuya responded this way because his astonishment was so great.

No, well, Im asking because there is this rumor that Tatsuya is a candidate for Student Council President going around.

Rumor? I didnt do it!

Tatsuya didnt consider himself especially good at reading people, but Mikihiko proclaimed innocence with every excited gesture.

Yesterday, after school in the practice room, Tsuzura-sensei questioned me. Is it really true that Shiba Tatsuya is a candidate for Student Council President? is what he said.

Instructor Tsuzura's specialty was magic geometry, and he was also well versed in magic engineering; currently he was teaching the second years. His principal occupation was a university professor.

In the academic world, he was known as an excellent young researcher. It was also proclaimed that he would soon receive the office of associate professor. However, not only his way of thinkingbut also his speech and conduct were a little too loose and independent. For disciplinary reasons, he was transferred to a high school associated with his university. Nonetheless he himself said he wasnt bothered by it; I can do independent research, the troublesome fellow rejoiced.

Maybe because he had that kind of temperament, he was one of the teachers who made a special effort to look after the second course students. He didnt even limit himself to his assigned year. Tatsuya had also been called over for a chat countless times.

This tall tale is being spread by them?

Oh, so it is a tall tale? I thought it strange since you said you had no interest in being a candidate the other day.

Tatsuya had a flabbergasted expression as he nodded to the dejected looking Mikihiko.

I dont think I could get any votes if I was a candidate, and as I said before I dont intend to run. How did this rumor get spread among the teachers?

Dont know

Mikihiko couldnt possibly know what was going on in the staff room. As expected, all he could do was tilt his head at him.

Even Tatsuya did not ask in the expectation of an answer; he asked it as a way of grumbling.

Its not just the teachers.

However, contrary to his expectations, testimony that pointed in an unpleasant direction was extracted from a nearby listener.

During club activities, I heard bits and pieces of the senpais gossiping about it. Surprisingly, everybody seemed receptive to the idea.

After Leo, who sat in front of him, said that, Erika, who was half sitting, half leaning on Mizukis desk, also sang the same tune.

Oh, now that you mention it, I overheard somebody talking about it yesterday. It was something about a first year who was a member of the Public Moral Committee taking part in the upcoming Student Council election. Now that Ive considered it, thats got to be about Tatsuya-kun, right?

Right? Tatsuya didnt want to nod his agreement with what she said, but after synthesizing Mikihikos intelligence report as well as Leos and Erikas, no other conclusion could possibly be made.

Me, too

Oh no, not Mizuki as well. Tatsuya wanted take cover under his desk.

I have a fleeting memory of something like that being said when I was in the Counseling room, yesterday.

However, upon hearing the identity of whom she heard the rumor from, a with positivity, anything can be dealt with kind of feeling was born.

Actually, it was the feeling of knowing that he was going to interrogate Haruka. I think there remain some objections over whether it was really okay to call something like that positivity.

The one who would protest the most about referring to Tatsuyas operational plan as positivity would probably be Haruka.

Its still in the middle of first period!

In a manner unbecoming of a counselor, Haruka scowled a grimace at Tatsuya, who was visiting the Counseling room.

Apparently, the sneaky way he got the No Head Dragon intelligence (!?) had left her feeling abused. If you viewed it the way Tatsuya did, it was not like there was a contract that placed restraints on how he could use the bought information.

The assigned work for first period is completed.

Naturally, Tatsuya felt no mental distress at being hated by Haruka. They shared the same secrets with each other, but not quite, because the cards Tatsuya held were the stronger of the two.

Quite the high achiever, arent you.

A low achiever. I barely made it in with all the red marks on my practical exams.

Somehow, when you say that, I cant hear any sarcasm.

Between the two of them, they shared what might be called an intimacy that didnt require polite niceties.

Thats because its true. Well, more importantly, theres something worrying me. I would like to consult you about it.

When Tatsuya made this conversational gambit, Harukas eyes widened and she straightened her posture automatically.

Please feel free to consult me about anything.

She was extremely conscious of her professional duties, but her quick switch made him feel slightly uneasy about his ability to pass his classes. Well, it was about time she learned that the worry he had brought to the counselor was outside her official sphere.

My worry, youd call it, is the Student Council election at the end of the month.

They certainly made a mess of recruiting candidates this time. So thats it? Has your younger sister been requested to run for Student Council President?

Oh yes, Im certainly worried about that. However, what I wanted to consult you about today concerns a different rumor.


Yes, the rumor about me becoming a candidate thats started floating around the staff room; you wouldnt happen to know anything about that?

