Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 139: True Path Part 1- Witch Race

Chapter 139: True Path Part 1- Witch Race

"Damn! I can't believe the witch race will be invading the earth. I thought it would be just a coincidence that the witch race was found on the earth, but I didn't expect it to be a long-term conspiracy." A handsome young man wiped the blood away from his mouth.

This handsome youth was floating in the space wearing a special black human skin. This skin was very small and light, but it contained a lot of oxygen and it was completely different from than space suit. From the outer appearance, it is no different than normal skin.

This youth was one of the top geniuses of the earth with heaven rank talent. He had cultivated to the realm of Martial King within the age of nineteen. He was also the son of Thunder Emperor. His name was Steve Roger.

He was on a dangerous mission send by his father. His mission was to quietly invade and inspect the witch race from the solar system that was fifty light-years away from the earth. But he was found out by them.

In his escape, before he could enter his own solar system, his spaceship was broken by them. Fortunately, he still had a lot of energy in his body so he decided to rush on his feet. As long as he could enter the boundaries of his solar system, he can contact his dad.

But the chances were also very slim. Since there was still some witch race spaceship chasing him, he couldn't simply rush. He was carefully hiding and rushing away.

'I need to make sure I don't enter the gravitational field of any planets.' With careful strategy, he quietly moved behind some asteroid around his solar system.

"Whoosh" "Boom"

But suddenly, the asteroid he was hiding was blasted by a powerful laser. This blasted shook him and the impact caused him drifted towards his solar system. The impact was so hard, it caused him to move very fast.

But there was a problem, even though he entered his solar system, the transmitter in his hand got destroyed by the impact. It was so big and powerful that it sends him flying far away.

"Shoot him!" Seeing the wounded body of Steve, a human in the large spaceship shouted to the controller of the spaceship. There were around ten people in the spaceship and all of them looked different from each other yet similar to humans.

The Witch Race is one of the ancient races of the universe. Their original appearance is hard to find because they are cursed not to show their face in front of anyone. So normally, they take the facial and body appearance of other races.

They found the human race appearance was the most distinguished one, so their race looked exactly like humans. This race has high talent over magic since they can easily harness the power of difficult yet powerful elements like blood, curse, poison, undead, and even soul.

But now, this race has shrunken a lot due to the purity of the bloodline. The witch race possesses a witch bloodline which could be one of the top bloodlines in the entire universe but because of its extreme power, its purity lessens a lot.

Of course, there are still witch powerhouses spread throughout the universe, but they aren't powerful as they were.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh"

"Boom" "Boom"

Their spaceship shot another two lasers towards Steve. Fortunately, he seems to have blessed with a lot of luck, both of these shots collided against the asteroids.

This made him flew out with an even greater impact. His speed increased unfortunately he got no way to communicate with his father. With no choice left, he leaves his life to fate. Slowly his body drifted towards the giant planet Jupiter.

He was shocked he safely passed through the domain of three planets, but this planet was very dangerous. And with his current condition, he didn't have any chance to survive here. Fortunately, he got lucky again.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

His body moved here and there with impact, finally moving away from the domain of Jupiter. But he was still near the range of the red planet. But at least, he was glad if he could enter the gravity of this planet.

After all, he still got the last treasure that his father passed him. He slowly drifted towards the domain of the planet Mars. At first, he was glad to think they won't follow him to the inner domain of their solar system, but when he entered the gravity zone of the planet Mars, he found he was very wrong.

Although they didn't bring any spaceship, he saw twenty people moving out of the spaceship. Slowly his vision turned blurry as the suit of armor covered his body. This armor was red in color and exactly like the armor of the fourth prince.

But its quality was high. With the help of armor, he slowly regains some power against the gravity of mars. But he didn't slow down, he moved at an insane speed towards the ground. But to save himself, he moved diagonally, so even if he falls, he will fall far away.

Even though he moved at incredible speed, he was still injured previously, so he couldn't handle a huge impact, that's why he began to heal himself inside the armor.

At the same time,

A spaceship slowly entered the space from the earth. This space was not huge, not simple either. There were four people in the control room of the spaceship. They were Klink, Jian Tian, James Torres, and Rocky. This spaceship belonged to Rocky, so he followed others.

As for their reason, it was basically because of James. To start his cultivation, he needed many herbs and medicines, among them, only three couldn't be found on the earth. They need to enter Mars to search for three treasures; Red Dust Flower, Lavanedo Monster Core, and Flame Dragon Blood Essence.

Currently, Mars was inhabited by other races but not only completely. There were many places that were completely barren and they can find the first two of these treasures on those barren land.

As for Flame Dragon Blood Essence, it can only be earned through an auction house that runs on Mars. They had already taken permission from Johnny, so they had nothing to worry about.

As for Johnny, he was getting ready for another life-changing event.

On the ground, Johnny was sitting cross-legged while wearing only underwear. Fortunately, the girl in the white skirt had no expression against it. So he was quietly waiting for her actions. Once again he made a rash decision, but this time he puts all of his faith in the girl in the white skirt.

The girl in white cloth touched his shoulder, and suddenly a strange power moved out of her body. This power was not only strange but also extraordinary. When the aura of this power touched his skin, it completely disintegrated that part.

The cells divided into several parts and blood gushed out. This caused him to grit his teeth in pain, but he didn't scream. Slowly that power reached his muscles, and the same thing happened again.

"Ahh" This time, he couldn't hold his pain and screamed out. This scream caused his own ear to burst in pain. Here's pain, there's pain, everywhere's pain, and pain.

She told him this would be very painful and no matter the condition, he can't go unconscious. This was a blessing but with huge sacrifice. This pain was tearing his heart apart. That energy slowly moved all around his body and disintegrated every part.

"Ahhhh" "Ahhhh" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "This is fucking painful!"

Curses after curses came out of his mouth but nothing relieved his pain. His body slowly disintegrated into nothingness. But his heart was still beating and the space around it seems frozen, and the same goes for his brain.

At this moment, strange energy came out of his heart. Currently, his bloodline sources were hidden in his heart, and once they came out, the strange energy got transformed by the girl in the white skirt. Suddenly that strange energy burst a powerful aura which engulfed everything that was disintegrated, trying to repair it but it wasn't strong enough.

Slowly this aura began to repair some parts like his skin, flesh, and bones but nothing more. At this moment, there was another thing except for his heart and brain, it was his soul that was hovering in the shape of fog, blue fog.

"Now! Undead Phoenix Flames!" Suddenly, a fire moved out of the girl in the white skirt's hands. This was blue fire, it engulfed the strange energy. Surprisingly, this flame didn't burn him but caused a strange reaction to the strange energy.

Slowly, this flame covered his heart too, and mainly his heart. Although he couldn't speak he could sense everything. He felt his heartbeat was getting stronger as each second passes. This was strange but definitely understandable.

Slowly he found his heart was mutating, and the power of his heart was getting stronger.

Suddenly, that strange energy erupted from his heart as the blue flames slowly dissipated. A smile appeared in the corner of her lips as she spoke "Awakened Undead Bloodline!" 

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