Luminary Institute

68: Spine Pulverization

68: Spine Pulverization

After all filing onto a bus, the class and Angelica dealt with their first tribulation of the north: the bumpy ride. Managing to survive with the use of their jackets as cushions, they disembarked a tiny city bordering the Cerbos Lake. 

“... I think I just got my spine pulverized,” Albion muttered under his breath with a scowl as his free hand rubbed his backside. The suitcase he rolled along with his other hand bounced along the uneven pavement, crashing into every single other suitcase as the class gathered into a small group. 

“Alright, there’s not much to do from here, I’ve kept our schedule today light on purpose,” Angelica leaned against her suitcase handle with a smile. “We’ll drop our bags off at the cabin the school’s rented out, then you’re free to do whatever. I’d recommend doing some mix of visiting the hunter’s association, sightseeing, eating out, and idle wandering. It's a new environment, and I’m sure not all of you have gone out much to areas like this. Just... make sure to stay safe. You’re all close to being, if not already, of age.” 

Ryker, hearing her last line, flexed his arm and high-fived Electra before getting shushed. After giving the two of them a light glare, Angelica motioned for the class to keep walking. “We’re not that far, so let’s keep going.” 

Their footsteps crunched against the half-gravel pavement. As an entourage, they came in sight of the beach and its navy blue waves. The overcast skies cast an atmosphere of quietude over the area. Even the beachgoers lacked

“Don’t the beachgoers look... a little unlike beachgoers?” Celeste murmured, leaning over to whisper into Nyssa’s ear. “Like... I’m pretty sure most friend groups don’t bring weapon cases to the beach.” 

“You’re... totally right about that,” Nyssa rubbed her chin. 

Sure, they do seem normal with their swimsuits and beach volleyball setup, but... But the giant array of rifles and sizable missile rack sitting in the sand does not inspire confidence for the lake’s safety. 

“Come on, come on, don’t stare, okay?” Angelica hurried the students along as they began ascending the stairs to climb a hill. Stronger than most, she reached out and relieved a couple of those who had heavier bags. Hoisting them over her shoulder, she collapsed her suitcase’s handle and strode forward. “We’re almost there, so just push through!” 

Together, their footsteps clunked up the wooden stairs as the smell of the Their footsteps clunked up the wooden stairs as the smell of the lake filled their noses. Given its gargantuan size, everyone couldn’t help but feel their noses prickle from the faint breeze brushing by them. 

“... Almost there...” Electra breathed out as a dot of sweat appeared on her forehead. “Ryker, hurry up, you’re falling behind.” 

“I’m trying my best, okay? I hit legs yesterday at the gym and can’t walk very fast,” Ryker clenched his teeth, speeding up the rate of his ascent. “It’s not like Albion’s breathing down your neck anyway, so we don’t need to rush that much.” 

“I’ll start breathing down your neck in a second!” Albion shouted in response. After slapping his legs, he began sprinting up the stairs to leave Titus and Conrad in the dust. A few seconds later though, Conrad—unable to suppress his competitive spirit—pushed Titus out of the way and began sprinting after Albion. 

“What is going on...” Titus grumbled as he slowed down to walk with Nyssa and Celeste. “Do you two also want to head up? I can let you two pass.” 

“No, it’s fine, we’re just going to take it slowly,” Celeste smiled, patting Titus on the shoulder. “Want to walk with us?” 

“I’d love to,” Titus laughed as he watched Conrad trip and pull Electra down with him. “I don’t think it’d be great for my long-term knee health if I began sprinting up these stairs with two bags.” 

Drawing a laugh from both Nyssa and Celeste, he joined them on their slow trek to the top. It only took a couple minutes, and as they completed the final few stair sections, the rest of the group ended up in a circle to wait. 


“We made it!” Nyssa leaned to the side, pulling Celeste into a gentle half-hug. 

“Indeed we did,” Celeste returned the hug. She turned her head to the side leaning in towards Nyssa, but, after noticing the attention coming from the others, she turned away with a slight frown dancing across her lips. “Is it this place, Angelica?” 

“Yep,” Angelica reached into her pocket, fishing out a set of keys. Her hands paused in the air for a brief moment before she twirled the keys through her fingers like a pen. Smirking at everyone’s mesmerized gazes, she waved them forward. “Come on, let me show you the interior of where we’ll be staying.” 

With a small chorus of laughing cheers breaking out, the group walked forward with their suitcases and bags in hand. As they approached the log cabin stretched out above them. Each of its two floors soared into the air—with its second floor double the height of a normal building’s floor. 

Once in front of the door, Angelica dug through the bag to fish out an envelope. After slitting it open with one smooth motion, she propped it open while turning to the seven students standing behind her. “I’ll let you all choose which rooms you want, so just let me know, okay? There are plenty of rooms, enough for everyone to have their own. Of course, I won’t stop you from having roommates, but... you know, that’s up to you. You all are old enough to manage that on your own. Because of that though, I’m not going to mediate any conflicts that may arise. It’s just...” 

“Not your problem?” Electra offered as Angelica struggled to find a way to phrase it. 

“Yeah, that’s an easy way to put it,” Angelica laughed as she turned to unlock the door. She slid the key in, and with one quick turn, propped the door open for everyone else to file in. “I didn’t want to say that, but, yeah. I have some stuff I need to get done while we’re up here in the north too. So there will be times where I have you all move independently, okay? So, upperclassmen, make sure to take care of those who are younger and more inexperienced than you.” 

Ryker and Electra, hearing Angelica’s request, nodded before heading into the cabin. Albion, Titus, and Conrad trailed them, and Nyssa and Celeste headed up the rear. 

Lugging her suitcase over the doorway, Nyssa brushed a stray strand of white hair out of her face before looking around. 

“... Amazing.” 

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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