As Tatsuya broached the subject he stood face to face with Haruka and looked directly into her eyes, for an instant and really for an instant only an oh, no look showed on her face.

You talked to Shibata-san about this yesterday. I would like the details fully explained to me.

But no matter how short the instant was, any change of expression that occurred under the steady gaze of his eyes would not be missed. There was no way that Tatsuya could have failed to notice it.

I thought it is unthinkable, but, could Ono-sensei have scattered this rumor that couldnt have happened around on her own initiative?

Harukas facial muscles relaxed and contracted in a dizzying fashion. Eventually, her expression settled into her normal amiable smile.

Yes, indeed that would be unthinkable. There is no way I would do such an irresponsible thing.

There was no trace of strain in her lips.

Her facial control skills seemed to have made remarkable progress. How on earth did this tall tale start circulating?

What so it is a tall tale. Well, thats the way it is Shiba-kuns not the type to take the center stage; youre more the 'pull strings behind the curtain' type.

I will not deny it.

Their eyes met, and the two of them exchanged evil grins. Perhaps this could be the influence of their shared master.

Nevertheless, a degree of commonality wasnt reason enough to collude with each other.

Now then, how on earth did this tall tale about me becoming a candidate for Student Council President start circulating?

Sorry, I dont really know a lot about that? Really, the part you do know is sufficient.

Tatsuya looked extremely at ease as he waited for Harukas answer. Playing dumb would gain her nothing, Haruka realized.

To begin with there wasnt any reason to be silent about what she herself heard.

Im not really sure who said what, but is it alright to act as if it was one of those verbal message type games? Looks like Hattori-kun wont run. Looks like Nakajou-san wont run. It seems so troublesome to have to search for a presidential candidate. Hey, wouldnt Shiba-san make an amusing one? somehow turned into Looks like Shiba-san will run. Shiba-kun will run. Eh, Shiba-kun? Yeah, the Public Moral Committees. Oh, the one who took part in the newcomers tournament? Hmm, wouldnt that be interesting? in no time.

After listening to Haruka, Tatsuya was so exhausted that he felt like he could fall off his chair.

How could the teachers believe such a half-baked rumor?

Well, rumors are naturally irresponsible and half-baked things. His fellow first years and the upperclassmen seem to have fished it out from the water cooler talk, so even if Tatsuya wanted to track the rumor piece by piece, there is no way to track down the pieces.

But, superior people like Tsuzuraat least theyre intellectually superior people serious enough to become professor, the staff shouldnt be as easy to fool.

Tatsuya wasnt quite ready to throw away the possibility that someone might be intentionally manipulating the rumor mill.

There are more serious people among the students than among the teachers. The details of what happened in April were kept from the students, but since the staff knows the facts

The Blanche incident?

Thats right. There are many teachers who rate Shiba-kun quite highly for being central to getting that matter settled.

Unfortunately, he hadnt foreseen this. That that matter would stand out so much Tatsuya thought he wasnt self aware enough.

They dont know the exact details because Juumonji-kun kept a lid on those, but they do know that you drove the terrorists off with your own power, and that point causes them to regard you quite highly. Because they want the Student Council President of a magic high school to be extremely powerful, quite a lot of the teachers think it would be amusing to have a first year president if he possessed that kind of supreme power.

This is getting to be really bad, Tatsuya thought.

With Harukas words ringing through his head, Tatsuya considered how to handle the matter.

Before exiting the counseling room, he made certain that he had not made any inquiries into the methods she used to acquire information.

However, there were a limited number of methods that could be used to squash a baseless rumor. Furthermore none of them were available to him.

Therefore he had to destroy the base that the rumors were springing from; you could call the results of meeting with Haruka quite effective.

Thinking like that might comfort himself, but the weight of his burdens had not lessened.

A class of 25 people was not a lot of people. You could grasp who was doing what with one glance. In addition to him, there were only four people not chit- chatting before instruction started, so twenty people were. He didnt like it, but he could tell that not one of those twenty wasnt whispering the gossip about him.

The fragmentary conversations he could overhear all used words like just like I thought, President and Election.

It was well beyond being merely uncomfortable. Tatsuya, please. May I have a moment of your time?

Mayumi made her Royal Entrance (though that is a rather grand description to apply to an upperclassman, these days) into the first years classroom, stopped directly in front of the desk he was sitting at, and with what could only be called cuteness(!), clasped both hands together and blurted out those words.

Behind her back, Suzune looked at the scene with a disgusted look on her face.

Tatsuya made a fleeting glance at the digital clock running at the corner of his display. Five minutes remained of the break between first and second period. If they were thinking of returning to the third year classroom, that left only a minute to talk.

