Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 12

Chapter 012

Anyway, I’m glad you ironheads realized it quickly!



No one was pleased with Principal Rich’s praise. Lee Han seemed to hear someone swearing.

‘The blue dragon’s tower is originally the slowest.’

But unexpectedly, Principal Rich praised him with sincerity.

Every year, new students entered the new dormitory, but among them, the Blue Dragon Tower was the slowest to adapt.

The students who adapt the most quickly are the students of the Black Turtle Tower.

Its adaptability is extraordinary as merchants, commoners, and even students from the slums come in.

The next fastest were the students of the White Tiger Tower.

Apparently, since there are many knights from families, they have good physical abilities and have endured difficult tasks well.

In comparison, most of the students in the Blue Dragon Tower are from high-ranking noble families.

I had never done anything difficult, so it was inevitable that I would adapt slowly.

But within a few days, they found something to eat on their own and ate it.

Frankly, it was extraordinary.

‘Is that guy the culprit?’

Principal Rich’s blue eyes stuck to Lee Han.

The Archmage’s intuition is always correct.

Sometimes when I was wrong, I had to make it right by force.

In that respect, Lee Han was fortunate.

It was not at all different from what Principal Rich felt for the first time.

‘The quality of a good wizard is not simply determined by the amount of magic power…’

Principal Rich didn’t rate Lee Han highly because of his magic power.

Of course, that was one of the factors in the evaluation, but Principal Rich was more impressed with the other points.

To think that such a free-spirited man could come out of the stiff Wardanaj family.

‘Free thinking. That’s the companion that opens the way for wizards.’

That was exactly what Principal Rich wanted to tell the students here.

Feeding hard bread and cold rice was also to foster such free thinking.

Of course, I enjoyed watching it, but that was the original purpose anyway.

‘I don’t know why I suddenly feel a chill down my spine.’

Lee Han suddenly felt ominous. It was strangely cool for spring weather.

* * *

“Mr. We understood that we had to cook our own meals to grow as wizards. But why do I have to take this character education?”

Certainly, the Blue Dragon Tower students were fearless.

Since he was from a high-ranking aristocrat, he would say something even in front of Principal Rich.

Principal Rich said softly, rattling his skull.

very well said Why do you think you need to undergo character education? you tell me

“…I do not know.”

That’s because when wizards from here have accidents outside, His Majesty the Damn Emperor will hold me accountable!!!

All the freshmen covered their ears at the sound of Principal Rich’s voice.

your ancestors! go outside! If it hadn’t been for an accident, none of this would have happened! You fucking ironheads!!



Why are you doing this character education?! Later, when His Majesty’s high official comes to ask for the reason for the incident, you should at least make an excuse that you are doing character education like this so that you guys won’t be caught and punished! These iron-headed bastards!! Was that a good enough answer!?!

“Yes… Yes!!”

The student who asked the question was overwhelmed by Principal Rich’s momentum and only nodded.

Wizards are basically people who don’t know when or how to do something stupid. you guys don’t say no Lies like that only make me angry. I’ll see you later when I’m allowed out. How accidental you wizards are! Open the book! Read page 1!!

““I will not threaten civilians with magic!””

One more time!

“I will not threaten civilians with magic!”

Lee Han exclaimed, thinking to himself.

‘Does this really work?’

Rather, it seems that wizards will have more accidents if this kind of education is conducted…

* * *

All students expected that the personality education lecture would be boring.

That expectation was wrong.

The character education lecture was much more boring than expected.

“This… this is a required lecture…”

“I think my throat is hoarse from reading so much.”

ruler. I hope today’s lecture has established a good heart in your empty iron heads.


“I really think so…”

And I need two people to help with future lectures. Anybody willing to volunteer?

Principal Rich asked softly. The voice was even more creepy.



The students only rolled their eyes and averted their gaze. Principal Rich said with a satisfied smile.

Wouldn’t it be more painful if no one came out? Are you really not going to come out to the end?

“I will do it.”

It was Lee Han who raised his hand. Principal Rich put on a look of regret that he couldn’t enjoy it more.

It’s the iron head of Wodanaz. do you like to work

“Wouldn’t it be an honor to help the professor you respect?”


“A guy like you is really…” The

Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Lee Han with deeply moved expressions.

Yesterday, after satisfying the students’ hungry stomachs with a twilight barbecue party, today, they were stepping out for the same dormitory students.

It was not an empty word that the Wardanaj family was a pillar of the empire.

Look at that responsibility!

It’s pretty nasty to say something you don’t mean to say. But good. Opportunity always comes to an active guy.

Lee Han realized that his ulterior motives were discovered by Principal Rich.

Facts I learned from Professor Wooreegeol.

It was that there were surprisingly many things left to do to help the professor.

Especially in a closed space like now, the more I received from the professor, the better.

Even if the opponent is a crazy skeleton lich.

