LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 27: Mysterious Shadow

Unlike the others who were escorted away due to their lack of shadow cores, Lyerin was instructed to stay. He watched as the others left, the tension palpable as they were led away to uncertain fates.

The old voice continued its brainwashing, spouting rhetoric about the honor and responsibility of being part of the Borgias Family, the importance of their survival, and the glory that awaited those who proved themselves.

Lyerin stood among the remaining few, his expression neutral, but his mind was sharp, alert but calm and unfazed. He had heard these words before, in his previous life. He knew they were designed to manipulate and control.

As the ceremony concluded, the old voice gave one final instruction. "Awaken in the real world, and know that our service to protect you against the zombies is coming."

Soo , the others began to disappear, waking up to face their new reality, but Lyerin was told to stay.

When finally, everyone else had gone, he was escorted to a random room, its dim lighting casting long shadows on the stone walls.

The air was thick with unknown atmosphere. Lyerin was told to stand and wait, which he did, but his senses heightened.

Not long after, a man cloaked in shadow stepped forward, his presence commanding but elusive. "Congratulations, Lyerin Borgias," the man said, his voice smooth and calculated. "You have shown remarkable prowess in the survival trial. Your level up, the transformation of your left hand, and your impressive kill count of Goblin Shrews have placed you at the top of the rankings."

Lyerin responded with a measured tone. "Thank you," he said, his voice betraying none of his inner turmoil. He felt uneasy.

This was new territory for him.

In his previous life, when it was discovered that he lacked a shadow core, he had been escorted out like the others.

This time, things were different, and he didn't know what to expect.

The man continued, stepping closer but remaining partially in the shadows. "Your accomplishments are nothing short of extraordinary. The Borgias Family recognizes your potential. You have proven yourself to be a formidable asset."

Lyerin nodded, maintaining his composure. "I appreciate the recognition. I did what I had to do to survive."

The man's eyes glinted in the dim light, his expression inscrutable. "Indeed, survival is the ultimate test. But your performance was beyond mere survival. You excelled."

Lyerin's internal monologue churned with suspicion at every standing hair at the back of neck. "Why this sudden praise? What's their angle? They never cared for achievements without a shadow core before. What's changed now?"

The man continued to speak, his words laced with an undercurrent of something Lyerin couldn't quite place. "Your transformation, your ability to adapt and overcome, these are qualities we value greatly. Your left hand, transformed as it is, marks you as someone special. You are not like the others."

Lyerin's unease deepened. He chose his words carefully. "I'm here to do my best. Whatever that entails."

The man's smile was thin and cold. "Of course. We have plans for you, Lyerin. Great plans. You will be given opportunities that others can only dream of. Your potential is limitless."

Lyerin felt a chill run down his spine. "Opportunities? Or traps? They never offer something for nothing. What are they really after?"

As the conversation continued, Lyerin remained guarded. He answered the man's questions with caution, each response calculated to reveal as little as possible about his true thoughts and intentions. He knew that any misstep could be dangerous.

"Your ranking, your transformation, they set you apart," the man said, his tone almost reverent. "You have the potential to rise higher than anyone before you."

Lyerin's mind raced. "Potential to rise? Or to fall into a deeper trap?"

As the man finished speaking, Lyerin detected a subtle shift in his tone, a hint of mockery that hadn't been there before. "Remember, Lyerin," the man said, his voice dripping with condescension, "great power comes with great responsibility. And the Borgias Family will be watching your every move."

Lyerin's eyes narrowed, his body tensing. He broke his neck to the side with a sharp crack and his voice came out low and serious. "Who are you!?" His tone was serious and a little mad. He was a knight in his past life and had a lot of experience at that.

The tone of this individual seemed like this person in shadow knew him, and this person was looking down on him like an insect.

An unknown uncontrollable fury began to pump Lyerin's blood. He felt like his body wouldn't let it be belittled by this mysterious man.

His left hand transformed in an instant, the dark energy swirling around it, and he immediately lunged toward the mysterious shadow of a person.

Lyerin was not one to wait—winning a fight always favored those who struck first.

As his hand was about to land on the person, he squinted, seeing shadows materialize behind him.


A powerful force stopped his attack, halting his momentum completely.

Before he could react further, he was restrained by two more shadows that appeared behind him, their grip like iron.


Lyerin sensed, and then he struggled, he thought he could get out easily but instead, he felt his muscles straining against the supernatural hold, but it was futile.

Meanwhile, the man in front of him stepped forward, revealing his features. The resemblance was uncanny—a face somewhat similar to Lyerin's, but twisted with a maniacal smile.

"Maybe our mother Lina really loved you, little Lyerin," the man sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "To the point she would give you advice, even though she knew since birth that you were not talented enough."

Lyerin's eyes widened in shock. "Mother Lina?" he echoed, he suddenly felt a scratching in his throat.

The man's smile grew wider, more sinister, as he ignored Lyerin's inquiry. "Did you think you could pass inside the inner part of the family by hiding your strength as a Mana apprentice user at the start and then rank up in an instant in one night? Pathetic. Your strategy was full of loopholes."

Rage and fear warred within Lyerin, making his face heat up.

The man was threatening hismother. And punishment for Mother Lina? Could it be that this man was one of his brothers? His thoughts began to swirl, a thousand possibilities flashing through his mind but without any confirmation.

"You're deluded," Lyerin spat, his voice trembling with barely contained fury. "Don't drag my mother into this. If you do, the Borgias Family will suffer."

The man only laughed, a cold, mocking sound that sent chills down Lyerin's spine. "Yeah yeah, throw him outside the kingdom," he ordered the shadows holding Lyerin. "Since he knew the grass-eating tribe that entered Borgias Territory just a few days ago, it's his responsibility to be a spy in that tribe. If he doesn't get enough information about that tribe, Mother Lina will be punished severely."

Soon, a strong snap on his Lyerin's neck was felt, and then vision began to darken as the shadows tightened their grip, dragging him away. Panic clawed at his intestine. He couldn't let this happen. Not to Mother Lina. He thrashed against his captors, but their hold was stronger than him.

As his consciousness began to dim, the last thing he heard was the maniacal laughter of the man who was likely to be his brother, echoing in the darkness that his ear could only hear.


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