Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 80

Chapter 080

Fortunately, Professor Millay didn’t let Lee Han go.


Two thick books appeared out of thin air. It was so thick that it seemed like it could be used as a weapon.

On the cover of the well-bound book was written < Theoretical foundations and examples of summoning magic >.

“Sit down, both of you.”

Professor Millay had a stern gaze that made people nervous even without pointing a knife or swinging a cane.

Gainando also sat down with a slightly frightened expression.

“professor. Where are the other friends?”

“I received the teaching, packed my assignments, and went back.”

“I see… An assignment?”

Gainando raised his head.

In the current situation, the addition of assignments was a huge burden. Gainando tried timid defiance.

“professor. Dark magic is not an assignment…”

Professor Millay stared at Guinando. At that gaze, Cainando was subdued as it was.

‘It’s not like he has a petrification effect in his gaze.’

There were so many strange professors that I was suspicious.

“Open the book, both of you.”

The two quietly opened the book. Guinando staggered as if he was getting dizzy at the densely written letters.

“Read and write. And we can solve the problem.”

Lee Han looked at the book.

< Chapter 1. About summoning inanimate objects >

– Summoning inanimate objects, which can be said to be the most basic and core of summoning magic, is a part that even a summoner who is only interested in summoning in other fields must learn. The great summoner Boltzmann organized educational and efficient magic circles for future generations, and remembering these magic circles has become the basis for summoning magic. So thank you young summoner and keep working hard. Memorizing Boltzmann’s basic magic circles and understanding their principles will guarantee amazing achievements in summoning magic…

(Magic Circle No. 1)

(Magic Circle No. 2)

(Magic Circle No. 3)

(Magic Circle No. 4)

-Young Summoner. Now that you’ve learned some fun knowledge, it’s time to put that knowledge to good use. Try to answer the following riddle.

A rookie summoner, Chersu, was left alone in an accident while traveling in the cold north. All of a sudden, someone stole the luggage containing the thick clothes of Cheersu, and the fierce wind blew and shattered the clothes he was wearing. At this time, what is the summoning magic circle that can be used as quickly as possible so that Cheersu will not freeze to death?

‘The summoning magic circle is also a magic circle, but I think we need to find the culprit first.’

Other than the absurd and far-fetched questions, the textbook was excellent.

As Lee Han, who has read complex and difficult major books to the point of getting tired of it, I was able to see how good this book was.

Not all textbooks are kind.

Some books were kindly considerate of the level of the reader, while others were structured as if to say, ‘I’m not trying to teach you, my goal is just to make you waste your time pointlessly’.

And usually, major books were often the latter.

…The professors here were closer to the latter, if I had to put it bluntly…

But the book Professor Millay gave me was great.

If you read slowly and carefully, you can easily memorize and understand the basic magic formations often used in summoning magic.

For this alone, Lee Han highly evaluated Professor Millay.

‘Actually, he was a good person.’

Among the numerous magic books for the students, he chose the one most suitable for education.

It was the mindset of a true educator that was incomparable to other professors.

‘thank you. professor.’

Professor Millay was slightly taken aback by Lee Han’s moving eyes.


There were two reasons why Professor Millais didn’t teach summoning magic from the beginning.

First of all, it was because it was easy to have an accident without abundant knowledge and preparation for summoning magic. Even a simple summoning of an inanimate object could be enough to injure the caster.

Second, it was because they did not want the students to act recklessly.

If he taught the summoning magic right away to freshmen who were already full of pride and pride, he could cause an accident with his blood and arrogance.

just study

It’s difficult and boring, until the students’ bodies are twisted and twisted.

That was Professor Millay’s philosophy.

It would have been better if he could not stand it in the middle and gave up the summoning magic. It was good for the student that such a student did not learn summoning magic.


Professor Millay was surprised to see Lee Han silently copying books and solving problems without a single complaint.

I thought he would be the most arrogant as he showed the most outstanding talent among the students.

After a while, the other students yawned, twisted their bodies, glanced outside, and tried to run away…

Surprisingly, Lee Han did not move at all in his posture. Like a statue, he sat upright, only scratching his quill.

“Lee Han.”


“I need the bathroom.”

“Are you trying to run away?”

“What… what?? what? no! Oh no!”

Kainando vehemently denied it. Lee Han, who asked without much thought, was convinced thanks to him.

‘You tried to run away, you bastard.’

When he first came, Lee Han wondered if Gainando would change from black magic to summon magic.

But looking at it now, I don’t think I need to worry about that.

“I want to see Professor Mortum…”

Guinando, who had gone to the bathroom, was muttering like a madman.

* * *

‘But if I study this hard, they’ll do anything for me?’ Guinando’s expectations were shattered mercilessly.

Professor Millay made me study until the end.

Lee Han nodded with a satisfied expression.

‘There should be a class like this.’

I listened to the lectures that were so eventful, and I felt that these high-quality theoretical studies were sweet.

Gainando whispered as he got up.

“hey. Do you understand this?”

“Isn’t it quite clear? It’s also fun.”


