Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 418: Battling monsters - 4

"Need a hand." Rio said as he appeared beside Katherine, surprising her as she looked back and saw no sign of the monster anywhere.

Somehow after spding all this time together and seeing him use so many types of magic these past few months, _ she didn't ev bother herself to ask what he did to deal with such a troublesome fella, who not only could not feel physical attacks, but after falling down to half health, could ev reflect magic ones back at it's castor.

Together with Rio who held off all the other Varsha ctipedes, Katherine easily dealt with the leader. Though it cost a lot of mana, and made a giant ice statue in the middle of the flat forest.

"Let's head out before other monsters come. I don't want to fight all night." Rio said, and rushed into the direction where the system map showed the location of Leon.

His pair of ravs kept flying in the sky, helping them avoid the monsters who were either living or resting nearby.

"The sun will go down soon, do you want to look for a cave or a hiding place?" Katherine asked him.

Since she agreed to follow his command in the dungeon, so ev though, she wanted to rest and recover her mana, she still tried to keep up with him and request his permission first. She didn't want to be a burd or be left behind so soon..

"In darkness there'll be too many monsters coming out to hunt, _ ev if you can see clearly and handle the big ones. We'll have trouble facing off against hordes of smaller bugs, worms, or flying birds." Seeing him silt, she further explained, while siltly wondering in her heart, 'How the hell was he running in a freaking forest with his eyes closed, and sight set on differt skies?

And that too, faster than her?'

Rio didn't know her thoughts, or he'd point at the system's 3d live map that showed his front view in fpov on display too. Obviously for 00 points per minute.

Suddly Rio oped his eyes and stopped in his tracks, surprising her. He bt down and placed his hand on the g, trying to feel something. Only to stand up with a frown.

"Get ready." He said and started throwing balls of flames to the nearby trees. Lighting them up to act as torches.

"For what? I don't see anything." Katherine asked, though she still pulled her sword out.

"For this, Jump." Rio said and jumped over a high tree's thick branches.

It took a second for Katherine to do the same, but that differce in momt was ough to let her get a clear glance at what was coming.

She looked ahead and saw a wave of stones rolling in their direction. For a long distance all she could see behind them was ruins, like a sheet of paper had be swiped over the forest, removing all the dust and dried leaves in its wake.

But as she jumped to a height and looked down again, the torches clearly showed her it wasn't a sheet of stones rolling their way, but a group of spiders rummaging a.

Hundreds, no probably thousands, of small spiders were running in a race, each pushing and falling over one another, forming a net of sorts. Wherever they passed through, nothing remained but a web of on the g.

"Thanks for the save." Katherine said, once the wave of spiders passed from beath them without stopping. She really couldn't face or freeze so many of them together. And if she got tangled in that sticky webs, well that would be ev worse. As though every single one string was thin as a string, but roll together a thousand of them, and one can imagine the strgth of it.

"It's not over yet." Rio said as he pointed in the direction from where these spiders came from.

There a dust cloud had ris from the forest, and screeching sounds of birds and creeks of crawlers could be heard clearly. Some screaming and some howling in pain.

"It's the web." Katherine said, looking down at the slithering , "They're pulling the web behind them."

Just as her words finished, Rio could see the web below them rolling together, tying and gathering all the trees and stones it attached itself to in a ball, and pulling them until they broke from their roots and followed the horde.

Not only that, due to the high speed of spiders, and the slope behind them, the ball of web only gained more speed and rolled faster and faster. Destroying everything and attaching everything together in it's wake.

"Dammit." He cursed seeing the variety of ways he never ev imagined these monsters to have. "Hold me tightly." He said as he grabbed her hand and jumped from the tree, before getting tangled in the web and getting sucked and trapped into it like those other monsters. Last thing he wanted was to be pressed against brok trees, sharp stones, and mad monsters.

Wings of appeared behind his back as he flew high in the sky. The airwaves caused from flapping them breaking whatever invisible single threads got attached to them earlier.

