Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 46: Thanks for everything dad.

Responsibility? Wasn't that something you heard from anime? Lilly was what? Like the same age as me?

'Are you telling me this woman hasn't even kissed a guy before? What did she do during her high school and college days? But I already promised Bella. Aren't reapers forbidden from having more than one kindred?'

"Why are you not answering me dear?" The strength of Lilly's pull started to slowly tear my shirt in two.

No use would come out of lying here, I'm sure she would like the ugly truth better than a beautiful lie.

"I already promised Bella, I would make her my kindred. I don't know if it is possible to have second one. If it is then I will definitely take you as my second."

Lilly then quickly let go as she murmured to herself. While she tried to be barely audible. With {Listen} I could hear everything.

"Calm down me, John has yet to bind a crystal, there should still be time. Yes. I have not lost yet."

Oblivious that I heard her pep talk the woman then arrogantly poked her finger into my chest as she complained.

"Kindred for a reaper is like a spouse. Monogamy has been proven as the best type of social construct to foster a strong society. As you are yet to be bound, she has no claim on you yet. Did she manipulate you to promise that in exchange for her paltry support? Leave her, I can give you more than that woman in every way imaginable!"

"I refuse. I would not be alive right now if not for Bella. I will never abandon her," I retorted.

Right, for the six who placed their lives in my hands I would rather die than betray them. While I do admire the one before me, I owed her nothing aside from breaking her sword. If her request was for me to forsake Bella just to please her, then our affiliation ends here.


At my command the Pelican protectors all disappeared and entered my "storage". Just like {Code} it seems differences appeared between Lilly and me. If she had enough space to store a swimming pool's worth of water, mine was only around the size of a minivan.

While all ten cases fit, it was so full there was not even enough space for my hand. I guess I should already be happy the space was just enough. As I looked back at Lilly, she had a complicated expression on her face. She then made a deep sigh and spoke in a condescending tone.

"Good grief, why should I, Lilly Browning have to fight for my man against a bunch of wraiths! You should be grateful I even had any interest in you to begin with dear. It seems I need to speak with Bella immediately."

The woman then made a dazzling smile as she turned away from me.

"I will say this, however. Refusing to abandon her when I am the one asking, significantly raised my opinion of you. You were definitely cool. Take heed dear. The position of your kindred, I will be taking it soon!"

With that she deftly walked out of the warehouse unit onto the sidewalk. Thinking I should already be content with such an outcome, I turned back to lock up the unit, which was now empty, or so I thought. When the Pelican protectors were all stored, I saw a piece of paper on the pallet rack. I gave the contents a quick read and found out that it was from the deceased Frank Smith.

[John, I am sorry for having been a terrible father. I leave you this armory. It's not much but I hope it keeps you safe and allows you to protect what you value most. Know that you are my pride. - Dad]

This motherfucker! My pride? Fucking bullshit. If he was sorry then shouldn't he have been a better father! I thought I no longer cared about him, but my rage still burned at this simple note. Frank Smith was already dead.

Unlike me he never became a reaper, so it would be impossible to talk to him again. Why did I feel like this I wondered?

In my anger I crumpled the letter and was about to throw it away, but I found that I couldn't. Even though he used to beat the living shit out of me day in and day out. Unlike my mom who forgot about me, dad never left. I was the one that did so. In his own twisted way, he gave me a home.

I uncrumpled the note and tried to smooth out the wrinkles before I folded it neatly and stored it in my back pocket.

"Thanks for everything dad, goodbye."

Leaving behind final words of gratitude I closed the warehouse unit and gave my farewells to the man who raised me. Lilly who was waiting outside didn't say anything but silently followed my steps. With everything that happened I needed a change in pace.

"Lilly, would you like to get something to eat? Its lunch time, my treat."

The woman quietly nodded and accompanied me as we left the warehouse district and looked for a place dine in.

We eventually settled to eat at a KFC on Thunderbird Road. My companion a certified heiress naturally had yet to eat at one.

"Are you certain that its sanitary dear? I saw some videos about fast food burgers not rotting for over six months!"

"Yes Lilly, fast food is not only sanitary but also a staple of the American diet. I practically grew up on chicken from KFC."

"Then, I will try it."

"Thats the spirit. You can't be an American if you haven't pigged out in a fast-food place before."

I came into the store I considered my second home and ordered a 4-pc Chicken combo with a side of mashed potatoes and a mountain dew. I found myself laughing when I saw how the people freaked out from seeing Lilly. They probably thought she was a movie star or something, and even though she took forever to choose her food no one cared.

Ultimately, she couldn't decide what she wanted and simply copied what I ordered. We then sat at a secluded spot eager to partake of our modest meals.

"I feel like a rebel, this is my first time eating fast food. My teachers always told me they were unhealthy and would make my reaction speed slower. But whenever I saw the commercials on television my mouth watered. I am so excited. Thank you for the treat, dear!"

As I saw another side of Lilly, it was both sad and endearing that she showed that much appreciation for a simple KFC meal. It again reminded me of how different our worlds were. I managed to do a lot in just a single morning. I learned of the world of reapers, got my dad's guns and made peace with him.

'Well, whenever I got sad or depressed, I actually ate my unhappiness away. My record was an entire bucket from when I broke up with my ex. I had stomach pains the next day, but it was worth it.'

"Thanks for the food, Colonel, time to dig in."

Ignoring the beautiful food critic in front of me who chastised or praised the chicken as she savored every bite, lunch passed by uneventfully.

"That was such a novel experience. I definitely have to return to taste everything on their menu."

"Just do so in moderation okay, it would be a shame if your figure morphs from a vase to a barrel," I joked.

"How vulgar! I'll have you know I train regularly to keep off the pounds off me!"

Just like with Bella, despite our differences Lilly was pleasant to hang around with. While her world views were vastly different from mine, she never tried to make me feel that I was inferior. In fact, her genuine interest in me was flattering.

Lilly and I were making our way to the metro as we chatted when I bumped into a couple of guys.

"John? Is that you! It's me Billy from high school!" the man who noticed me called out to his other friend who also approached.

I had no idea who this fucker was. I was a loner in high school and spent most of my time servicing and cleaning my dad's guns.

"I'm sorry, I have no idea who you are," I confessed frankly.

"Oh, don't be like that. We used to have chemistry together!"

Nope, still doesn't ring a bell. I don't even know why these guys called out to me.

"Steve. Nice to see you again John, we shared a couple of math classes together," The other guy declared.

Before I could even reply, both of them then stared at Lilly, and scanned her from head to toe. I then belatedly understood. They were checking her out and just happened to see me beside her.

"Say John, shouldn't you introduce us to your gorgeous friend?"

Lilly, who wasn't sure what was going on had a neutral expression. When they ogled at her, I saw the disgust on her face as well as a hint of bloodlust. However instead of getting angry, the woman quickly took my arm and buried it into her chest.

"So, you must be friends with John. Hello, my name is Lilly. We are going out."

Going out? Well, I guess I will take it. If she copied Bella and told them she was my lover, it would have been weird.

Guy 1 and guy 2 then clicked their tongues before talking again.

"Wow? Really? How in the world did a loser like him find a babe like you?"

"Right, doesn't he still work for the department of transport. You could do so much better Lilly."

Wow, it was like I wasn't even here. These guys were starting to get on my nerves.

'Could I put a bullet into their skulls without going to jail?' I wondered.

"Is that so? Unfortunately, neither of you have anything to offer in my eyes. Dear let us go, the smell from the taking garbage around here is starting to make me want to vomit."

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