Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 7: Why do I have to kiss you?

"Hi handsome… How about you help me out and you can do whatever you want with me? I'm still a virgin if you're curious. Deal?" the woman proposed with a ravishing smile.

It's not like I couldn't understand, but really? This bitch probably slept her way through college or something. As I got a good look at her face, I had to admit she was pretty.

Her assets were hidden due to being buried in zombie corpses. Still, even though her face had a layer of dust and sweat, her features were indeed beautiful.

Her red hair was tied in twin braids, but her bangs made her face seem cuter. She wore a pair of blue-rimmed eyeglasses that made her seem like an intellectual. Probably due to losing blood, she had an unhealthy and pale complexion.

When seconds passed and I didn't respond, she tried to coax me to agree again.

"Listen, handsome. I don't have a lot of time left. I am using a consumable to not die right now, but it's going to run out. Can you please get the pile of corpses off me?"

"Why should I?" I asked coldly.

From what I could see, this place was home to the vilest of people. Many men died with a stab in the back due to a pretty face. If she wanted me to help her, she had to give something in return. Sex wasn't that something.

People were greedy. By ensuring everything was transactional, you could at least ensure they would follow their word.

Perhaps surprised by the tone of my voice, the woman's loving mask broke and she began to complain.

"Look at this guy! Don't you have an ounce of sympathy in you? Shit, why did I get a hard ass today of all days. Many people wish to sleep with me back home, you know?"

"Not interested. I am not desperate for sex. You need me more than I need you. Talk," I commanded her.

"Ugh. Fine! Let's start with something simple then. I am Isabella Taurus. I come from the South American Safe Zone. Worked as a cyber defense specialist for CORE, Rio de Janeiro's civil police tactics unit.

And you are?"

I didn't even understand half of what she said but it sounded like she worked with computers and was part of the law enforcement. In contrast to her colorful background, mine was lame as fuck.

"John Smith. I worked as an auditor for the Department of Transport in Arizona."

After she heard my reply. Isabella got visibly angry.

"I gave you my real info asshole. You don't even have the decency of telling me your real name? Also, how would a civilian have soulgears on him? Do you really hate me that much?"

Feeling insulted, I responded sarcastically, "I do, and I want to see you suffer as much as possible."

"GAH! Filho da puta! Look… Let's say I believe you for now. You don't have a handler, right? I can share with you all I know. Knowledge is power.

Isn't that enough?"

Hearing her proposition, I could agree that info was something I needed right now. But as I had the upper hand in this negotiation, I could push her more before I agreed. I couldn't even be sure if what she said was true.

"Oh come on! How much are you going to make me beg? I'll sleep with you! I'll do your laundry! I'll do anything! Save me, you selfish bastard!" Isabella pleaded frantically.

"Tell me what your {fate} does and I will consider it," I demanded.

If her {fate} allowed her to suddenly kill me, it would be dangerous. I was hoping she was smart enough to tell the truth in this situation.

"It's {Code}. I can turn what I see into hard stats like a game. Happy now?"

As I stayed silent, her face started to warp in terror. She then desperately cried out once more.

"Your gun! You need bullets, right? I have my own supply line for guns and ammo. I will sell them to you at a discount!"

Well, that yielded a worthwhile result. Much more than I expected.

"You will give them to me for free," I joked in a monotone voice.

Annoyed, Isabella began cursing in Brazilian while punching the corpse on her torso. She looked adorable throwing a fit. Unable to stop myself, I began laughing and moved to help her.

"Hehe, I'm sorry… You look adorable when you're angry. I'll help you now."

She stopped punching and calmed down as I removed the corpses on top of her. I also pried the one that grasped her leg. Frowning, Isabella quickly took a tablet from a pouch on her belt and swallowed it. I noticed a green light began to glow around her torn calf.

I kneeled beside her while scanning the surroundings. We were not close enough to touch, but close enough that I wouldn't miss if I shot her.

I thought I would give her a minute to calm down. Surely the terror of almost dying had to be too much for a woman. Regretting my childish actions, I kept quiet and guarded my new walking armory.

"You are a horrible person, you know that? How can you be so heartless?! To me! Of all people! Ugh. Nevermind.

I know I will regret this, but medicinal supplies are hard to come by. Can you please heal me with your {fate} or soul gear? This low-class {heal} will close my wound but I still feel weak from loss of blood."

I found myself smiling unconsciously as Isabella made such dramatic expressions. However, while I did find her cute, I didn't intend to trust my back to someone I didn't know. I had to learn from her for now.

"Like I said, I can only heal because of my {fate}. I do not have any soulgears. The only equipment I have is this gun and my armor," I explained.

"If so, then kiss me."

Unsure if I heard correctly, I asked, "Excuse me?"

Clearly annoyed, Isabella answered, "I said. If you can only heal because of your {fate} then kiss me. I will die if I don't get healed. What? You don't want to? You're probably a virgin who hasn't even had a girlfriend right?"

"Why do I have to kiss you? What does that have to do with anything?" I asked incredulously.

The woman then pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You really don't know? How did you even get here? Wait, don't answer. Are you aware of how {fates} work?"

I shook my head after a few seconds. My knowledge consisted of {Rewind}. I didn't know about anything else. A crash course was just what I needed right now. If somehow a kiss was needed to heal her, then I didn't mind giving her one.

"Okay, so we are starting from the beginning then… Listen here virgin, {fates} are basically cheat skills you get in relation to how you died. Your ultimate wish is their final form.

"When they start out, they are pathetic imitations of that. If a person dreams of being fireproof, his {fate} will begin with him being fire resistant. He would then evolve his {fate} to reach his goal."

Okay, so that made sense. In my case, they were already similar. If my base {fate} already allowed me to go back, what would my real desire be? My mind drifted as I mused.

Annoyed that I wasn't paying attention, Isabella snapped her fingers. "Hey, focus, I am explaining this for your benefit, celibate asshole."

Fine, I deserved that for what I put her through. I had to ignore her insults. Seeing that I paid attention now, Isabella continued.

"Reapers are allowed to borrow the {fate} of another. It can only be done by sharing bodily fluids. Saliva, blood, tears, sweat, breastmilk, even pee works. The quality and length of your skill loan is determined by the fluid."

Hmm. So, she wanted to borrow {Rewind} with a kiss. That made sense. Hold up. If any bodily fluid worked, then even semen would. Okay.

I had to ignore that for now.

"Fine, if that is the reason then I am fine loaning my {fate} to you," I said calmly.

Isabella then came nearer and grabbed the back of my head. "Hold still and open your mouth, you demure halfwit. Let me lead."

Allowing her to do what she wanted, I pressed my gun into her stomach while I embraced her back with my left arm. The moment she did something funny, I intended to put a bullet in her.

Feeling the firearm, Isabella got tears in her eyes. "Why do I have to share my first kiss with such an uncouth bastard? Shit. Well, here I go."

Isabella closed her eyes and then pressed her lips against me. Clashing against the tone of her words, her fiery passion became evident with how her tongue entered my mouth and intertwined with mine. Like a man dying of thirst, she greedily sucked my tongue, then licked the insides of my mouth.

Not being new to this, I entertained her by savoring the intimate moment we shared. Maybe it was just me, but Isabella didn't let go even after ten seconds. How much saliva did she need?

Just then, a new {fate} got downloaded into my mind. This meant the exchange was complete.

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