Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 77: Cold Flame and Holy Night

Chapter 77: Cold Flame and Holy Night

Above the dark blue night, the bright moon is in pairs, as bright as a mirror.

In the living room of the lord's mansion, under the light of light crystals as bright as LED lights, Lei Xiao, who was sitting at the top position, glanced down at the first position.

On his left are Huzhang, Ye Cang, Nanxing, Nanyue and Chaoyan.

On the right, there are four first-order captains, including the half-elf Bai Zhi and Gang Song.

Of course, in order to listen to more people's opinions, Lei Xiao also started to speak out, and remotely connected to Chuan Gu, the half-elf patriarch in the barrier, a few kilometers away.

"A fifth-tier powerhouse, a fourth-tier powerhouse, three third-tier powerhouses, and a second-tier seven-star half-elf ranger...

It seems that in order to enhance the combat power, it is necessary to seize the time to cultivate Baizhi and other second-order half-elves into third-order powerhouses. "

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao lifted his spirits slightly, pulled his mind back to reality, and said sternly: "Okay, the polite words will be omitted, let's go straight to the question.

At present, the situation we are facing is like this..."

Next, Lei Xiao described in detail the series of situations that happened when he entered the city in the afternoon, the distribution of forces in Kongqing Town, the strength composition of the city owner, and the current movements of the opponent.

On the other side, after listening carefully to the introduction of the lord, the faces of the next people couldn't help showing a dignified look.

There is no doubt that if the ruthless city lord kills the entire city with all his strength, even if he can wipe out all the opponents, he will have to pay a very heavy price.

After all, if you add all the mercenary forces in the city, there will be at least five or more third-tier powerhouses, nearly two hundred second-tier powerhouses, and more than 3,000 first-tier soldiers.

This is still under the circumstance that the two Tier 3 powerhouses of the Business and Land Fair remain neutral.

The most important thing is that due to the rush of time, it is not clear whether the opponent, as the city lord, is hiding some unknown hole cards or trump cards.

What if the other party went to invite strong men and reinforcements from other cities?

It can be seen from this that for our side, which is currently at a critical stage of development, once the two sides clash head-on, they will inevitably suffer huge losses that are unbearable.

"I see."

Just when everyone was frowning, the old voice of the old patriarch, Chuan Gu, came out of nowhere from Lei Xiao's body: "Just as the lord was worried.

At this stage, the only barrier between us and each other is that fast river.

If there is a third-order earth magician who can build bridges in the opponent's camp, or there are several second-order earth magicians, the river will immediately lose its proper barrier function.

Moreover, the opponent is a local force, and he knows the surrounding terrain very well. Even if it is a **** and water attack, it is probably difficult for the opponent to not be noticed.

It seems that the situation we are in now is indeed very dangerous. "

When Kawatani said this, the atmosphere in the huge living room became more and more tense.

On the other side, the voice of the old half-elf paused for a while, and then continued: "However, from the sound of the Lord's steady introduction just now, we can tell.

Presumably, Lord Lord, you already have a plan in mind now, right? "

"That's right, that's it."

Seeing that everyone realized the seriousness of the problem, Lei Xiao raised his water glass and took a sip of the sweet mountain spring water to moisten his throat.

Immediately, he talked about the plan to disintegrate the opponent's power from the inside and the decapitation action that he had discussed with the knotweed before, as well as his worries about how to defend the city in the later stage.

"Lord Lord is really extraordinary! Combining the two-pronged action of decapitation and internal disintegration is indeed our best choice at the moment!"

After taking the opportunity to flatter, Kawagu's voice came out again: "When the old man was young, he used to travel and take risks in these two human race countries.

The country where Kongqing Town is located in the west of the forest is called the Kingdom of Cold Flame, while Yehe Town, which is farther to the east, belongs to the Kingdom of Holy Night.

Although these two human kingdoms, the influence of a monarch can be said to be extremely limited, except for the capital and the surrounding areas.

This made the local city lords have the power of life and death to cover the sky with one hand, and the civilians in many places were even more miserable because of this.

However, as long as these local city lords choose to obey the royal family, pay attention to taxes and fulfill some obligations such as recruiting soldiers, they can obtain the protection of the king.

Therefore, in order to maintain the authority of the king, even though Leng Yan and Holy Night are currently in a state of fierce war.

But when our emerging force takes control of Kongqing Town, I am afraid that the angry Lengyan royal family will also mobilize a large army and come to fight, until we are completely wiped out, then they are willing to give up.

Therefore, the Lord's concern about how to defend the city in the later stage is indeed very reasonable. "

"Understood." Hearing this, Ye Cang, who was in the first position, raised his glasses while showing a thoughtful expression: "It seems that if it cannot be solved in advance, the issue of the arrival of the Leng Yan army will follow.

Even if we eliminate the immediate threat, I am afraid it will only cause a more violent and deadly storm. "

Hearing this, everyone swallowed and spit in unison, and felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a ~ It can be seen that the two layouts Lord Lord just mentioned.

The first is to win over the collateral president of the Shanglu family, and use the reputation of the other party to better disintegrate the power in the city and carry out the follow-up stabilization work in the city.

The second point should be about the plan to solve the next step, right? Immediately afterwards, Kawagu's hoarse voice came over again.

"Old Patriarch, I really can't hide anything from you."

With a slight smile, Lei Xiao put down the water glass in his hand, stood up slowly, and responded, "Yes, the second layout is to solve this problem."

"Lord Lord, what's the layout?" On the other side, Chaoyan, who was always in the fog, took the ponytail on her head and couldn't help but wonder.

"It's very simple, that is to take advantage of the situation to break the situation." Lei Xiao smiled lightly as he walked to the next crowd.

"Breaking the situation by taking advantage of the situation?" Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but ponder, and they began to follow Lei Xiao's words and continued to think.

"There is no doubt that with our current strength, we naturally cannot compete with a kingdom.

Therefore, all we need to do is to use the power that can fight against Leng Yan, so that Leng Yan has no time to take care of our situation here. "

Looking at the contemplative expressions of everyone, Lei Xiao continued to remind: "The answer should be obvious now, right?"

"Lord Lord, do you mean to use the fact that Leng Yan and Holy Night are at war on the border to achieve the purpose of making Leng Yan not care about us here?!"

After frowning and thinking for a moment, the knotweed finally said suddenly.


With a faint smile, Lei Xiao replied.

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