LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 24: Level limit

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing, the people inside the circular sharpened log barricade looked at Lyerin with concern.

One of the older men, his face lined with worry, stepped forward and asked, "Are you sure, sir? It's almost nightfall."

Lyerin, standing tall and resolute, glanced up at the sky, noting the encroaching darkness. He knew what the night would bring. "I'll be alright," he replied, his voice firm. He pulled the barricade shut, securing the entrance.

The people inside, a mix of men, women, and children, nodded, their faces a mixture of fear and respect.

"Be careful, sir," one of the women said softly. Hearing this, Lyerin only gave a curt nod in response as his mind was already shifting to the task he must do.

With the barricade secure, he moved towards the muddy waters nearby.

The ground here was thick with wet, sticky mud, perfect for what he had planned. He covered himself in mud, ensuring he was thoroughly camouflaged.

The cold, wet earth clung to his skin, but it was necessary. Blending in with the surroundings was crucial.

Lyerin's mind raced as he crouched in the dark, waiting for the Goblin Shrews to emerge. "Maybe this will be enough to attract those beasts and let them gather," he mumbled to himself.

The plan was simple yet dangerous: use the gathered people as bait to draw out the Goblin Shrews who were more active and sensitive at night and then pick them off one by one.

The seconds felt like hours, but soon enough, the Goblin Shrews appeared.

They emerged from the shadows, their grotesque forms moving cautiously towards the barricade.

Lyerin's heart pounded in his chest, but he remained still, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

When the first Goblin Shrew came close enough, Lyerin pounced. He dragged it into the mud, his left hand transforming into a demonic claw.

The creature struggled, but Lyerin was stronger and more skilled. He quickly dispatched the Goblin Shrew, ensuring it made no sound.

His head was sharp and focused.

"One down. Many more to go. Stay calm. Stay focused."

He continued this method, silently taking down one Goblin Shrew after another. However, the process was not without its challenges.

At times, he miscalculated.

One Goblin Shrew sensed his presence and fled, shrieking a warning to the others. Lyerin cursed under his breath but did not give up. He knew he had to be more careful, more precise.

"Dammit. That was close. Can't afford mistakes. Must be quicker, quieter."

Despite the setbacks, he continued his grim task.

Earlier, reaching rank six as a Mana user had been relatively smooth.

Killing a handful of Goblin Shrews had been manageable. But as he sought to increase his rank, the required number of kills doubled each time.

To reach rank seven, he needed to kill twelve shrews. Rank eight required twenty-four, rank nine forty-eight, and so on.

To reach rank twelve, he needed to kill a staggering three hundred eighty-four Goblin Shrews.

"I've killed sixty-four so far. That means I still need to take down three hundred twenty more. Impossible to do alone, one by one. But with them gathered, I can make it happen."

Lyerin's strategy had been born out of necessity. By gathering the people together, he created a lure strong enough to attract the Goblin Shrews.

Their heightened senses would draw them in, and Lyerin could ambush them in the cover of darkness. It was a risky plan, but it was the most efficient way to reach his goal.

As he moved through the mud, his mind remained sharp.

Each movement was calculated, every decision deliberate. He used the terrain to his advantage, dragging the Goblin Shrews into the mud where their movements were hindered. His left hand, transformed and deadly, struck with precision.

The night wore on, and Lyerin's body moved like a well-oiled machine. He fought tirelessly, each kill bringing him closer to his goal. Despite the fatigue gnawing at his muscles, he pressed on, driven by sheer determination.

"I have to do this. No other way around or they would all run if I confronted them. I will make it."

He hunted relentlessly, the pile of Goblin Shrew corpses growing. He lost track of time, his focus solely on the task at hand.

The adrenaline coursing through his veins kept him alert, his senses sharp.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lyerin paused to catch his breath. He looked around at the carnage he had wrought.

The mud was stained with blood, and the stench of death hung heavy in the air. He checked his internal counter, calculating his progress.

"Three hundred twenty. I am near and I will get there."

Lyerin looked up at the lined moon hanging in the sky, its silver light casting an eerie glow over the ruined landscape. He estimated it was about seven in the evening in this strange, magical world—a time corresponding to seven in the morning in the real world.

His ability to judge time like this wasn't due to any clock or modern device; it was a skill honed through years of survival and experience in his previous life.

Knowing how to read the sky, the position of the stars, and the phases of the moon had been crucial skills that kept him alive before he had been sent back in time.

Finally, after what seemed like endless hunting and fighting, a notification appeared before his eyes.

[ Ding!

[ You have reached level twelve as a Mana user!

[ Congratulations! ]

Lyerin felt something from his heart, thumping something little by little, like a strange energy coursing through his body in each beat.

Soon, his muscles tensed and relaxed, his senses sharpened, and his mind felt clearer than ever. He could feel his mana pathways expanding, becoming more refined and efficient. His entire being was being reshaped, enhanced by the power he had accumulated.

Lyerin mumbled to himself, "I have reached the peak stage of an apprentice Mana user, or Eldren Apprentice on Earth."

Memories from his past life flooded back, and Lyerin felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He remembered the countless years he had spent struggling, the innumerable life-and-death experiences he had endured just to reach this level. In his previous life, it had taken him decades of hardship, battling against insurmountable odds, just to achieve the rank he now held.

The faces of fallen comrades flashed before his eyes, and he recalled the grueling training sessions, the sleepless nights spent in fear of ambushes, and the overwhelming sense of despair when things seemed hopeless.

And now, he had achieved this casually.

Soon, a hollow laugh escaped his lips, mingled with the salty taste of tears.


It was short at first, "HAHAHAHHA!" but it gets longer and longer and louder each laugh!


It seemed almost absurd how easily he, Lyerin, had reached this milestone in comparison to his past life. But as quickly as the tears came, they were replaced by a burning desire for more.

Greed flashed in his eyes.

"This wasn't enough. I needed more. I had to level up further. I had experienced enough hardship in my last life, so it was time in this life to enjoy the power that was rightfully mine! I had now tasted power, and I craved more! I won't stop until I am satisfied!"

Without hesitation, Lyerin continued his hunt.

There were plenty of Goblin Shrews to fuel his ascent. His body moved with newfound speed and precision, each strike more lethal than the last. He hunted tirelessly, driven by an insatiable hunger for power. He dragged the Goblin Shrews into the mud, dispatching them with ruthless efficiency.

Each kill brought him closer to his goal, each drop of blood spilled pushing him further towards his ambition.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of relentless hunting, Lyerin struck down the last Goblin Shrew he needed. He stood over its lifeless body, expecting the familiar notification that would signal his advancement to the next level from apprentice Mana user to a full fledged Mana user!

But instead, the message appeared turned back.

[ Ding!

[ Due to the host being a temporary member of the Devil Horned Tribe, the host cannot level up any further. ]






Lyerin stared at the message, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The words seemed to mock him, to taunt him with their finality. His fists clenched, and a low growl rumbled in his throat.

The realization of what was being said hit him like a physical blow: his current status as a temporary member of the Devil Horned Tribe was a barrier to his progression. He could not advance any further, no matter how many Goblin Shrews he killed.

"This is unacceptable. I can't let this stop me," he thought fiercely. His mind raced, searching for a solution. But after a long time, Lyerin accepted the limit. "It seems I need to leave to search for the tribe sooner."

Yet as soon as he said that, another notification appeared.

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