Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Chapter 114: Opaque reality [ 34 ]

After Dragun activated the silver slip—also known as the low-grade teleportation magic slip—his body teleported from his currt location and traveled at an amazing speed toward Winterseed. Those who witnessed it were amazed. R stared at his disappearing figure with a smile that lasted for a few seconds.

Nevertheless, while the low-grade teleportation magic slip was a very important magic item for transportation, it had a lot of downsides giv its grade.

Not so far away from the village square, away from the prying eyes of the villagers, were two figures cloaked in dark armor observing Dragun's movemts—they were other than Xandros and Alister. Xandros had his usual hateful expression, while his elder brother Alister maintained a straight face.

Alister could be se holding a small object with a glass scre in the middle of it.

The momt Dragun activated the teleportation magic slip, the scre of the object lit up in a bright red glow.

Immediately, Xandros brought out a mid-grade teleportation magic slip and tore it, both of them teleported from their location, following the signal the device in their hands showed them.



It was afternoon, and Rowan and his m could be se digging up the foundation for their next project. They were on the verge of completion with just about four left.

Not so far away from the m digging were others laying the foundations of the houses with wood and stones. Some m could also be se mixing clay and adding it to the foundation to make it ev sturdier.

Rowan could be se working alone on one of the sites with a very bright smile on his face.

His mood had increased significantly following the rect evolution of his territory.

No one knew about it, though.

Nevertheless, Rowan could see the effects of his territory's evolution in the villagers, especially the m working with him.

Normally, it would take one hundred soldiers a whole day to finish working on one site, but today, only soldiers were almost done with the same task, and the eving hadn't ev approached yet!

Rowan also noticed the effects on everyone except the soldiers, on his way here, he witnessed some of the old and weak farmers clearing the weeds faster and without much stress.

He couldn't really observe the changes in everyone in the village, but from the ones he had se so far, he could tell the effects were a buff. Rowan couldn't help but imagine just how powerful the effect would be wh he reached F-rank!

Rowan was still working tirelessly as the afternoon sun radiated on his well-refined slder and muscular physique, wh he noticed a sudd change a him and looked up only to see Dragun standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

The arrival of Dragun drew the atttion of the soldiers a the area, who looked at him with frowns on their faces.

"Did you see him walk past us?" one of the soldiers asked his colleague.

"I didn't, and I've be watching the whole time. How did he get to Lord Rowan without us noticing?" his colleague replied, both of them looked really confused.

The others with them were also really confused as well.

Dragun observed all their reactions and waved at them with a smile on his face.

But they all scoffed at him and wt back to their work, ignoring his presce completely.

Dragun heaved a sigh and turned to his son, who was looking at him with a neutral expression. He greeted him first and th proceeded to share the story of his achievemt in Winterseed II.

He ev wt as far as sharing his suspicions, saying that the attack appeared planned rather than natural. Of course, Rowan already suspected this from the beginning, as it was impossible for monsters of differt races to storm a single village from all sides at the same time.

If it was a single race, like a group of hungry wolf-type monsters, the situation would've be a bit understandable since monsters of the same race td to move like that to capture their prey.

One time, Rowan couldn't help but suspect that he was up against a villain hidd in the shadows.

He didn't dwell on these thoughts too much and proceeded to thank Dragun.

"Thank you for helping me," he began. "If it wasn't for your help, those innoct people would have lost their lives to those monsters."

The more he spoke, the more the smile on Dragun's face wided. Since he returned, this is the first time his own son has spok to him without hatred and disappointmt, and thus it gladded his heart.

"I did what I had to do, and I'm glad it saved those people's lives. Whever you have issues like that, don't forget to inform your capable father," Dragun declared proudly.

Rowan only shook his head, he could easily tell what thoughts were going through his father's head—he was trying to use the help he had just rdered to rekindle his lost relationship with him.

The Rowan of this world might have fall for it, but Rowan didn't, he only nodded and wt on to resume his task.

"How is Riela?" Dragun asked wh he saw Rowan wasn't going to speak to him.

"She's fine," Rowan replied without looking at him.

"How has she be lately? Has she displayed any sort of strange symptoms?" Dragun continued.

Rowan answered all his questions without skipping any.

'He is truly aware of Riela's magical affinity,' Rowan concluded.

All of Dragun's questions revolved a Riela showing signs which are related to magic awaking in the novels Rowan had read on Earth.

Sadly, Rowan couldn't tell him directly that she has the affinity for magic as it would most likely draw suspicions to him, so he decided to ask, "What's the purpose of all these questions?"

"Did Riela inform you I healed her wh she was unconscious?" Dragun responded with a question.

"Yeah, thanks for that, but that doesn't answer my question. I feel like these questions ar't really related to you healing her, there must be something more," Rowan replied.

Dragun smiled and nodded his head, proud his son was smart ough, like him, to spot the true inttions behind the words of others.

"Rowan, Riela has the pottial to become a powerful mage," he finally revealed.

"Become a mage?" Rowan asked, still acting like he wasn't aware of it already.

"Yes, I ssed mana from her while healing her the other day, which shows she's capable of using magic like me. To be honest, for her to possess such mana in a village like this, with little to no mana in the atmosphere, it only means her affinity with mana is top-notch!

If she's nurtured properly, she might ev become an archmage in less than 50 years!" Dragun said with so much excitemt and interest in his voice.

The excitemt was akin to a little boy telling his frids about his favorite superheroes.

Rowan acted surprised and th proceeded to ask questions about magic as a whole—he took this opportunity to begin establishing his foundation as a mage!

He started by asking about magic as a whole, what one could do to be able to wield magical powers, how one could tell if they are talted in the field of magic, the ranks of magic and many other important questions.

Seeing how interested Rowan was in learning about magic made Dragun smile profusely as he oped up and began explaining everything to Rowan in simple, understandable terms.

Nevertheless, while both of them discussed, far up in the air and shrouded in a concealing magic spell were Alister and Xandros, listing to the conversation of father and son.

"Someone with the pottial to become an archmage, huh? Told you we'd get more befits from letting him live than killing him," Alister said to Xandros with a smirk.

"I admit, your judgmts are precise, brother," Xandros said while observing Dragun.

Alister eyes were mostly set on Rowan because he could feel some sort of strange powers coming from him. He could easily tell that Rowan was stronger than the average man but he doesn't seem to posses ev the slightest bit of mana.

"Strange," Alister noted to himself.

He observed the other m a Rowan and how they carried out their tasks efficitly.

From his position, he could stare a and notice everything happing in the village ranging from the little childr a, to the farmers working in the farms and the soldiers standing guard over the border of the village.

Alister was a bit surprised that a small village would be this peaceful and cooperative and it was all under the control of a young man like Rowan.

'To export this sort of control, he must be really special.' He noted once again.

He turned to Xandros to see that he was still glaring at Dragun and couldn't help but sigh, recalling a certain evt.

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