Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Chapter 40: Emotions and monsters ( XX )

After running for a few minutes at his top speed, Judus finally arrived at the thick, bushy area and scanned his surroundings.

"Where is he?" he muttered to himself as he searched for Stanis.

"Over here," a thick voice sounded from behind him, it was so abruptly that Judus almost jumped in fear.

Nevertheless, he quickly calmed down when he saw who it was, but then a serious and curious expression appeared on his face.

"Why are you here at this time? This wasn't the date we agreed on," Judus complained.

Stanis only scoffed at his complaint. "I am not here concerning the war, idiot. I am here for something else. Elara and the other women we took from your village killed three of my soldiers and escaped."

"Huh," Judus was dumbfounded. "Are you sure of this? How can those women, who don't know how to hurt a fly, kill your soldiers? That is impossible."

Judus knew Elara and all the women who had been taken from the village by Glenwood; all of them were as polite and innocent as angels, so he found Stanis' report really strange.

On the other hand, Stanis' expression turned cold as he heard the doubting questions. "Do you think I would leave the comfort of my village and travel for long hours through a deadly path just to come tell lies?"

"Sorry for doubting you," Judus immediately apologized.

"Have you found them?" he followed up with a question, though it was a foolish one that annoyed Stanis. He clenched his fist and punched Judus in the face.

The punch came with so much force that it sent Judus staggering two steps backward. He clenched his face with his hands and looked at Stanis with a pained expression.

"What did I do? I only asked a question, can't you answer with your mouth or Is it the tradition of Glenwood to answer with their fists instead of words?" he retorted.

Hiding inside the bush, the soldiers who had come with Stanis couldn't help but shake their heads in pity after hearing Judus' retort against their captain.

"Rest in peace, brother," they muttered at the same time.

Before Judus realized his situation, it was already too late. Stanis had already landed another punch on his face and swept his feet off the ground, causing him to fall back. He didn't stop there and began kicking him in the balls!

Judus cried out for help and pleaded for two minutes before Stanis finally let him be, heaving a sigh to calm his raging heart.

"Tell me, have those bitches returned to the village? Tell me everything I need to know, or I will chop off those beans size balls you have!" Stanis demanded.

Judus was in pain, but he couldn't afford to get more, so he immediately answered, telling him that the women hadn't returned to the village. He also told him about D'andre. Unfortunately, his story about D'andre seemed too impossible to be true, and Stanis kicked him in the balls again for lying.

"I am not lying! I am telling the truth!" Judus pleaded, clenching his crotch with tears dripping from his eyes.

After all those kicks, he believed he would never be able to enjoy life again.

"Who are you kidding? I have been to more places than you, and I have never seen anyone use magic, and you claim to have seen one? Liar, you don't deserve those balls anymore," Stanis berated.

Inside the bush, the soldiers grabbed their crotches with both hands as if defending them from an invisible enemy. They all had pale expressions as they watched Judus lose his balls gradually.

Judus continued trying to make Stanis believe him, but Stanis paid no attention as he unleashed all the anger he has been holding in on Judus. Each time Judus tried to speak more, he would be kick him in the balls—it was as though he had traveled down from Glenwood just to destroy Judus' balls!

"I will be back tomorrow night. Make sure to come here and meet me," Stanis said with a scoff before turning his back and disappearing into the bush.

He signaled his soldiers, and they left with him.

Judus remained on the ground, clutching his destroyed lower half. Tears dripped down his eyes continuously as the pain intensified every second.

After crying his heart out for a few hours, Judus struggled up and began making his way back to the village. Fortunately, no one was at the border to see him approaching.

When he reached the border, he found a place to sit and stared at the moon with a vengeful expression on his face, swearing to himself, "I will kill you myself, Stanis!"


Meanwhile, at Glenwood Prison, Liara sat on the rough ground inside a dark cell, her hands and legs bound by chains to the walls.

A stinking smell drifted around the cell continuously, indicating its bad state. The stench was a mix of rotten food, decaying animal remains, and other rubbish that made it unhealthy to live in.

Nevertheless, Liara had no choice but to stay there. She couldn't free herself, and even if she could, she would be met by a large number of prison guards who would make her life hell without killing her.

She sat there, staring into the darkness with tired, almost lifeless eyes. It had been more than twenty-four hours since she was locked in this place and more than seventy-two hours since she had anything to eat.

At this point, she had given up on life.

'As long as Elara and the others make it to Winterseed and inform Lord Rowan about the plot of these evil people, I will be able to rest in peace after I die,' she resolved.

She recalled her youthful days back in Winterseed, remembering the beautiful scenes that reminded her of how wonderful life had been before Dragun disappeared and their village fell into the hands of Glenwood—back then, life was blissful, with plenty of food for everyone, and the villagers always had smiles on their faces.

As her mind reminisced about the good old days, a creaking sound came from the door, causing her to dart her eyes in its direction with a dreadful expression on her face.

Liara saw two figures at the door—one holding a torch and dressed in the uniform of the prison guards, the other a middle-aged man whom she immediately recognized as one of Lord Fagin's advisers. The prison guard stood outside while the middle-aged man walked inside.

After he walked in, the guard locked the door from the outside.

Seeing this, Liara's eyes widened, and she began desperately trying to free herself from the chains, even though she knew it was impossible.

"Stay away from me!" she cried out, her fear evident in her voice.

She was aware of the excessive lust the men of Glenwood had for her and the other Winterseed women, and how they saw them as nothing but items to be claimed at any time by anyone.

"I am not here to hurt you, young lady," the man said, his words contradicting her fears.

But the darkness in the cell made it hard to see his face and expression.

"Stay away..." Liara retorted again, looking at his shadowy figure in the darkness.

She heard him let out a disappointed sigh. She also noticed his unclear silhouette reaching for something, which made her eyes widen and increased her efforts to free herself.


AUTHOR NOTE ( has no effect on pricing) : Thanks for reading everyone. Do not forget to leave detailed reviews. If we can move the reviews to 11 today, I will release one more chapter!!

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