“I will do my best.”

‘And I’ll be able to get good grades.’

“Lee… Lee Han. it’s crazy?”

Kainando whispered with a shocked expression. Another student who heard that said to Gainando.

“If no one stepped forward, everyone would have suffered. Wardanaz isn’t crazy, he’s out for us.”

“That’s like that… then me too…”

Cainando hesitated and tried to stand up. But the legs didn’t move.

‘Move your legs!’

To be honorable, you had to be able to get up in these circumstances.

Besides, wouldn’t Lee Han be waiting for Gainan Island?

‘I have to help…’

The iron head of the Dalcard family. After all, the Dalcard family has always been good at paperwork.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

While Gainando was contemplating, a second person came out.

Asan Moon Card.

He was a boy from the Dalcard family who had been hit by a wild pig in alchemy class the other day and was blown away.


Lee Han looked at Asan as if he was puzzled. To be honest, I didn’t know Asan would come out.

‘Are you aiming for something similar to me?’

Asan raised his glasses with dignity and said.

“Of course, Wardanaz, you would know why I came out.”

“…I don’t know??”

Lee Han said in bewilderment.

How could he know Asan’s inner thoughts?

“what? why?! Of course, isn’t it to repay the favor you helped me last time?!”

Asan was even more absurd as if asking what he was talking about.

Is there any other reason than that?

“Ahhh. That was it. No, I didn’t have to do that.”

“What are you talking about? The Dalcard family always pays their debts.”

It’s nice to see the two ironheads conversing warmly, but there’s work to be done right now.


Copy and write as many copies of these safety rules as you like to share with your friends in the next lecture.



Asan seemed to come to his senses at Principal Rich’s words.



“I don’t understand, but… If it’s the principal’s magic, isn’t it easy to copy that text directly onto the paper here? Isn’t it inefficient for us to copy by hand?”

know. So that’s what you do.


Lee Han saw clearly.

The intent to kill welled up in Asan’s pupils!

* * *

– Sorry. Han Lee.

-I want to help…

Yoner, Gainando and the other students apologized and left.

Even though he wanted to help, Principal Rich stopped him.

It’s enough for two people! go away!

As a result, Lee Han ended up copying in an empty classroom with the Asan Dalcard.

“Unacceptable… Unacceptable… Forcing me to do such an inefficient thing…!”

‘It’s not like he’s going to break like this, right?’

Asan muttered and cast a furious pen stroke. Seeing this, Lee Han gradually became worried.

In fact, I thought I knew why the principal made this happen.

‘If you twist it, learn magic and do it.’

In fact, the principal’s mad behavior was surprisingly easy to grasp once one knew his intentions.

…the problem was that it was practically impossible.

I still can’t cast the < light creation > magic properly, so how can I cast something like writing magic?

‘Are there any hints?’

Lee Han began to rummage through the empty lecture hall, trusting in the remnants of conscience that Principal Rich had left.

“Wardanaz? What are you doing?”

Asan tilted his head and asked. Wardanaz was searching every nook and cranny of the classroom.

“I’m looking to see if there’s anything worth taking here.”

“Can I do that?”

“There is no law that says no.”

“That sounds like stealing…”

“This is Principal Rich’s classroom.”

“…Sometimes stealing is okay.”

Asan jumped up and ran to help Lee Han.

‘It’s really an instant to ruin a person.’

No matter if it’s from a noble family or whatever, when you come into this school, people will…

“Do you have anything?”

“well. Here’s some paper. We don’t know when we’ll use it, so let’s keep it. for a moment. I have a key.”

The key appeared with a jingling sound.

I don’t know where it’s being used, but Lee Han kept it for now. Asan asked curiously.

“Do you know where the key is?”

“no. But you have to take it with you so you can use it later.”

“I see… that’s reasonable.”

Asan was amazed. It was certainly logical.


When I opened the last drawer of the drawer, I suddenly heard a voice along with magic power.

Opening this drawer means you guys have decided to stop writing stupid break your wrist and start thinking. Hopefully that’s as early as possible! The longer you do this stupid labor, the more pitiful and pitiful you will be.



Here is the Circle 1 magic < Lesser Manipulation >. Take this and learn. You’d better learn quickly. Otherwise, you’ll be writing by hand for an entire semester.

The principal’s hidden intentions. The students who realized the intention were


impressed… ….

“Wardanaz. I can’t quite understand Why are you teaching magic like this? There could be many more sensible ways than this!”

Asan said with a look of exasperation.

The magic he thought was kindly taught one by one by an outstanding teacher, not thrown away like this and learned to survive.

What is this way!

Asan continued to speak in a voice full of enthusiasm.

“Wardanaz. you would understand Let’s complain to the principal together. If we both seriously protest, the principal might change his mind. …Wodhanaz??”


Lee Han turned his head.

Lee Han was already preparing to learn magic.

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