Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Chapter 99: Opaque reality [ 19 ]

The construction of the guardhouses proceeded steadily along each border. With the captains' supervision and the soldiers' hard work, they were able to work remarkably quickly.

According to Rowan's calculations, they would finish the construction in less than three days. The only difficult task was digging the foundations, and they had already completed that phase today. Tomorrow, they would move on to the other steps, which required less effort. In fact, with the number of men working, they might finish the work even faster than Rowan had anticipated.

It was already evening, and Rowan was returning from the eastern border with Roland and his men. They were chatting among themselves, smiles on their faces.

The soldiers escorted Rowan and only left after he arrived in front of his house.

"Good work today, everyone. Rest well so you'll have the strength to do another good job tomorrow," Rowan said, waving at them.

"Sure," they replied, waving back before heading to their various homes.

Rowan watched them walk in different directions toward their houses before letting out a sigh and strolling toward the door. He entered his house, and Riela, having heard his voice, opened the door and rushed to welcome him cheerfully. Blaze hurried behind her to greet Rowan as well.

Rowan hugged her with a slight smile on his face—though he was confused; he hadn't received any notification from the system that Riela had regained consciousness.

["I did my job already! Pay me now!"] Blaze yelled at Rowan telepathically.

Rowan glanced at Blaze while hugging Riela and couldn't help but frown.

Still embracing her, he took out three food pills from his inventory and tossed them to Blaze. Blaze leaped into the air and caught all of them.

Rowan didn't give his pet time to enjoy the meal before sending him back inside the divine beast plane—he couldn't let his pet distract him during this moment!

"Riela, how are you feeling now? What really happened at the village square? Can you explain?" Rowan asked without delay.

Riela immediately told him how she had heard a strange noise in her ear, suddenly felt weak, and then fell unconscious. She also mentioned that his father was there and, according to the other ladies, he was the one who healed her using magical powers. She included the words he had said to her before leaving.

When Rowan heard her reply, he wasn't too surprised; he already knew Dragun possessed strong magical power. Although not as strong as D'andre, Dragun could still finish off everyone in the village in a matter of hours if he wanted to.

However, Rowan was quite curious why Dragun asked her to meet him if she experienced anything strange.

As Rowan pondered Dragun's words, he quickly recalled he hadn't checked her character status to see what new skills she had acquired and promptly did so.

[ Riela Vincred ]

[ Tailor ]

[ Special skill: Chosen One (A-rank), Enchanted Embroidery (B-rank) ]

Rowan squinted slightly as he noticed the two new amazing skills in her character status. He was particularly curious about the first one and quickly checked its description, which made him even more surprised.

[ Chosen One: A special and unique skill granted to characters who caught the attention of divine beings inclusive of gods and devils ]

[ Enchanted Embroidery: Make special embroidery into clothes to manifest special effects ]

Before he could even ask, Riela brought out a skill book and showed it to him, then explained her interaction with Laverena.

"An actual goddess spoke to you and gave you this amazing skill as a reward?" Rowan was amazed by the details.

"Yes," Riela replied cheerfully.

She was still amazed by the wonderful work she could do using the Enchanted Embroidery skill.

After reading the skill description, she realized that she didn't even need raw materials before using the embroidery. All she needed to do was sew the enchanted patterns into the clothes, and the effects she desired would manifest. If she could create a cold-resisting enchantment on the clothes, then she wouldn't have to worry about people getting sick.

She explained all this to Rowan joyfully.

Rowan could tell how happy she was, but he was really confused about the goddess aspect.

Even though he had played the game on Earth, he had never heard of such skills—he didn't even expect that there would be gods in this world.

This made him realize that the actual world was much more advanced than the game he used to play.

While Rowan was confused about the whole thing, he didn't hesitate to congratulate his wife and wish her the best.

Riela felt really proud after Rowan congratulated her.

"I didn't expect you'd be home so early. Let me prepare something for you," Riela said, stretching up to kiss his lips before rushing off to make his meal.

Rowan smiled as he watched her figure sway gracefully.

He was happy that Riela was becoming bolder and more open around him.

After she left, Rowan immediately began asking his system questions about her skill.

"Can the gods directly control fate or events happening in the life of their Chosen One?" he asked.

[ The answer varies depending on the authority of the divine being in question. Most of the strongest divine beings can actually control the fate, outcome of events, or even stir up a new event in the favor or disadvantage of their chosen one. ]

Rowan read the response, a frown forming on his face.

"Is there any chance I can get chosen by one of them?"

[ Positive ]

"Hmm," Rowan nodded.

It would be nice to get his own god soon who would give him an amazing skill like Riela's as a gift.

Rowan proceeded to ask the system other questions regarding the topic and the evolution of his territory. The system answered most of them and left some unanswered, but Rowan was already satisfied.

Riela soon arrived from the kitchen with food and both of them ate together. After eating, they had their bath and relaxed in each other's embrace while speaking amongst themselves, growing their familiarities with one another and sharing dreams.

Talk led to actions and both of them didn't miss the lovely display of affection through sex which lasted for almost an hour before both of them fell asleep. Rowan slept off early as well as he had a lot of work to do tomorrow which requires proper rest.

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