LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 37: Finding a safe place

Corora was shocked. "You are?" feeling an incredible sense of familiarity.

Lyerin nodded. "You can call me Lyerin.'' Hearing this, Corora was shocked and remembered the name of the Zur'Ibex Wilding she had been with back in the ruined magical world.

Lyerin doesn't care what she is thinking, he beckons to Corora. "Climb onto me. Those creatures are coming any moment now," he ordered.

Corora, though stunned, knew she had to act quickly. She nodded and moved towards Lyerin. He glanced at her sister. "Is she your sister?"

Corora nodded again, and then she turned to her sister. "Cornelia, come on."

Cornelia hesitated, fear evident in her eyes. Lyerin sensed her apprehension and tried to reassure her. "I only pushed her a little earlier, but I know it won't hurt her as I can feel that she is important to you," he said, looking away as if the words were difficult for him to say.

Seeing her sister's nod, Corora climbed onto Lyerin. He held her firmly but gently, ensuring she was secure.

Cornelia still hesitated, and with no time to lose, Lyerin stepped forward and grabbed her. "We don't have time for this bullshit; those flesh-eating zombies are coming." He lifted Cornelia effortlessly, carrying both girls as if they were weightless.

Fortunately, they didn't resist. Lyerin transformed his feet, his body shifting into his Zur'Ibex Wilding form, and began to climb the nearest building with remarkable speed and agility.

Once he reached a safe height, he looked down, assessing their situation.

"We need to leave this city," he said, his voice firm.

In his past life, Lyerin remembered that these flesh-eating creatures would evolve fast, they all or each of them would have had the terrifying ability to run fast, climb fast, and swarm together like a colony of ants at the slightest sound or movement.

Even with his Zur'Ibex Wilding form and full abilities, he knew he wouldn't last long if millions of these creatures started pursuing him with Corora and her sister Cornelia in his arms.

He continued to climb, still carrying the two, until he reached the tallest building he could find. From this vantage point, he could see the black ink cannibals swarming below a busy street, their grotesque forms moving with chilling coordination like a black colony of insects.

Lyerin closed his eyes, deep in thought.

He needed to find a safe place to hide, but he was in the center of the city, surrounded by danger on all sides.

Normally, he would look for a secure location with defensible space, multiple escape routes, plenty of supplies, and a remote position.

A secure location would mean strong barriers and few entrances, making it easier to fend off attackers. Defensible space would allow him to spot and fight off creatures from a distance.

Multiple escape routes were crucial in case they were cornered. Supplies were necessary for survival, and a remote location would reduce the chance of encountering large groups of zombies.

But none of that applied here.

These creatures could scale walls like insects in their soon to be evolution, and their sheer numbers would overwhelm any defensible position.

Lyerin's mind raced through the options, he felt sick. He really needed to deal with his sense of ownership towards Corora or he might experience this again in the future.

Thinking back, Lyerin felt his frustration grow.

None of the typical strategies fit this situation. He needed something different, a hidden place where they wouldn't be detected easily.

A place they could stay until he figured out their next move.

"Maybe we could try the sewers," he mumbled to himself. "But that's a gamble. If they're down there too, we're trapped. Maybe an old building with a basement. Somewhere they wouldn't think to look."

He opened his eyes and scanned the skyline. The black ink cannibals were still swarming below, but none had started climbing yet. They had a few moments to decide.

"Think, damn it," he muttered. "We need somewhere close, hidden, and safe. Somewhere with a way out if things go wrong."

He closed his eyes again, visualizing the city layout. He remembered an old library nearby, one with a basement used for storage. It was sturdy, with thick walls and few windows. Not perfect, but it might work because none of the creatures in the past cared about the place.

"There," he said, pointing. "The old animal sanctuary. It's our best shot."

Lyerin opened his eyes, determination hardening his facial features. He needed to move quickly before the creatures started their ascent in their next evolution.

