LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 43: Devil Horned Tribe Annihilation

Not far from where Lyerin, Corora, and the tall man stood, the Bighorn Sheep humanoids of the Raz'Khor Clan were going about their nightly tasks with a sense of disciplined camaraderie.

In the village center, warriors sparred with one another, their horns clashing with resounding thuds.

They laughed and encouraged each other, their spirits high after the successful ceremony.

Elders sat around a fire, discussing the future of their clan with a tone of strategic contemplation. "With the new recruits, we have a chance to finally defeat the Snow Leopard Tribe and the Hundred Bison Tribe," one elder said, his voice filled with hope.

Another elder nodded in agreement. "Yes, the Wildlings will bring us strength. We must be ready to face our enemies."

Nearby, women prepared the evening meal, their hands busy with pots and pans. They chatted and joked, their voices mingling with the crackle of the fire. "My husband says the new recruits look strong," one woman said, smiling. "Maybe this time, we'll have a real chance."

"Let's hope so," another replied, her eyes glinting with determination. "Our children deserve a future without fear."

The shamans were gathered in their stone cave, performing a nightly ritual with a solemn intensity. They chanted and waved their hands over a glowing fire, seeking guidance from the spirits. "The signs are favorable," the head shaman said, her voice echoing in the cave. "Our ancestors watch over us."

The scene was peaceful, filled with hope and anticipation. But suddenly, without warning, a dark force tore through the village.

In a split second, bodies were split into pieces, and soon the laughter and chatter were replaced by screams of terror until those screams were cut in half too.

Tribal huts were torn apart, the stone caves collapsed, and the sparring warriors were cut down where they stood.

Blood and chaos filled the air, the Raz'Khor Clan were reduced to a pile of severed limbs and a horrific scene of carnage.


In the Mountain Goat humanoid Gro'Tor Clan, the atmosphere was one of jovial celebration. Warriors sharpened their weapons and spoke of the upcoming battles. "With our new allies, we'll crush the Snow Leopard Tribe," one warrior said confidently.

"Yes, and the Hundred Bison Tribe will fall soon after," another agreed, clinking their mugs together.

Women and elders gathered around fires, sharing stories and hopes. "The recruits seem promising," an elder said. "Our tribe's future looks bright."

But their peace was shattered in an instant. A dark force ripped through their village like a whip, splitting bodies and destroying huts.

The air was filled with the sound of collapsing structures and the cries of the dying.

The Gro'Tor Clan's hopes were extinguished in a moment of brutal violence.


The Chamois humanoids of the Kel'Chaz Clan were also going about their nightly routines with a festive air. Warriors patrolled the village perimeter, discussing strategies with an enthusiastic fervor. "The recruits will give us the edge we need," one warrior said.

"We'll be unstoppable," another replied, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

In the village center, women and children laughed and played, the atmosphere light and joyous. Elders watched with smiles, their hearts filled with hope for the future. "The ceremony was a success," one elder said. "Our tribe will be strong."

But like the others, their hopes were dashed. A dark force descended upon them, splitting bodies and demolishing huts. The laughter and joy turned to screams and chaos. The Kel'Chaz Clan was left in ruins, their dreams of a brighter future obliterated.


The Tahr humanoids of the Mok'Tahr Clan were no different. Warriors trained vigorously, their spirits high. "The new recruits will make us invincible," one warrior said.

"We'll finally defeat our enemies," another agreed.

Women prepared food and cared for children, their conversations filled with hope and warmth. "The ceremony went well," one woman said. "Our tribe will thrive."

Elders and shamans performed rituals, seeking blessings from their ancestors with a sense of reverent optimism. "The future is bright," the head shaman said. "Our tribe is blessed."

But their peace was short-lived. A dark force tore through their village, splitting bodies and destroying huts. The air was filled with the sounds of death and destruction. The Mok'Tahr Clan's hopes and dreams were crushed in an instant.


The Mouflon humanoids of the Vin'Mouf Clan faced the same fate. Warriors discussed tactics and strategies, their confidence high. "With the new recruits, we'll be unstoppable," one warrior said.