If we say its for official Student Council business, none of us receive red marks.

Mayumi, with her clasped hands, answered the unspoken question she read in Tatsuyas eyes. Still, the location of those hands was subtly lower. It was a bad omen; she might change her hands into full on prayer mode and imitate a Virgin Mary statue.

Both hands together, tearful eyes; if any one could pull off a stunt like that, it was Mayumi.

Second period followed first period and classroom instruction took place via computer terminal. About twenty to thirty minutes passed by without more trouble landing on Tatsuya.

Tatsuya stood up from his seat and, under the gazes of his friends, lightly bowed towards Mayumi.

As if he were exchanging places with Mayumi, he stood in front of his desk and held out his own ID card so the Student Council permit could be entered.

He was escorted to the Student Council room.

Tatsuya understood why they came and got him now when they knew he was probably going to spend his lunch hour there with them.

Sorry for interrupting your class, but we only have one more day.

Upon being offered an apology by Suzune, Tatsuya shook his head and said No, I dont mind.

Thank you, I am relieved that you say so.

Phew. Taking an exaggerated breath, Mayumi broached the main topic. To be frank, this concerns the upcoming election

It met his expectations, exactly.

Tatsuya had already decided on his reply. I think its too soon for Miyuki. Miyuki-san How did you know?

To wide-eyed Mayumi who was obviously thinking It cant be, a mind reading technique, Tatsuya gave a reluctant smile and explained the trick.

You didnt wait for the noon break and deliberately came for me during class; therefore, you probably wanted to consult me at a time when Miyuki wouldnt be there. Also, when you consider the time constraints, I understood that we would be discussing making Miyuki a candidate for Student Council President.

Tatsuya wasnt making these comments to make a show of his deductive skills.

Mayumi alone he could probably handle; with Suzune acting as her tag team partner, however, he was afraid that they could persuade him if he didnt disrupt their strategy at the outset.

His preemptive strike had hit his target, just now.

Before his opponentsespecially Suzunecould regroup, Tatsuya had to seize the upper hand to make victory inevitable.

There is nothing official that bars a first year from becoming Student Council President, right. However, it is too soon for Miyuki. She is not yet able to act as head of this organization.

When she was in middle school, she didnt undertake a similar duty to Student Council President?

I stopped her.

Suzunes question received an immediate negative reply. When I look at her, all I see is level headedness

Miyuki is still a child. I might be over protective, but she still cant completely control herself. At least, wait until she can keep her magic from running wild.

In answer to Mayumis inquiry, words of rebuttal seemed to fall to the floor.

Mayumi and Suzune both had faces that looked full of words they wished to speakmainly, about being over protective. There is no might be about it it is a fact that you arehowever, a tendency to let magic to run wild could not be overlooked in a Student Council President. They could not refute that point.

But, were stumped. Tomorrow, the public announcement of the election will be made, but we dont have any candidates.

I thought the deadline to announce candidates was one week.

To Tatsuyas implied Dont we have a week to find a candidate?, Mayumi shook her head with a dark look on her face.

Narrowing down the choices for the next student body president is the Student Councils duty. Otherwise, we get overwhelmed by a flood of candidates.

Isnt having a lot of different candidates running for office considered more respectable?

Even compared to an eruption of fights with magic? With everyone battling it out to see who will become Student Council President?

Certainly, if that happened, the turmoil would be even greater than that of the new student invitation week.

Wouldnt whatever happenedinvolve only the students who wanted to become Student Council President?

However, if it was just over who would become Student Council President, they could guard against the uproar.

Tatsuya-kun, you are being nave.

Mayumi crushed Tatsuyas theory in one blow.

The Student Council of this school has tremendous privileges, and even after graduation are appraised as being elite. Actually, four years ago, the Student Council at the time advocated a Democratic Free Election. On that occasion, the number of seriously wounded people went into the double digits. The Democratic Free Election signs were taken down, and the Student Council President strongly recommended the vice president become the next president to get the situation finally under control, according to our records.

Tatsuyas doubts were vanquished by Suzunes astonishingly violent tale. Is this a school or a third world country?

A groan leaked out of Tatsuya.

A great talent for magic can destroy the bonds of self-restraint. High school students arent adults after all.

Mayumi was once again before his eyes, entreating him with her hands.

Cant you see? Tatsuya-kun might only be able to see her as a mere child, but Miyuki-san would surely be fine. As they say, the person rises to the position.

It has come to this, Tatsuya thought.

I can still make a show of stringently clinging to the impression that I believe a first year shouldnt become Student Council President.

