Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 209: Maybe a week? [2/2]

"Is it just me, or does John's aura seem more intse than before?"

"I feel it too, boy like a graveyard."

"Warr, um, thanks for earlier."

"No problem boo, I will keep the creeps away from you."

"Commander, we wish to return your guns to you."

"Okay, thanks. I will go shopping for guns, what should I get you guys?"

"We have be talking, it would be good to have a standard rifle and a sidearm. That way we can swap magazines wh needed. A squad weapon and a sniper rifle would also be great, and finally a grade launcher would allow us to take care of unse circumstances," Joshua summarized.

"Okay, th I would get four AR rifles, a grade launcher, a sniper rifle, a machine gun, and six sidearms. Kimchi, do you want a rifle as well?"

"I want rifle and pistol boy. Baby will be a backup."

I couldn't blame her, as the squad shifted to using blessed s, her position became redundant. With the ability to sd the undead away with a {Honey Trap}, the need for her to tank lost it's importance.

'Although this may change as more higher level undead appear, for now, earning souls seems to be the best option.'

"Okay, here is the address I want protected. If you have family, please make sure they are safe before you go to mine. They may be targeted the more you help me. For weapons accessories, bring them to my house and I will bring them to Hellsgate for you."

"Actually, Hefe, the squad is planning to move to Arizona. We basically became millionaires overnight. Moving our families closer would allow us to protect each other."

It didn't need to be said, but I guessed that they were also planning to protect the families of those who died in Hellsgate. These people have be Reapers longer than I have. So they knew how easy it was for people in our line of work to die.

"Okay, that sounds good. I will try to find a place where we can all transfer."

The Reapers had a lot of restrictions on how they lived. Of course, it would be better to be in a place where we didn't have to hide or work a those limitations. Just like how werewolves and vampires form communities in fiction.

'We might ev be able to form descdants if ough reapers shacked up.'

As my thoughts turned to Reapers and mating, I naturally remembered something I needed to research. Luckily, the expert on the subject was right in front of me.

"I want to talk to Joshua in private. Give us a minute."

Fortunately, Joshua was the squad leader, so I could make it look like official Army business. Wh we were about 0 yards away, I tried to ask Joshua without sounding formal.

"So, Joshua, I wanted to ask. How exactly does reaper sex work? Anything I need to watch out for?"

Wh Joshua heard my question, his face broke into a goofy-looking smile.

"Are you asking in preparation for tomorrow?"

"Well... it's not exactly like that, but it's kind of, you know..."

"I see."

Despite the vaguess of my words, the Korean in front of me nodded in understanding like a monk. Th I remembered a crucial detail about Joshua and the topic.

"Wait! You and Kimchi are still Wraiths, right? Shouldn't you be extremely careful? I thought Wraith sex was extremely dangerous."

"Commander, the biggest differce betwe human sex and Reaper sex is the involvemt of souls. A human body has inhert limits that protect it, a reaper's soulgem does not. Wh you have sex, the souls in your gems will naturally merge like a body of water."

As I listed to Joshua's detailed explanation, I hung on every word. I wasn't sure if I would need it right away, but I knew I would need it evtually. Since the Sir's were very vocal about their affection for me, I didn't know how long I could resist.

"This fusion of souls would create a feeling of euphoria. The physical pleasure of mating would be hanced by this river of souls flowing betwe you and your partner's bodies.

"As long as your bodies are joined and your hearts flow as one, the soul river would continue to circulate, drowning you both in ecstasy."

Right, this was all good to know, but my main concern was why reapers die.

"The danger comes from losing control. Many reapers become addicted to the soul river and force it to stay with them. This, of course, breaks the cycle and forcefully possesses the souls of others.

"Wh this happs, one must submit to the other. If the weaker reaper does not submit, he or she will be at the mercy of his or her partner. If the stronger of the two does not stop because of the high, the weaker reaper will have his or her tire essce devoured."

Devoured? So, since the soulgems were our bodies, in addition to physically destroying the gems, it was also possible to devour a soul.

"Since the Wraiths have little control over their new bodies, it becomes increasingly difficult not to succumb to the desire of the Soul River. Angela and I have similar problems, but fortunately my {fate} helps us to calm down.

"{Disable} acts as a tranquilizer, so as long as I continue to use it during sex, I remain in control. I also give it to Angela repeatedly so she doesn't drown in lust.

"For the record, {Disable} can easily take down a herd of elephants. That's how powerful a tranquilizer has to be to help."

I didn't know whether to laugh or be scared. So Reaper sex felt so good that a man and woman had to sedate themselves while fucking just to stay sane.

"If you don't mind me asking, Joshua, how does it feel?"

Swallowing my pride, I asked with the curiosity of a teager discovering porn for the first time.

"Commander, what's the longest you've held back from masturbating?"

"I don't know, maybe a week?"

"It felt a lot better than usual wh you came, didn't it?"

"Yeah. It did."

"Reaper sex and the soul river is like holding back for a decade. It will be like cumming your balls empty and still keep going. As long as the Soul River is with you, you will never stop climaxing."

Wow. No wonder people were dying. Most hedonists would choose to ejaculate forever if they could. I'm glad I didn't ev try.

Once again, I am reminded how hard it was to live as a reaper.

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