Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 26: Ride the gorilla.

"Wombat! Why the hell are we bringing this overgrown ape?" Robyn's shrill voice asked me as we ran. We must have looked comical not just to humans, but even reapers. A band of Formless going after a rank D Undead, without a single Phantom.

Yet I felt not a single touch of fear. No, what burned in me was the desire to triumph. It was like the fire in my blood awoke in the desire to try. Lions, bears, crocodiles and even elephants were among the most powerful creatures. But even then, man not only subjugated them, but he also ate them and even made money off them.

You could argue that not all men were built the same. If so, then what stopped me from becoming one of those men? Talents? Strength? Resources? No.

It was only a single thing. And that was fear. Ever since I died, I kept coming back to that quiet and cold moment before my death.

When you died, the only thing you brought with you were your memories. During my first death, I had nothing. No exemplary feats, no victories that made life worth remembering, nothing that said John Smith lived at all. Since then, by experiencing the horror that was Hellsgate, I decided.

'I am through following the rules of others.'

I feared pain. I feared rejection. All my life I tried to fit in. To do as others told me. Even when I felt a dissonance with it, I kept quiet because I wanted to be accepted. To belong.

Afraid of being shunned. Afraid of being seen as a weird and eccentric. I swallowed everything just to seen as one of them.

And what did that get me? Absolutely nothing. Yes, following the dogma stripped me of my personality and made me a cog in the machine. It drowned me in despair, sadness and regret. All because of fear.

Thus, if fear was the only thing in my way, then it was my enemy. I no longer felt scared of fear. I just had to accept it and move on. If I had to die once more, then so be it. I would cower no longer. And this brute would be the beginning of everything.

"Ever heard of the hammer throw event in the Olympics?" I shouted back.

"Fuck me dead, are you insane?"

I couldn't help smiling at the combat joey's reply. Indeed, it was insane, and that was why it was going to work.

"Everyone, prepare to ride the gorilla. We won't catch up if we run. Jo, please assist Bella getting on and off. Jasmine, use {Perceive} and {Aim} to guide the others.

"Robyn, use {Carry} on everyone and {Pack} on the gorilla after I let go. Liv, use {Withstand} to make sure the heading is correct."

Shouting my instructions, I kept running, dragging the monster in tow. Just then, another female voice interjected on my plan, her English accent pleasing to the ears despite her tone.

"Are you people daft! Who are you even?! We had everything under control! Who is your sponsor?! I will file a complaint!"

As she wasn't part of my team, I didn't even care what she thought.

Liv then yelled, confused, "Southerner, I do not understand what you ask of me? How can {Withstand} make a heading?"

Before I could even reply, Aki answered in my stead. "Liv, when we are directed by Denel-san, lock the direction with your {fate}. It would be like the feathers on an arrow."

"Oh! Okay, I understand. Then I will be counting on you, Jasmine!"

"Wait! Isn't anyone going to comment on how crazy this is? John! Explain!" Jasmine screamed in agitation.

"My goal has not changed. I will kill that thing, whether I am alone or not. But your aid will make it a lot easier. I need you, Jasmine. Please help me," I replied without turning back.

After a few seconds I still didn't get a reply. Instead, I heard Jo shouting in glee.

"WOW! Sister, you are way too easy! You're bright red like a tomato! What happened to the ice-queen? HAHAHAHA!"

"Honey, I won't make you change your mind, but how do you intend to kill that thing? Its skin is harder than steel. It's way too powerful for even reapers almost at Phantom level!"

"Nothing is invincible. As long as that thing breaths, bleeds, or gets tired we can kill it. Other than shooting it through the eyes, I don't have anything right now. Work with Aki's {Gather} to figure out that thing's weakness. I will follow," I instructed.

So long as the brute could be killed, it should not be impossible. Otherwise, even Phantoms wouldn't be able to anything. The only question left was how.

"{Gather} and {Code} are the components of {Expose}, so you should be able to figure something out. I know you can do it if it's you. Can I count on you, Mrs. Code?"

"…I understand, Mr. Code."

"Do not ignore me, you arse! Are you really flirting with your women right now? Unhand Amari this instant! Comply or I will take you down!"