So then

How about we put Miyuki aside for the moment, and think about the matter of Nakajou-senpais refusal of candidacy? Both in terms of proper order and actual ability, isnt Nakajou-senpai the most suitable person to become the next Student Council President?

As Tatsuya made his point, Mayumis face turned grim and she sunk into silence.

That is certainly true, but

Suzune, too, had no words to refute that argument.

Yes, this was so obvious to all of them that no one had to say anything.

If Azusa hadnt so selfishly backed out, Tatsuya wouldnt have to debate this issue; that was so clear that no explanation was needed.

Nonetheless, Tatsuyas next comment was unexpected by both Mayumi and Suzune.

If you like, I can go and try to persuade Nakajou-senpai?

Eh? Tatsuya-kun will try to persuade A-chan for us? Yes.

For Mayumi, this was all so unexpected that she was unsure what face to make for a while, but as the meaning of Tatsuyas word slowly started to sink in, she unconsciously seized his hand in a tight grip.

Youll really do it? You couldnt possibly fail! You absolutely must do it! Of course, I can rely on you, Tatsuya-kun!

Tatsuyas seized hand seemed as if it was about to buzz, so enthusiastically did Mayumi shake it up and down. Glancing at each other's faces, Suzune and Tatsuya flashed wry smiles.

At lunchtime that day, perhaps because she had an instinct as keen as a small animal for sensing danger, Azusa did not come to the Student Council room. At this rate, she might find a way to avoid me after school as well for some reason, thought Tatsuya, so just after the end of fifth period, he marched into Azusas classroom. (Magic High school finished at 3 pm in the afternoon; fifth period finished at 2 pm in the afternoon.)

He spied on the state of affairs inside the classroom from the doorway. Azusa was hurriedly making preparations to leave. She was probably trying to engineer an escape before she was caught, but she was tripped up by the fact that a student as serious as herself would never leave her terminal before instruction was over.

Unlike Tatsuya, who wasnt pigeonholed by ruleshe probably wouldnt hesitate to soil his hands with a serious crimedragging his sister along, he stepped into the classroom of Class A second year.

He received some who does this guy think he is stares, primarily directed to him from the male students, but as expected, there was no one with the type of childish mentality that insisted on attacking an underclassman for daring to enter their domain. The gazes of the female students were different; they evaluated him the same way they evaluated designer goods. The pressure of their gazes was strong, but none of them looked like they were going to bother to confront him, it seemed. Tatsuya shamelessly ignored both forms of stares and went directly to Azusas seat.

Azusa was aware of his approach midway. However, the interval she spent pondering how can I flee without looking strange meant that he was able to arrive before her eyes.

With a hesitant but forced smile, Azusa stood up.

She had fiercely grasped her schoolbag, but her legs wouldnt move. There was a 30 cm difference height wise between Tatsuya and Azusa.

Normally, this was not an intimidating advantage in confrontations; sitting or standing, this didnt seem like much of a difference, but somehow he managed to take a position where he appeared to be looking down at her.

An overly bright smile floating across his face, Tatsuyas eyes bore into Azusas eyes and wouldnt let them escape.


There was nothing outstanding about any of the features of Tatsuyas face and body, nor did he possess the type of beautiful voice that people loved to listen to, but perhaps thanks to the effect combat training had on his throat and lungs, his voice had a deep penetrating quality when he spoke. A young girl might find that his voice radiated a somber or mature feeling.

I would like to talk to you for a moment.

So a timid, young girl might find his voice radiating an overwhelming pressure. Well, I, today is a little

It wont take all that much time.

With that he cut off all escape routes to Azusa, who was still trying to find a way to flee. By strengthening his tone slightly, Tatsuya had added weight to his words.

Rightly or wrongly, Azusas eyes were held with inconceivable force. On the other hand, if any of Azusas classmates looked at the two of them (especially the girl students), all they would see was two people staring into each others eyes while whispering.

The fragmentary conversations that could be overheard, remarks like surprisingly forceful, so fierce, and that might be nice were paired with glances that hit with regularity.

As the gazes directed at her brother consciously or unconsciously took on an air of flirtation, Miyukis mood swiftly plummeted.

And so from behind Tatsuyas backin short from Miyukithe aura of an angry woman radiated and added to the incredible pressure felt by Azusa.

Five minutes would be enough. Well, if it is really only five minutes.

Azusa trailing behind Tatsuya was the result of what could be called giving into pressure tactics as opposed to being caught by a trite sales pitch.

Her hands were bound by neither handcuffs nor rope, but somehow, no matter how you looked at it, she was the very image of a perpetrator being escorted by the police.

To be brief.

Taking a corner seat in a caf, Tatsuya sat down and began to talk. Nakajou-senpai. Please be a candidate for Student Council President.