Soon, he made his way to the place he had in mind—a secluded, private area once used to contain animals, fortified by tall walls. He had to jump in his Zur'Ibex Wilding form to clear the wall, with his powerful legs propelling him over with ease.


As he landed on the other side, he noticed several changes.

The area seemed freshly inhabited. Footprints in the dust, recently moved supplies, and a faint scent of smoke from a nearby fire indicated that someone had moved in not too long ago.

He scanned the area, focusing to sharpen his eyes and his senses to be heightened. He saw a small clearing that looked safe enough for the moment. He gently set Corora and Cornelia down, making sure they were secure.

"Stay here for a while and wait for me," Lyerin instructed, his voice firm but caring. "If anything comes, don't hesitate to attack."

Corora nodded, her grip tightening around her little sister. "Be careful," she whispered.

Lyerin gave a curt nod and then moved silently, checking every corner of the area. He kept to the shadows, with his movements seemed to be fluid and stealthy.

As he ventured further, he found an entrance to a basement. He descended cautiously, with his senses on high alert.

Inside the basement, there were shelves stocked with food supplies—enough to last for a month at least. As he moved further in, he heard voices. Two men in formal black suits were conversing.

"That should be enough to last for a month," one of them said. "Now, let's check on our toys."

They walked to another room, and Lyerin followed silently, his eyes narrowing as he prepared for whatever he might find. Inside, several women were huddled together, their faces streaked with tears. When the men opened the door, the women gasped and cried even harder.

"Shut up!" one of the men shouted. "This is the apocalypse! You don't have a choice but to obey whatever we desire."

The other man chimed in, "We're your only chance at survival. Do as we say, and you might live through this."

Lyerin would suddenly remember his past life and he felt a surge of rage build within him. That time, he was naive, he couldn't stand the sight of these people taking advantage of the vulnerable, using the chaos of the apocalypse to exert their twisted control.

However, now, he's just calm and collected but still, his body was tense, and was ready to act anytime.

The men continued to berate and threaten the women, their voices getting harsher and more cruel. "You should be grateful we found you," one sneered. "Without us, you'd be dead by now."

The women's sobs grew louder, but the men paid no mind, reveling in their power. They began to approach the women, and Lyerin knitted his brow.

Does he have to act now?

In an instant, he surged forward, his speed and strength amplified by his Zur'Ibex Wilding form. He grabbed the first man by the throat, his hand closing around it with a vice-like grip.

The man's eyes bulged in shock and terror, but he couldn't utter a sound. With a swift desire for fast violence, Lyerin squeezed, and the man's head popped like a watermelon, blood and brain matter splattering across the room.

The second man barely had time to react before Lyerin's hand was around his neck as well. He tried to scream, but the sound was cut off as Lyerin applied pressure.

The result was the same—another gruesome pop, and the man was dead.

Lyerin stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, his eyes glowing with a fierce light. He looked at the terrified women, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope. He knew he had to help them, but first, he needed to secure Corora and Cornelia.

Without another word, he turned and made his way back to where he had left the sisters. His mind raced with plans and possibilities.

They needed a safe place to stay, and he needed to gather more information about the people who had taken over this area.

When he reached Corora and Cornelia, he found them where he had left them, huddled together. Corora looked up, relief flooding her eyes when she saw him.

"Is it safe?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Lyerin nodded. "For now. But we need to move quickly. There's more to this place than I thought."

He helped them to their feet, his mind already working on their next move.

They needed to find a secure location, a place where they could rest and regroup. But first, they had to get out of this immediate danger zone.

As they moved, Lyerin's thoughts turned to the women he had left behind in the basement. Normally, he couldn't leave them to fend for themselves, not after what they had been through, but with his experience in his past life where a lot would betray him, he just shook his head, those food supplies were enough.

His priority was keeping Corora and Cornelia safe, after all, she is the only one who was important for him because of an accident to his leveling-up ability.

Immediately, they made their way through the darkened corridors, Lyerin leading the way silently. He kept his senses sharp, ready for any threat that might arise.

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