Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 20: Follow me or die!

"You aren't even surprised, honey? Were you expecting us?"

I proceeded to walk forward with my gun raised forward. The large-scale battles caused shockwaves and wind to buffet my body. The feeling was refreshing in the dry musty cave.

"Yes, I knew my girls would never back down. This was why I allowed you to follow me. The group of three being surrounded is our next target. We are saving them."

"Wow! My girls? You are, how you say… Manly! My heart is beating so fast, darling!"

"Manly? Did you not notice how cringe-worthy the nonsense he keeps on spouting is?"

"Stop lying Jas, you are adorable when you blush scarlet. Ah! Your doing it again! See! Your cheeks are red!"

"Please be quiet. Josephine. You will give John and Isabella the wrong idea."

Right, none of these women were flowers in a garden. They were warriors who happened to be of the opposite gender. Only those who were beyond normal could banter like this in the current situation.

When I checked on the trio who got abandoned, they were all fighting back to back. Hmm. Not good. They wouldn't last any longer. The Viking was taking most of the aggro, but the ninja and the kid were no slouches either. However, they were all exhausted and injured.

Without any help, they would die before they could become any use.

In line with my movements, the girls reformed our formation with Jo at the front, Jasmine beside me and Isabella behind us.

"Bella," I called.

"Yes, Mr. Code?"

"The group we are about to save are all Formless. They were part of Gori's assault unit."

"Then why are they isolated now?" my partner asked in confusion.

"An asshole leading the assault group picked up the kid and used him as bait for the undead. The viking and the ninja broke off the main group to save him. Red didn't bother returning and left them to die."

"This assault group is the one led by the redhead reaper with a lightning sword {fate}?" Jasmine asked.

"Same one. Anyway, I like the balls of these three. Get them on our side. We will murder the assault group afterwards."

At this point while dashing, we began running into zombies. Due to the goal of saving the trio, we didn't bother to stop, nor did we kill everything.

Josephine stabbed and kicked the Normies away with impressive elegance.

"Darling, we are killing them all?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes," I answered while I blew zombie brains away.

"Hmm. So even the Formless who could fight are abandoned. You are right. That would be for the best. Let's see how I can convince them."

"Please, do it in 5 minutes. I will be heading for the assault group immediately," I requested.

My blood boiled at the thought of shooting Red's kneecaps and throwing him to the brute. I would take down anyone who got in my way.

"I do feel their treatment of the child was excessive, but John, your bloodlust is suffocating. Is there someone in the assault group you particularly hate?"

While caught off guard by Jasmine's sensitivity, I answered nonchalantly. It was not like I intended to hide it, at least not from the girls.

"There is, the redhead swordsman is mine. You are free to kill anyone else, but anyone who touches him will answer to me." My words came out more heartless than I imagined.

"Uwahh! Scary. I am starting to feel sorry for the ginger bastard. But I understand, darling. I will remove all the roadblocks on your way. Jas!

I am going all out! Come with me, please?"

"Ho? Excited, are we? Okay, let's go! I haven't let loose since arriving here. Ready?"

"{SAVE}!" x2

Josephine acting as the energizer bunny was nothing new, but hearing the energy from Jasmine was surprising. Bella and I were barely keeping up with them and she was saying they could go even harder? And both activated {Save}. Descendants were broken as fuck.

"Darling! Remember to praise me, okay? JAS LET'S GO!!!!!!!"

"Alright. Match my timing, Jo!" her sister answered.


At that moment, an insane amount of energy enveloped Jo and Jasmine. Green and Indigo shrouds of pure power wrapped around their bodies like a cloak. Beside me, Jas sprinted ahead faster than lightning. Jo, displaying the same attitude, charged with her rapier outstretched.

Like a bullet, Josephine dashed so fast that a cone of wind covered her body. The undead, helpless against the raging Italian's momentum, got smashed away as if they were run over by a truck. Jas, on the other hand, used her headstart to leap around 50ft into the air and loaded three arrows onto her bow and began firing.