"The Snow Leopard Tribe and the Hundred Bison Tribe won't stand a chance," another agreed.

Women and elders prepared for the evening, their hearts filled with hope and a sense of community. "The ceremony was a success," an elder said. "Our tribe will flourish."

But their hopes were violently taken from them. A dark force descended upon their village, splitting bodies and demolishing huts. The air was filled with screams and chaos. The Vin'Mouf Clan was left in ruins, their dreams of a better future shattered.


As the scenes of horror unfolded across the clans, the tall man watched with a cruel smile. "This is the fate of those who disturbed my experiment," he said, his voice filled with malice.

Corora was full of horror as she looked at what happened to the tribe, but when she heard it was the tall man who caused this, she looked at him with terror.

Meanwhile, Lyerin acted like he was horrified too, but deep down, he thought this was average. In his last life, this was nothing.

The tall man turned to face them, a cruel smile on his lips. "Do you see the extent of my power?" he asked, his voice resonating with arrogance. He stepped closer, his presence commanding and fearsome.

Corora trembled, clinging to Lyerin for support. The tall man seemed to revel or enjoy in their fear. "Allow me to introduce myself properly," he said, his voice dripping with superiority. "I am Lord Victor, a Mana Lord of Shadows. One of the High Elders, second only to the ruler of the Kingdom of Rose. Within the Borgias Family, I am considered one of the strongest."

He paused, letting his words sink into them. Like the weight of his power hung in the air, oppressive and suffocating. "You see, my journey to power was not an easy one," he continued. "I started at the very bottom, a mere pawn in a game much larger than myself. But I was determined to rise above my station."

Victor began to recount his story, his voice taking on a reflective tone. "I was born into a poor family, with no prospects and no future. From a young age, I was fascinated by magic and power. I would spend hours studying ancient texts, learning everything I could about the arcane arts."

He glanced at Lyerin and Corora, as if to ensure they were still listening. "My path to power was paved with sacrifice and hard work. I sought out mentors, learned from the best, and pushed myself to the brink. There were times when I thought I wouldn't survive, but my determination never wavered."

As he spoke, Victor's eyes glinted with a mix of pride and madness. "Experiments became my life. I delved into the darkest corners of magic, seeking knowledge that others feared. I learned to bend reality to my will, to harness the very essence of power."

He raised his hands, and a dark aura seemed to emanate from him. "My experiments were not without their dangers. There were countless failures, but each one brought me closer to my goal. I learned to manipulate the elements, to control life and death. I even discovered ways to enhance my own abilities."

Corora's eyes widened as she listened, unable to comprehend the extent of Victor's power. Lyerin, still pretending to be horrified, felt a chill run down his spine. Victor's story was a testament to his ruthless ambition and relentless pursuit of power.

"I have faced countless enemies, overcome insurmountable odds," Victor continued, his voice growing more intense. "And now, I stand before you as one of the most powerful beings in existence. My power is unmatched, my will unbreakable."

He looked down at Corora and Lyerin, his gaze penetrating. "Remember this moment," he said softly. "For you have witnessed true power."

Victor took a step back, his eyes glowing with fervor. "But my journey does not end here," he declared. "I have set my sights on greater heights. My current dream is to become a GrandMaster Assassin or an Eldren Grandmaster in the real world. The pinnacle of power and mastery. And I will achieve it, no matter the cost."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to tremble.

A deep, resonant sound echoed through the air, growing louder with each passing second.

Lyerin and Corora exchanged worried glances, their fear palpable.

Victor looked up, with a look of amusement on his face. "Ah," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "It seems we have company."

The ground continued to shake, as if the sound grew into a deafening roar.

Lyerin's heart raced as he braced himself for whatever was coming. He could feel the tension in the air, the sense of impending danger.

Corora clung to him, with her eyes wide with terror. "What is that?" she whispered, her voice trembling uncontrollably.

Lyerin knew what it was but he shook his head, as if he was unable to answer.

Ultimately, the sound grew louder, more intense, until it felt as though the very earth was about to split apart.

They could only watch in horror as the source of the noise drew closer, with the ground shaking violently beneath their feet.

And boom!

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