Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 185: speculate

   Chapter 185 Speculation

   "The corpse is indeed a little less..."

  Felin also sensed something was wrong. After thinking for a moment, he had a speculation in his heart and said.

   "Will the remaining corpses leave on their own?"

   "The corpse left on its own? You mean turned into a tree man?"

  Ted Danson's face moved slightly.

   "Possibly large."

   Flynn said.

   If he didn't run away and didn't see the body, then he was probably turned into a tree man and left by himself.

   "According to our speculation, the success rate of the transformation of the Central Entants is higher than that of ordinary Enants. This time so many people have been transformed into Enants, that is to say, the one who attacked the villa is likely to be the Central Entants."

   Ted Danson's eyes brightened.

   "If the speculation is correct, it should be the Central Ent who attacked the villa."

   Fehling nodded.

   "Search, it is very likely that the central tree man who attacked this villa must be careful, and must not miss any clues."

   Ted Danson ordered.

   Immediately, the two secret magicians in the group who were good at searching searched.

   After a short while, the two mystics who were in charge of the search found results and reported.

   "After attacking this villa, the tree people evacuated in seven directions."

   "Evacuate in seven directions?"

   Flynn and Ted Danson frowned slightly.

   The Treant evacuated in seven directions, and it was much more difficult to find the Central Treant.

  Although theoretically, they can search in one direction and one direction, but in fact, this is not feasible.

  Cities are densely populated and all kinds of smells are mixed. The longer time passes, the less smells and traces will be left.

  If you search in one direction and one direction, it is very likely that the smell and traces have disappeared before the following directions can be searched.

   "Captain Sox, it looks like we must split into two teams and search separately."

  Ted Danson to Flynn.

  In order to avoid the disappearance of smells and traces before searching, grouping is inevitable.

   And the best grouping is naturally two groups, which can not only ensure that encounters with the Central Entants will also have the power to protect themselves, but also increase the efficiency of the search.

   "That's all it takes."

   Fehling nodded in agreement with the plan.

   At present, only he and Ted Danson have the strength to compete with the Central Treants, and it is the most suitable solution to be divided into two groups.

   "If you find a tree man in Central, you will notify the other party with this signal smoke."

  Ted Danson took out a grenade-sized cylinder with a pull-string and handed it to Flynn.

"it is good."

   Fehling reached out and took it.

  Signal Smoke, a flare for emergency contact during the day.

   Just pull the cable, and it will react inside, releasing a kind of yellow smoke continuously.

  Yellow smoke will rise straight into the sky, floating in the air, and not easily dispersed by the wind.

   In this way, emergency contact can be made during the day when the fireworks flares are ineffective.

   A group of people was divided into two groups, each group of four, led by Fei Lin and Ted Danson respectively, began to follow the smell and traces.

In this group of    Fei Lin, the other three besides Fei Lin are Javier, Leah, and Martha.

They are all people who have dealt with Fei Lin more in the past few days. Among them, Martha is practicing the beast witch, Javier is the great magician, and Ria is the war. poet.

   "The source of the smell is right in front!"

   After more than ten minutes, Masha, who was controlling the white puppy to search for smells, stopped and pointed to a house in front of her.

   "Martha, Leah, the two of you are outside in charge of intercepting and preventing ordinary people from approaching. Javier will go in with me."

  Feelin hung the silver guardian on his chest, and then called out the mysterious spear, and said.

   One after the other, Fehling and Javier walked into the house.

   This is a house where ordinary citizens live. The decoration is average and the furniture is cheap.

  In a house, they saw three trees, and near the roots of the trees, there were the bodies of a man, a woman, and a little boy.

   This should be a family of three, not rich but happy, but suffering from misfortune.

  The two entered another room.

  Shh, shh, shh!

   As soon as the two entered the house, there were vines one after another, like poisonous snakes one after another, dozens of them, attacking the two of them.


   Javier inhaled and breathed out fires one after another from his mouth, burning the vines that were attacking.

  The vines were roaring under the flames, quickly turning black.

   Before he could get close to Fehling and Javier, it burned into ashes and shattered.

  More flames followed the vines, extending forward, extending to the treant who attacked the vines.

   The tree man swung the vines, trying to put out the flames, but it was useless.

  The flames climbed up the tree man along the vine, and the tree man also burned with flames, like a huge torch.

   The tree man, who was covered in flames, fought back at the last moment before he died, rushing towards Fehling and Javier with the flames burning.

   But before he got close to Fehling and Javier, he threw himself to the ground and fell to the ground without moving, only the flames on his body were still burning.

   This is just a two-ringed tree man, without Fei Lin's shot, the arcane magician has already killed Javier, who has reached the third-ringed.

   "Contact Mystery, add 2.2 to Mystery Points."

   Fehlin took a few steps forward and got a little closer to the tree man whose dead corpse was still burning, and got a mysterious point.

   After checking other rooms and confirming that there is no tree person, they extinguished the flame to avoid causing a fire, and the two walked out of the house.

   "The tree man inside has been resolved, go to the next place!"

   The tree man's corpse in the room can only be contacted by logistics later, Fehlin said to Martha, who was in charge of tracking.

   Immediately, the four tracked the other direction of the tree man's withdrawal.

   After a few minutes, they came to a dilapidated house.

  The door of the house has obvious signs of violent damage, and was beaten by whip-like objects, breaking into several pieces.

   It is still Leah and Martha who are in charge of guarding, and Fehling and Javier enter the house.

   咻, 咻, 咻!

   Entering the house, Fehling and Javier immediately found three treemen.

   And the three tree men also found them, and a large number of vines, like sharp spears, stabbed at them.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  The three treants attacked at the same time, and Javier probably couldn’t handle it, and Fehling shot quickly with the mysterious gun.

   There were three consecutive gunshots, and most of the three tree people's bodies were mutilated and tattered, and a large amount of green liquid flowed out.

   fell to the ground and died on the spot.

After    checked the other rooms of the house and found no other treemen, Fehling and Javier walked out of the house.

   "Go to the next place!"

  Felin ordered.

   Immediately, the white puppy searched for the smell and led the way, and the four of Fehling followed behind.

   "Look, Signal Smoke!"

   followed the white puppy down the street, and among the four, Ria noticed the sky and immediately exclaimed in surprise.

   (end of this chapter)

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