Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 238

238 Getting worried

Charlotte stopped when she heard the sound of footsteps rushing towards them, as if knowing who was coming, Charlotte immediately turned her face towards the source of the sound.

“You saw that, didn’t you?” Suri muttered quietly to Areez, Suri’s eyes also looked towards the hallway where her parents were currently walking towards them in a hurry.

Areez, who finally saw Charlotte’s change in attitude, could only stay silent when he saw the girl immediately embraced the body of the newly arrived Mrs. Clarke, realizing that if she still had such a big sin on the Clarke family, Areez chose not to do anything. He didn’t want to interfere with what Charlotte was playing at the moment.

“Our focus is on Luna right now, honey,” Areez said quietly, trying to warn Suri. “You remember that, don’t you?”

Suri took a deep breath, she realized that currently Areez was trying to ask her to calm down.

Because Suri had calmed down, Areez then turned his attention back to Jack and Anne who were still chatting with Charlotte. Charlotte, who seems to have been in the hospital for a long time, is so good at playing her words and Areez now understands why Suri called her a fake barbie.

“Haven’t any of the doctors come out yet?” Jack asked quietly to Areez who was already standing up to greet him.

Areez shook his head slowly. “Not yet Sir, the doctors inside haven’t come out yet.”

“Oh, God.” Jack immediately closed his eyes, as soon as he opened his eyes his attention was immediately drawn to Romaria, the person who first reported Luna’s condition to him and Anne. With quick steps Jack walked over to Romaria who was standing next to Suri who was sitting next to Christian.


“How did this happen, Romaria?” he asked quietly. “You didn’t do anything reckless, did you?”

“No, sir,” Romaria stammered. “I didn’t do any carelessness, I also don’t know why suddenly Miss Luna is like this.”

“What are you doing right now that Luna has to...”

“Dad.” Suri interrupted her father’s words softly. “It’s not Romaria’s fault, Romaria has done a good job. So don’t interrogate Romaria like that.”

Jack immediately covered his lips, Suri’s words made him realize. He almost made the mistake of accusing Romaria, even though it was clear that of all of them currently gathered at the hospital, only Romaria was with Luna more often.

Seeing her father stop his words, Suri then took her father’s hand and squeezed it gently. “Luna will be fine, she will be fine. Let’s just pray, okay?”

Jack immediately leaned against the wall, the sentence Suri had just said was the sentence he didn’t want to hear the most right now. Areez, who is another person, immediately led Jack to sit with Suri and Christian, and as soon as Jack sat down the situation became quiet again. Only the occasional sound of sobbing came from Anne who was sitting in a different chair from them with Charlotte.

Although aware that Charlotte is currently playing a role, Suri prefers to remain silent. Suri chose to stay in her place, being a support for her father and brother who were waiting for the doctors to do their job with so much worry.

The tense seconds finally ended when the door to the VIP room where Luna received treatment opened, everyone without exception immediately rushed to the doctor who had just removed her medical mask.

“How is Luna’s condition, doc?”

“Luna is okay, right?”

“My daughter, how is her condition now doc?”

Doctor Kimmy, who had just finished treating Luna, smiled slightly when she heard similar questions from Jack, Suri and Christian who were talking at the same time.

“Currently Luna’s condition is stable,” answered the doctor slowly.

Like a traveler getting water, the faces of Jack, Suri and Christian immediately look so relieved. Their tension must be gone forever.

“However, we must continue to make further observations. Her heart condition is so special it really needs extra attention from the medical team,” added the doctor again seriously.

“Her heart is in trouble again?” Jack repeated the doctor’s words in a barely audible voice.

“That’s right, Mr Clarke.”

“What should we do to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, doc? Is there any chance of having a heart transplant on my daughter?”

“Christ,” Suri immediately said Christian’s name with a half scream. “What are you talking about?”

Doctor Kimmy, who deliberately moved to live in Geneva, thinned her lips at Christian and Suri’s exchanged words, as one of the doctors who already knew the Clarke family well, Doctor Kimmy knew the personalities of the people standing in front of her.

With a soft voice, doctor Kimmy explained in more detail Luna’s latest condition which she had just treated with several other doctors. The doctor, who has been a pediatrician for more than twenty years, spoke very carefully, she knew that when it came to Luna’s condition, she had to be very careful. The people who were surrounding her were willing to do anything for the sake of healing the eight-month-old baby who was still using the tube in her nose to breathe.

“For now, heart transplant surgery is indeed a last resort, it’s just that the operation can’t be done in the near future. Besides we have to find a suitable donor for Luna, we also have to make sure Luna’s condition is ready to carry out such a major operation. Luna is still a baby and her condition is of course different from our conditions as adults, so we must do everything carefully and not be in a hurry,” said Doctor Kimmy slowly, explaining Luna’s condition to her family who looked so worried.

Suri immediately gripped Areez’s hand firmly as soon as Doctor Kimmy finished speaking, something that was not much different was also shown by Anne who sat down on the chair limply.

“Last option.” Christian and Jack repeat Doctor Kimmy’s words almost simultaneously.

Doctor Kimmy nodded slowly. “Yes, but with a note that it can be done if Luna’s condition improves and we have managed to find the right donor for her.”

“Then, while we are waiting for the right donor for Luna, what should we do, doc?” Areez asked quietly, Suri’s grip tightened on his arm.

“Luna must stay in the hospital to get the best treatment,” Doctor Kimmy replied firmly. “Even though at the Clarke family mansion at this time all the equipment needed by Luna is already so complete, but still the hospital situation will be much more comfortable for her. because to be honest, if only Luna was five minutes late arriving at the hospital maybe this time we all won’t be able to talk calmly about Luna’s situation.”

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