LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 14: Syringe for rabies

Far away, in a colossal fortress-like building surrounded by high walls and heavy gates, several animal sounds echoed from the vast expanse of contained wilderness that encircled it.

The building stretched wide and imposing, with patrolling guards visible at every corner, their stern faces a testament to the building's importance and the high level of security it maintained.

The structure itself seemed almost impenetrable, a testament to the resources and power of those who controlled it.

On the fifth floor, a group of people in dark uniforms sat around a long table, engaged in a detailed and fervent discussion.

The room was dimly lit, with the glow from monitors casting eerie shadows on their faces.

Maps and charts were spread out before them, detailing various stages and levels of a sinister plan.

"The offspring of the Borgias family," one of them began, his voice low and conspiratorial, "we've identified numerous talented individuals among them. Each one shows great potential, and we've taken their most valued family members or cherished possessions to ensure their compliance."

Another uniformed man leaned forward, tapping a point on a large map. "So far, we've had several reach the sixth stage. I hope these individuals would show remarkable resilience and cunning once they are taken by the main clan."

"Indeed," a woman interjected, her eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and malice. "I hope those who reached the seventh stage would display exceptional skills in combat and strategy."

"And the ninth stage?" someone asked from the back, a hint of awe in their voice.

"Only a few have made it that far," the first man replied. "Those who did demonstrated a near-supernatural ability to adapt and survive in a ruined magical world. Their ingenuity and raw power would surely be beyond anything we've seen. I hope the main clan rewards us if the ninth stage Eldren Apprentices made it for us."

Beside them, rows of capsules lined the walls, each one containing a sleeping individual.

The faces of these prisoners were serene, almost peaceful, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had likely brought them here.

Suddenly, the doors to the fifth floor swung open, and a new group of similarly uniformed individuals entered.


This time, they carried something—or rather, someone.

An incredibly beautiful woman lay unconscious in their arms, her presence immediately commanding attention. Her skin was flawless, her features almost otherworldly in their perfection. She had long, flowing hair that framed her face, and her body was a picture of sensuality, even in sleep.

As they placed her gently into an empty capsule, the room erupted in a chorus of lewd cheers and catcalls. "Look at her, a real baddie!" one of the men exclaimed, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

"So sexy," another murmured, a lascivious grin spreading across his face. "Can we have a taste of her?"

The man in charge of her care, a stern-looking officer, stepped forward with a warning. "Don't even think about it. This woman is connected to someone very dangerous. The one we took her from is a Rank Eleven Eldren Apprentice."

The room fell silent, the previous atmosphere of lust and revelry replaced by one of palpable fear and confusion. "Are you serious?" one of the guards asked, his voice shaky.

The officer nodded solemnly. "Yes. If you don't want to be hunted down and tortured by the Borgias family and their loved ones, you'd best leave her alone."

Murmurs of concern rippled through the room, the men and women exchanging uneasy glances.

The aura of danger surrounding the mention of a Rank Eleven Eldren Apprentice was enough to cow even the most reckless among them.

The officer's warning had hit its mark, and the once-bold soldiers now appeared subdued, their desire replaced by a gnawing fear of retribution.

As the woman was secured in her capsule, the guards resumed their posts, casting wary glances over their shoulders.

The officer in charge lingered a moment longer, ensuring everything was in place before stepping back.

In the stillness that followed, the weight of the situation settled over them all.

The beautiful captive was no ordinary prize, and the cost of their actions could be higher than any of them had anticipated.

To break the awkward silence, one of them asked, "How's it outside?"

The man who had carried the woman responded with a grimace. "Terrible," he began, his voice heavy with the weight of what he had witnessed. "The Eldren Rabies spread quickly, far quicker than we anticipated. The civilians who didn't make it into the ruined magical world are now... well, they're something else."

He continued, painting a vivid picture of the horrors outside. "I've seen entire neighborhoods overrun in minutes. People turning into flesh-eating monsters almost instantly after being bitten. We tried to contain it, but it's spreading too fast. The streets are filled with these... things.

They don't decay like traditional zombies, but their eyes, mouths, and ears ooze this black, tar-like substance. It's a nightmare."

The room listened in rapt, horrified silence as he went on. "When we were escorting to this place, we got ambushed. My dog and I were the only ones bitten because we were trying to protect the others. It was chaos. And to make matters worse, one of our lazy co-workers didn't stock enough syringes for the vaccine."

The co-worker in question bristled. "Hey, I didn't know that these outside headquarters sectors would be affected by these kind of things..."

"Yeah, yeah," the bitten man said dismissively, clearly tired. "Just get me a syringe."

As one of the others retrieved a syringe, they started talking about the man's family. "Did they make it to the safe zone? Did they get vaccinated so they won't be sent to the ruined magical world and turn into those beasts?"

Injecting himself with the syringe, the bitten man sighed with relief. "Yeah, they made it. My wife and daughter are safe. I've got big plans for my daughter's birthday. We're going to have a big party, just for her. She loves unicorns, so I'm thinking of getting a cake shaped like one.

And balloons, lots of balloons. Maybe even hire someone to do magic tricks. She's always been fascinated by magic."

He continued, his voice taking on a dreamy quality as he envisioned the day. "We'll play her favorite songs, and she can invite all her friends. I'll get her that dollhouse she's been asking for, the one with all the little furniture pieces. And in the evening, we'll have a barbecue. Her mom makes the best ribs, you know? And then, we'll sit around the fire, telling stories.

She loves those old fairy tales."

The room seemed momentarily uplifted by the man's plans, a brief respite from the horror surrounding them. But then, he paused, his face contorting in confusion. He smacked his lips, as if trying to get rid of an unpleasant taste. "What the...?"

His eyes went wide with terror, and he staggered back, knocking over a chair. "I-I feel..."

The greasy, oily taste in his mouth became more pronounced. He looked at his hands, which were beginning to tremble uncontrollably. "No, no, no," he muttered, his voice rising in panic. "This can't be happening."

The room erupted into chaos as the others realized what was happening. "Get the medics!" someone shouted. But it was too late. The man's eyes darkened, the same inky black substance seeping from the corners of his eyes, mouth, and ears.

Horror filled his expression as he tried to speak, but only guttural sounds came out. His body convulsed violently, and the transformation began. The syringe, meant to protect him, had somehow failed. The vaccine had not worked, or perhaps it had been tampered with.

The commanding officer stepped back, drawing his weapon. "Contain him!" he ordered, but the man—no longer a man—was too far gone.

His flesh rippled and twisted, his bones cracking audibly as they reshaped themselves into something monstrous. He let out a bloodcurdling scream that echoed through the halls, sending chills down the spines of everyone present.


As the transformation completed, the creature that had once been their comrade turned its attention to the others, eyes blazing with a malevolent hunger.

The room exploded into action, soldiers scrambling to restrain the beast.

Shots rang out, the air filled with the deafening noise of gunfire.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The creature roared, lunging at the nearest soldier with terrifying speed and strength. Blood sprayed across the walls as it tore into its former allies, until the scene descended into utter carnage.

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