"Southerner, I forgot to ask, what do I do with this?" Liv, who also ignored the werewolf, nonchalantly raised Red off her shoulders.

"OLIVER! What happened to you?!" Mia yelled in panic.

Perhaps only noticing Red now, this woman didn't even ask what happened to the assault squad. Well, she probably considered them expendable or something.

"Leave him with me. He will be helping us."

"Understood," Liv replied.

We were already running at full speed for about five minutes, due to {Carry} Robyn and I were ahead of everyone else despite pulling a ten-foot gorilla.

'I don't think we can go any faster. This should be good,' I mused.

"{Save}! {Aim}! Everyone! It's time, get on! Make sure not to get thrown off!" I needed them all to be on the gorilla before I began spinning.

"Oy! Stop whatever you all are doing right now! I am part of Shell securities! Cease at once!" the annoying interloper shouted.

Unfortunately, my girls listened only to me. Without a word. I heard the girls leap onto the gorilla.

"Smith-san, everyone is on!"

"Please make sure everyone gets down in one piece, Aki."

Being a ninja at this day and age meant that not only did Aki have superior martial arts skills but she should also be knowledgeable in parkour and shit. At least that's what I assumed to be true.

"Leave it to me!" a nearly instantaneous reply came back from the shinobi.

I took a large stomp and began spinning the gorilla like an Olympian hammer thrower. The spin from the throw would further add to the momentum, turning this primate into a gorilla projectile.

With the {fates} guiding it, the kinetic energy should have been enough to down the brute if it hit. All I could do now was to believe in my girls and hope my efforts were not in vain.

"Aki! Give Jasmine a Kunai to use as a handhold! Everyone! Keep your body as low as possible!"

"Understood Taurus-san! Denel-san! Here, catch!"

"{Carry}! {Carry}! {Carry}! FUCK ME DEAD! THIS IS CRAZY!"

"Got it, thanks Aki! Liv, cast {Withstand} exactly when I say so!"

"Understood Jasmine! That southerner is truly insane, but I can feel my blood boiling!"

"You get used to it, Liv! Darling is awesome like this!"

As I forced my legs to be the fulcrum, the weight and momentum from spinning kept increasing. The sheer size of the projectile started to make whooshing sounds as I prepared my throw. I already had to focus on not being carried off.

"Good thing this dude is out cold," I muttered.

While I spun, I vaguely caught a glimpse of the Werewolves stopping and joining to become a single body. Oh? So, the other bodies also belonged to her? How amazing. Not that it mattered, though.

"Shit, how long is this going to continue? I'll feel like I am going to be sick."

"Bella, hold it in, try thinking of delicious food!" Josephine suggested.

"Isn't English food tasteless? Have you tried Japanese? I can make you some the next time we meet, Taurus-san."

"I am not English! I am Italian, we know how to cook! Right Jas? Jas? You okay?"

"Oy, shut it, Jo. She is aiming with Liv. …ugh, anyone mind if I chunder on the gorilla?"

Listening to the chatting women going on about the gorilla released the tension of the moment. As expected, the ones who could endure the momentum were the speed based fighters, like Aki and Josephine.

I looked at the crosshair in my vision. A green reticule quickly passed it as I spun. The goal was to release it the moment the green reticule lined up with white crosshairs.

Shit. It was too fast. My brain was not fast enough to keep up. How could I match the timing? Just then, the marble on my neck burned and sent information to my brain. The content?

A {Kismet} to fulfill my wish.


At that moment, my mind became clear, and my world became eerily silent. I heard only the footsteps of the brute as it ran. My breathing and the beating of my heart were the only other sounds. I felt power coursing through my hands as they began to heat up.

My vision started to turn red as I spun. The reticule suddenly started slowing down like my mind went into slow motion. However, my feet and body told me this was not true.

'Amazing,' I thought to myself.

So, only my mind went faster, then? Ignoring the nuances, I focused on lining up the crosshair and reticule.

'Feel the rage of the Formless! You are but a signpost. You will not stop me here!' I screamed inside.

At that moment the crosshair and the reticule lined up like the sights of a gun.

"NOW!!!!!!!" I roared.

I sent max power to my arms, waist and hips before lobbing the gorilla as hard as I could towards the one who stood in my way.

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