Her arrows fell like meteors that broke the sound barrier. In the single moment during which Jasmine was in midair, a dozen arrows rained around the undead surrounding the Formless trio. Forget being torn to bits, the undead were vaporized with not even ash left behind.

Due to her inhuman accuracy, the explosions didn't hurt the viking and her group. However, the impacts ruptured the ground so much there were deep craters afterwards. Dumbfounded, the trio's group we intended to save stood like mannequins.

At that moment. Josephine came barreling down as she roared.


The viking pulled the shinobi and the kid to the ground and covered them with his body. Josephine then exploded like a firework during New Year celebrations. A hundred transparent versions of her appeared. Each of them brandished her rapier and stabbed a single undead before vanishing. That one attack cleared the rest of the enemies that survived Jasmine's barrage.

"How is that fucking fair?" I uttered in envy.

However, using {Perceive} I saw Josephine's clear white skin now blood red like every pore on her body had exploded. Jasmine was no better as she fell from the sky, her dark skin similarly ruptured all over.

"So, it was real. An attack that consumed the user's entire soul as compensation. {Soul Breaker}. How foolhardy," My partner concluded.

An attack that consumed your soul? So, it was basically a suicide attack? Why were they so reckless? Possibly picking up on my confusion, Bella answered while we were running.

"This was probably to show you their determination. We had a long talk before. It seems they made their choice. They will make you a Revenant or die trying."

I bit my lip in both frustration and gratitude. My grandiose claims were forcing the ones around me to follow. While I did not do it for them, knowing I had such expectations on me made me feel proud. I would not betray such goodwill.

"Come on, come on, come on {Rewind} already." I worried.

Josephine collapsed and fell to the ground. Jasmine on the other hand was seconds short from crashing. My heart hurt as I saw their gruesome states. 'Come on, come on, come on.' I continued to chant wordlessly.

"{Rewind}." x2

Both Jasmine and Josephine's bodies then disintegrated into small lights and disappeared. I turned around and saw they were both back on their feet and running behind us.

Jas gave a thumbs up and a wonderful smile while Jo waved with a smug grin, still with her high-strung energy apparent in every move. These girls were crazy, and they had balls of steel.

FUCK! That gave me a heart attack. But that was so fucking awesome! If they didn't have {Rewind} they wouldn't be able to do such tactics.

'Let's ask that they tell me first in the future if they do something like that,' I decided in my mind.

At that point Bella and I finally arrived to meet the abandoned Trio.

High from the excitement of the sisters' performance, I spoke arrogantly like a king. "Follow me or die!"

"I refuse, I bow only to the strong!"

"My allegiance lies only to master."

"Fuck off, you cunt!"

Such colorful replies. But why did they all sound feminine? Not that it mattered. Well, with {Soul Breaker} we didn't need them. I then aimed at the Viking and squeezed the trigger.

"Then die."


A gunshot echoed in the air as Bella diverted my pistol with her knife. "Honey, I know you are in a hurry, but no one will listen to you if you invite them like that! Leave this to me."

She begged me to just agree with her soulful eyes. Hmm, why was I so dominating? I wanted her to convince them, yet I immediately moved to shoot them. It seemed I should be careful. My personality was slowly but surely changing. I moved to scan the area facing the direction of the Assault group.

"You have five minutes."

Bella then softly whispered in my ear.

"That was perfect, well done."

She gave my cheek a quick peck before turning around. I used {Listen} to eavesdrop on their discussions.

"Greetings, I will be quick. We are aware of who you were with and how you got isolated. My partner has a debt to collect on the redheaded swordsman who threw the kid. The people who saved you earlier are also our people. We aim to take down the brute before your group has a chance to do so."

"We are no longer with those wankers! Those dickheads should just get stuffed! That ranga slag wanted to cop a root and threw me away because I refused!" the kid cursed, sounding hurt.

He was speaking English, right? Not even {Interpret} could translate it properly. Bella, on the other hand, just smiled as she continued. Wait. She understood?

"Right, they are bad people from what we saw. Well, my partner saw you guys being betrayed. He intends to kill everyone in the assault group and the Rank D brute. How about you guys join us?"

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