Gainando looked at him with a more astonished expression than when Yihan overpowered Rapadel earlier.

You must be really crazy!

“That’s all for today. Please read and study this amount by next week.”

Professor Millay put away his book and held out a bundle of thick paper. Gainando received it with a polite expression.

‘I’m not coming.’

‘I’m not coming.’

Lee Han and Professor Millay simultaneously foresaw the future of Guinan Island.

Just looking at it, it doesn’t look like it’ll be coming until next week!

“I will see you next week.”

Lee Han greeted politely.

Basically, it is true that I have to be friendly with professors, but I had to be a little closer with the professors who are the personalities among them.

I could have helped Lee Han later when he was taken to the punishment room.

“I apologize if I misunderstood. Lee Han student.”


“Then see you next week.”

Professor Millay smiled very faintly.

However, from the point of view of Lee Han, who did not know English, it was a lot of imaginable words.


When the door to the Yeongje Hall closed, Lee Han was taken aback.

What did you see wrong??

‘Have you talked to Professor Mortum about my future? You didn’t mean to focus exclusively on black magic, did you? No way, with the skeleton headmaster…’

In the end, Lee Han groaned until he fell asleep that night.

* * *

The students are getting emaciated day by day, but the skull principal seemed to shine in his eyes as the days went by.

< Basic Magical Personality Education > The skeleton headmaster who entered the classroom greeted with a joyful voice.

Is everyone having a happy week?



If it was the first week, there would have been a few students who would have responded out of politeness, but all the students in the four towers were silent.

Skeleton Principal rattled the skull without hesitation. Then the students’ necks were forcibly nodded up and down.

Except Lee Han.


Lee Han looked around and nodded hurriedly. The skeleton headmaster looked at Lee Han as if he was dumbfounded.

‘I’m going to copy that again…’

Looking at that boy from the Wardanaz family, I thought of a lion wearing a sheep’s mask and trying to be friendly with sheep.

If you had to endure the headmaster’s magic alone, you should be confident and arrogant with your chest open.

ruler. It’s time to educate your young wizards for their personalities. Do you remember the assignment I gave you last week?

The students nodded.

who can forget

-Students of each tower, please bring the flag hung in the freshman lounge of the tower I designate until next time. It’s a flag with a pattern on it!

Skeleton Headmaster’s Challenge.

It was an assignment to bring a flag from another tower.

It was a task that had nothing to do with personality no matter how concessions were made, but the skeleton headmaster was confident.

Shall we start by checking the Black Turtle Tower? Did you get the Phoenix Tower flag?

“yes. We…”

The students of the Black Turtle Tower carefully stood up to take out the flags they had brought.

It was the flag exchanged with the Phoenix Tower students.

yes you brought it Good job.



The skeleton headmaster made a blatantly disinterested expression.

As he already knew that they had exchanged each other, he was not very interested.

You must have taken good care of the Phoenix Tower, right?


okay. Now…

The Headmaster Skeleton floated and flew to the White Tiger Tower with the joy of a man whose long-awaited food was finally served.

Students from my honorable family of knights! Of course you all brought the blue dragon tower flag, right?? huh??



The faces of the Tiger Tower students were flushed with humiliation and shame.

Lee Han, who doesn’t care what other people think, is also a little uncomfortable in the current situation.

‘The back of the head is very tingling.’

The students of the White Tiger Tower were glaring at Lee Han with resentful eyes.

Why don’t you take it out?! Yes?! why?! Could it be that you didn’t bring it?!

‘Do it…’

Lee Han begged the skeleton headmaster to stop fucking. Of course, the skeleton headmaster didn’t stop.

The skeleton headmaster, who was talking excitedly, changed the topic as if he had enjoyed it enough.

As I said before, this lecture is not about fighting each other. The purpose of this lecture is to get to know each other, get to know each other, and get to know each other.

The students didn’t trust anyone.

I’m sorry that you seem to be misunderstanding what I mean. In that sense, I will make the next assignment a little easier to understand.

Lee Han became anxious.

what more are you going to do?

If you go straight west from the main building, there is a lake. I don’t know if anyone has seen it.


“…was that a lake?”

Students who had seen it after going for a walk around the area were embarrassed and said.


“I thought it was the sea.”

“Why is there an ocean inside the school?!”

“I just thought that this school might have an ocean.”

…it was a filthy big lake.

Just as there is a mountain range so deep and rugged that it is difficult to grasp its end, there was also a lake in this magic school.

There is an island on the lake. There I hid my ticket to go out.



The eyes of the students suddenly flashed like hungry beasts.

Everyone cooperate and bring it to me.

“All right!”

One of the hottest answers so far came out.

really. The Phoenix Tower students should work together with the Black Turtle Tower students, and the Blue Dragon Tower students with the White Tiger Tower students. It’s free to not listen to them like in the previous assignment, but…

The skeleton headmaster grinned.

If you do, I bet you’ll never get through.

The Blue Dragon Tower students and the White Tiger Tower students looked at each other and frowned.

Everyone was thinking the same thing.

‘Are you with these kids? I must be thinking.’

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