Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 17

Chapter 017

‘That’s amazing!’

The first thing Professor Ingeldell thought of when he saw Lee Han kick the dirt and scatter it all over Durgyu’s face was admiration.

– Don’t choose the means and methods. There is only life and death.

The aristocrats who learned swordsmanship for the sake of dignity and sophistication looked down on undignified means, but swordsmen who risked their lives to wield their swords in real battles only valued victory.

From that point of view, it wasn’t bad at all that Lee Han kicked the soil with his foot. Rather good.

In addition, what should be evaluated more highly was the situation itself, where all the students of the same age were staring at her.

Age of mid-teens at most. It was an age full of blood and pride.

Not only the nobles, but also the knights did not want to use cowardly means.

Most of the students are unable to use it even if they know it because of their low self-esteem.

However, Lee Han kicked the dirt right away without thinking for a second.

In terms of family, even though he comes from the most noble family here!

It was something that only a swordsman who knew instinctively what swordsmanship was and was prepared to sacrifice everything for that swordsmanship could do.


Durgyu also spat out swear words as if he hadn’t expected it.

Dirt got all over my eyes, nose and mouth, and I was confused.

‘Shit! For such a shallow trick!?’

Durgyu was more angry at himself for being careless than for the opponent who used cowardly methods.

I’ve heard several times that this could happen when learning swordsmanship in my family!

He arbitrarily guessed that the opponent was a noble from a noble family, so he would use straight swordsmanship as if measured with a ruler.

‘Finish quickly!’

Lee Han stepped forward and rushed toward Durgyu, whose posture had collapsed.

Lee Han also trained in swordsmanship for a long time, but Durgyu also trained for a long time.

Perhaps he trained harder and more severely than Lee Han. I could tell just by looking at his posture.

In a proper match, Lee Han himself does not know whether Lee Han will win or Durgyu will win.


We had to create the conditions to win.

…Of course, Allarron didn’t teach me how to kick this dirt.

Thanks to this, Allarron was admired by Professor Ingeldell without realizing it.

‘The teacher must be a terrible person to teach such things!’

“Keugh… Damn it!”


Durgyu kicked the ground hard with his foot and flew backwards in mid-air.

There was no attitude or anything. Due to the hasty distance, Durgyu lost his balance and fell and rolled backwards.



Lee Han also didn’t know that the opponent would throw his body backwards and roll around.

‘No, what is this kid going to live or die like this…? Well, I sprinkled the soil.’

I didn’t think that I would roll over on the dirt floor because I came from a family of knights, but…

Everyone was shocked, so I couldn’t hear the sound of cheering and it was quiet.

Professor Ingeldell alone clapped.

“Excellent young students!”



Durgyu wiped the dirt off his face with his sleeve. Even though her face was clean, her body was a mess from rolling on the dirt.

But thanks to her, her eyes were even more ferocious.

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

‘Still, it’s not without income.’

The opponent must have received some heat as the face was hit with dirt and the floor rolled.

Originally, in a fight, a person who is heated will make mistakes.

When we were tense, we had to engage in psychological warfare like this.


Durgyu shouted and ran.

* * *

‘He fights really well!’

Professor Ingeldell was once again amazed.

If earlier I had admired the two students’ stance in doing whatever they could, the admiration now was the admiration for their pure swordsmanship.

I thought I was the most outstanding among freshmen right now, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.

First, Durgyu of the Choi family was showing off the high mountain moon sword.

The wooden sword hissed in accordance with the fast and cheerful rhythm of a quicksword as it stabbed Lee Han.

Originally, the movement had to slow down every time he stabbed and pulled away, but Durgyu did not slow down and maintained that speed.

It was possible because he had infused a little magic into the sword.

It would be difficult to block even if they just stabbed in, but to think that each swordsmanship was infused with magic power.

It was an overly harsh attack for a freshman.

However, the wardanaj family’s Lee Han was not easy.







The more he attacked, the more Durgyu’s expression turned into nervousness and regret.

Durgyu was stepping on his steps without stopping quickly to avoid being counterattacked by the opponent.

Then, when attacking, tense the muscles of the whole body and stab it like a throw.

Otherwise, the speed of the sword would not come out.

Flashy and fast attacks were possible, but it consumed a lot of stamina. Durgyu was already feeling out of breath.

By the way…

the opponent stayed still with little movement like a rock, and when the stab came in, he just hit the track sideways.

As if the attacks were all visible.


Durgyu felt like piercing a rock with a needle.

Even if I predicted the attack, I would never have thought the opponent would knock it off so easily.

‘Is the power of stabbing insufficient? Why doesn’t the opponent get tired!’

Durgyu screamed inwardly.

And at that time, Lee Han was thinking the same thing.

‘This kid seems to be out of breath. Why don’t you stop?’

The Byeogam Sword that Lee Han learned is a heavy and strong heavy sword type swordsmanship.

Even if I tried to get a shot against Durgyu, it was not easy because Durgyu moved back and forth like crazy.

Fortunately, Lee Han has a physical advantage over his opponent.

The opponent was excited and rolled on the floor, the action was much more intense, and above all…

Lee Han did not get tired even though he used some magic power when swinging his sword.

Even Lee Han himself was astonished at the magical power he became aware of after he started learning magic.

…I think I’ve been putting a lot of mana into the sword for quite a while, so why doesn’t it get tired?

However, even if Lee Han was in an advantageous situation, he was not relaxed.

To be honest, Durgyu’s attack was quite fierce.

Every time it bounced, it was loaded with heavy power, and it sent chills down my spine.

It’s because it’s a wooden sword, but if this was a real sword, the collar would have been cut off just by brushing against it.