The sudd pull and jolt of speed caused Katherine to lose her balance, making her raise her arms and grab his collar to steady herself.

It felt kind of weird being so close to him, looking at his face in front of hers wh she pulled his shirt. _not bad though. There was this warm feeling to it that she couldn't clearly idtify yet. But it felt _ soothing.

"We should be out of their range by now." Rio said as he landed on the g after some time.

Forming wings and maintaining them continuously was taking too much mana, and was quite taxing on his head, so he didn't like to use them very oft. Plus they were mostly for trump card and escape help, he didn't want to be in a situation where that skill was on cooldown and he got trapped.

While Rio was checking how much more mana he had left, or should he just start eating pills or paying system to pump it up again, wh Katherine's tse voice pulled his atttion.

"Not really." Katherine said, replying to his previous statemt and pointed in a direction.

Rio followed her finger, and saw 8 red dots flashing in the shadows of the trees. They would appear and disappear every few seconds, making one wonder if there was actually something there, or was it just a reflection or refraction of light playing tricks on them.

"Are those blinking eyes?" Rio asked, trying to make out of those dots getting closer.

"It's Vorilks." Katherine said a name, and descriptions of it appeared in Rio's head too.

A monster who was writt in the novel too. Someone whom Leon had defeated. And remembering this _ Rio couldn't help but curse.

'What the fuck is this protagonist doing? There's only one Vorilks in a forest, and he st it to me? Can't he ev kill this now?"

[Amm Host, it was going Leon's way. And so were you. So in a way, you're the one who interrupted it midway, and attracted it's atttion by your angelic wings.]

"I swear the momt I unmute you, you start saying shit like this, that just screams MUTE ME."

[I speak truth, and nothing but the truth.]

"..." Muted again.

Vorilks, otherwise known as the que of crabs. Meaning, she's never alone and can summon her army wherever she wishes.

How? Cause she carries them with her.

Like a kangaroo has a pouch to store it's baby, Vorilks have one too, but this lady, she stores her whole army in it.

Her tummy is like the pocket of Doraemon, it looks small, but dear god, is it deep and filled to the brim.

Vorilks look like an abomination which is born after a crab fucked a spider, or vice versa.

It looks huge, has legs, and small red eyes on its back, shining in the darkness like radium.

They're very very ssitive to mana, chugging magic is their favorite dish. And flame their adversary, high temperature their natural emy.

With this trait one can guess why author of the original novel pitted this beast against Leon. (Easy fight right.) But as the dead young masters of literature had taught us anything, it's that if mc has an easy fight, it means that the beat character got big backing.

And voila, Vorilks has one too.

And now this abomination is standing in front of him. He was just wondering if he should leave and fly away, wh the monster made the decision for him.

"Perfect. Left one army of bugs behind, and another is here." Rio said, and looked at hundreds of small crabs rushing towards him. Like a wave thrusted them to the beach with a  force.

These small beasts moved as one, their legs skittering over the wood and stones with terrifying speed. Worse yet, their bodies were covered in hard, reflective shells.

"They're ssitive to mana. Hit them with magic and they'll reflect it right back at you. And their eyes, try not to look into them for a long time, it can cause you to go crazy or fall unconscious." Seeing his sighing look Katherine chose to explain the army of monsters, "Ohh and physical attacks are mostly useless too.

They may look like small ants that you can crush with your shoes, but their shells are super hard."

"Their eyes are a weak spot but due to this amount of numbers, we'll never wipe them all. Our best option is to kill the que and th use the momts wh her army is disordered to escape from here."

Katherine was speaking wh Rio just cut her off with a _ "Fuck it. The book said their meat is tasty unlike other monsters here, so let's just cook them."

"Heh?" Katherine looked up at him in doubt, but Rio started his plan to wipe them all out and earn his free points anyway.

Killing these idiots the same way it was writt in the novel. Just the one killing them was differt.

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