Just like I thought, this subject did the Student Council President ask you to persuade me?


Originally it was not the persuasion of Azusa but rather the persuasion of Miyuki who was standing behind him that was requested, but Tatsuya was not breathing a word about that.

It's impossible for me to do it. Such an important job, I could never fulfill the duties of Student Council president.

Azusas attitude was more obstinate than predicted. And just now, she looked as if she would burst into tears. If he drove her into a corner, she really might break down crying. No, there was no might, the possibility was high.

However, if he was going to give up just like that, he would never have undertaken persuading her in the first place.

Hattori-senpai will become the Club Management Group Leader next season, so he cant be a candidate in the Student Council President election. If Nakajou- senpai doesnt become a candidate, the election will not be under the control of the Student Council.

Wouldnt that be all right? There are a lot of people more suited to be Student Council President than me.

As he received Azusas aggressive answer, Tatsuya made a deep sigh.

The silence didnt last ten seconds before Azusa begun to show signs of discomfort by fidgeting. She cast a fleeting glance at Tatsuya, who showed no response. Next she cast a fleeting glance in Miyukis direction. Miyuki wore the hard to read Archaic Smile (Like the smile on ancient Greek statues) on her face and watched Azusa intently. The smile gave off the illusion that you were being trapped by it. Azusa violently averted her face.

Towards Tatsuya.

And so, their gazes aligned perfectly.

Azusa stiffened with a look of eek written upon her face. Tatsuya sighed once again.

Would it really be all right? Even if the tragedy of four years ago was repeated?

Tragedy somehow seems so melodramatic, thought Miyuki who was listening nearby; Tatsuya himself felt the word was melodramatic.

Nonetheless, if you looked at Azusa, you could see her initially shocked face grow paler.

At that time, there were over ten seriously injured people. I think that Nakajou- senpai is more familiar with the recorded details than I am.

Pitifully, Azusas lips almost imperceptibly trembled with unrest. However, Tatsuya,

We should also have pictorial records of that time? Serious wounds caused by magic..If possible Id rather not look at something like that.

And so he struck a final blow.

The Student Council secretarys main duty was to manage the Student Councils records. There would be a lot of records for an incident of such proportions, and in order to properly manage those records she would not only have to touch them but examine them too.

As predicted, not only her lips but her entire body was trembling. Isnt history supposed to repeat itself

Whwhat should I do

Unto Azusa who wore a cornered expression, Miyuki, who had maintained her silence ever since arriving at the caf, answered with a gentle smile.

If Nakajou-senpai becomes a candidate for Student Council President, that state of affairs can be avoided. Its all right. Senpai will surely do well.

Azusas vision wobbled violently.

The brother threatens, and the sister offers a helping hand. Truly splendid teamwork.

Oh, that reminds me

The seriousness he had maintained until then dissolvedor appeared to anyway. Indeed, his face said I just remembered and Tatsuya brought out the next carrot.

I happened to have come into possession of the FLT flying device and monitor that go on sale next week

Upon hearing those words, Azusas eyes shined with sparkles.

Her pale face took on a healthy glow and she leaned forward across the table.

By that, could you possibly mean the Silver Model flying magic specialized CAD? They only announced the discovery of flying magic in July. To put in practice effectively, it would take the absolutely newest Silver Model!?

As Tatsuya nodded, Azusa looked at him as if she wanted to eat him.

Her eyes stated I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it

Well the monitor is a stock item, but they are 'not for sale' goods that haven't been marred by a serial number.

Azusas throat moved as she gulped. Her eyes were hazy as if she had a fever.

Nevertheless, performance-wise theyre no different than the 'for sale' model. I thought they would make a fine gift to celebrate your instatement as Student Council President.


Azusa raised her voice and made a gleeful cry.

Her chair fell over with a loud sound, but Azusa paid absolutely no attention to the stares she was receiving. It was more like there was no space in her mind that could pay attention.

Yes, Nakajou-senpai has looked after Miyuki so much. If you are inaugurated as the new Student Council President, I was thinking of giving them to you as a gift to honor the occasion

Ill do it! I wont lose to anyone! Ill absolutely win the presidential election!

Glaring at the illusion of an unseen opponent, Azusa made powerful declarations.

In the first place, due to the lack of candidates, she herself had been subjected to a round of carrot and stick persuasion. In this kind of situation, a vote of confidence was not needed and the fact that she had previously refused the job, all had been totally ejected from Azusas consciousness.

In front of Azusa who was trapped in a maniac state, Tatsuya and Miyuki stealthily nodded to each other.

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