From the outside, it seemed that Lee Han was blocking it with a short, short bounce with a leisurely motion, but Lee Han, who was blocking it, was putting his heart and soul into it.

“Heh uh uh…!”

And in the end, it was Durgyu who collapsed first.

He held his breath and held back the screams of his muscles, but Durgyu was mentally shaken first.

It was because the opponent didn’t seem too shaken.

The one from the Wodanaz family who blocks attacks with an expressionless face as if nothing is wrong!

Upon meeting those eyes, Durgyu had the illusion that he was already playing on the other person’s palm.

‘It’s a pity.’

Professor Ingeldell was saddened inwardly.

Durgyu collapsed first, but Lee Han was also quite crowded.

That’s why Durgyu’s attack was fierce.

Had he known that, Durgyu would have been able to squeeze a little more strength into it.

However, Durgyu overestimated the opponent and collapsed on his own.

It was an unavoidable mistake as a child.

Even more, Lee Han of the Wodanaz family was already spraying the cool and oppressive atmosphere unique to the great nobility.

A handsome man who is unlikely to bleed even if stabbed with a needle is advantageous in many ways in swordsmanship.


As Durgyu collapsed, Wodanaj immediately swung his wooden sword to blow away his opponent’s sword and stopped it in front of the tip of his neck.

“stop! Wardanaz won.”

Professor Ingeldell spoke softly but firmly. There was a will to not allow any more fighting.

The White Tiger Tower students let out a sigh in disbelief.

Durgyu, the most outstanding among them, loses!


“As expected, I sprinkled the soil…”

“Durgyu also rolled on the ground.”

“What’s up, kid? Is this because it’s Durgyu’s fault?”

“Ah… no. sorry.”

Professor Ingeldell opened his mouth, ignoring the whispering students.

“Today, the two students showed really good swordsmanship. If you win today, there is no way to win in the future, and if you lose today, there is no way to lose it in the future. Let the winners be humble and the losers be diligent. Say hello to each other.”

Lee Han held out his hand and looked at his opponent.

Honestly, Lee Han expected that the other person would stare at him, spit on him, tighten his hand, or do some other shit.

Judging from the fact that when Lee Han came to listen to the lecture, he quarreled. He had an unusual temper, but he was defeated in the swordsmanship he was most proud of.

‘If I attack with my fist, I’ll knock down the bottom with a low kick and put a counter right away.’

Lee Han narrowed his eyes and looked at his opponent, preparing for an unexpected surprise attack.

Even though Professor Ingeldell is by his side, he has learned before that professors are fundamentally untrustworthy, and hadn’t he learned something new at this school as well?

“…It was a good fight. I apologize for misreading and ignoring you. You deserve this lecture.”


However, the orc has honestly apologized.

Lee Han checked, saying, ‘I’m sure this bastard isn’t trying to catch him off guard,’ but he didn’t seem to have such an intention.

If so…

“You must have said it because you were worried too. do not care.”



Durgyu held Lee Han’s hand and nodded. There was respect in those eyes.

Clap clap clap-

Professor Ingeldell applauded with a thrilled expression at the beautiful figure he thought of.

Of course, the students of the White Tiger Tower looked very confused.

“What are you all doing? Aren’t you clapping?”



Professor Ingeldell straightened up and drew his sword, the students hurriedly played with their hands.

Clap clap clap clap!

* * *

“You’re not going to leave me alone after being humiliated like that, are you? step on it.”

At the cold voice, the other White Tiger Tower students nodded.

However, Durgyu shook his head with a heavy expression.

“I lost because I was lacking.”

“no! That bastard lost by kicking the dirt!”

“no. I would have lost if I hadn’t spread the soil. And if I lost because of those tricks, it was also because I was lacking.”

At Durgyu’s words, the students became agitated.

Durgyu’s words had a sense of weight to the dormitory students as he had the best swordsmanship skills.

However, the golden-haired student spoke coldly.

“I don’t care about that. The important thing is that the honor and pride of our tower was destroyed because of you. Take responsibility. The Choi family.”


Giselle, who inherited the lineage of the Moradi family, uttered coldly.

At those words, Durgyu’s face hardened.

Durgyu could not be easily ignored as the Moradi family had a strong influence among the northern knight families.

“I lost because of my lack of skills, so how can I take responsibility?”

“Simple. If you go alone and lose, it’s okay to go with a group.”

Before she could finish her words, two students came out and stood next to Durgyu.

“don’t worry. Durgyu. I will help you.”

“Three is enough.”

“…Isn’t it embarrassing as a knight to have the three of you deal with one?”

Durgyu struggled to prevent the situation somehow.

Then Giselle laughed.

“If you’re going to say something like that, you should have won. Lose and say something like that?”


The reaction of the White Tiger Tower students was divided in half.

Half of the students who always sided with the Moradi family.

And half of the students who responded that this is not a bit.

However, not even half of the students showed up.

Durgyu bit his lip and said.

“I will refuse.”

“you. You will regret it.”

Giselle averted her gaze as if she would no longer recommend it.

“Cowards fall. three with you Go and step on some wordanaz.”

“okay. Moradi.”

“Don’t worry.”


No matter how well Lee Han fought, the 3 vs 1. was too disadvantageous.

Even the three of them steadily learned swordsmanship.

Durgyu made a decision.

To stand by Lee Han’s side for the sake of honor.

* * *


“Wodhanaz bastard!! dare!!”

“…If you want to search for the next one, come and see.”

Lee Han said coldly. The two students, intimidated by the sight, unknowingly backed away.

Durgyu, who came running to help belatedly, looked at the fallen student with a shocked expression.

What happened?

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