LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 106: Tasked completed

"As an assassin, you are not thinking properly," Lyerin said, with a calm and almost mocking tone in his voice. He grinned a little at the shadowy figure lurking in the darkened corner, with only a little hint of emotion on his otherwise impassive face.

The intruder tensed, then with a swift motion, hurled a shuriken straight at Lyerin. The metal star whizzed through the air with a sharp whoosh, but before it could find its mark, Lyerin's form began to blur, his entire body dissipating like a wisp of smoke.

The intruder's eyes widened in surprise, a rare slip of emotion for a trained killer. His target had vanished into thin air. He frantically scanned the room, his breathing ragged, his senses on high alert.

Suddenly, there was a soft swish behind him. Lyerin reappeared without a sound, his movement fluid and precise. Before the intruder could react, Lyerin's hand shot out, chopping down on the back of his neck with a sharp kacha. The force of the blow sent the intruder crumpling to the ground in a heap, his body hitting the floor with a dull thud.

Lyerin looked down at the unconscious figure with a smirk. "You can't even read afterimages, and you call yourself an assassin from an assassin family?" he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

He reached down, grabbing the limp body by the collar, and with a slight exertion of force, he flung the intruder over his shoulder.

The body made a faint crunch as it hit the stone wall, unconscious but alive.

Satisfied, Lyerin's form shimmered again, vanishing into the shadows.

A moment later, he reappeared in front of a fearsome creature—a Batrider.

The red-skinned, sharp-eared humanoid sat atop a massive black bat, he could see its leathery wings twitched immediately when it sensed him. The creature's eyes glowed with a sinister light, scanning the darkness for its prey.

Lyerin's lips curled into a daring grin.

Instead of hiding, he took a deep breath and let out a powerful scream, "Haaa!" His voice echoed through the chamber, letting it all out and amplifying as it bounced off the stone walls.

The bat screeched in response, its rider momentarily startled by the loud noise.


The creature reared back, its wings flapping in disarray as it tried to regain control. But Lyerin was already on the move. He leaped into the air with a fierce whump, aiming straight for the Batrider.

With a powerful kick, Lyerin's foot connected with the rider's face, crack!

The force of the blow sent the Batrider tumbling off its mount. As it fell, Lyerin twisted in midair, landing gracefully on the bat's back. He stepped down hard on the rider's face with a snap, breaking its neck in one swift motion.

The bat shrieked in panic, its wings flapping wildly as it tried to dislodge Lyerin. But he remained calm, his movements precise as he reached into the Batrider's bag. He pulled out a small vial of liquid, its contents glowing faintly in the dim light. Without hesitation, he pocketed the vial and vanished again, leaving the bat to spiral uncontrollably to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Lyerin reappeared behind another Batrider not far away.

This time, he didn't wait for the rider to react.

With a lightning-fast punch, he disarmed the creature, its weapon clattering to the floor with a sharp clang. Then, with a powerful twist, Lyerin dismembered the bat, its wings severed from its body with a sickening squelch.

He moved like a shadow through the battlefield, appearing and disappearing at will. Each time he reappeared, another Batrider fell, their bodies collapsing with dull thuds onto the cold stone floor.

Lyerin made sure to collect the bags from each of them, the vials inside clinking softly as they were jostled together.

Finally, with all the Batriders defeated, Lyerin turned his attention to the dark corners of the chamber. He knew the assassins of the Borgias Family were hiding there, watching, waiting for their moment to strike.

Without hesitation, Lyerin pulled out the vials he had collected and hurled them toward the shadows. The glass containers shattered on impact with a loud crash, the liquid inside igniting upon contact with the air. In an instant, the chamber was engulfed in flames, the fire roaring to life with a deafening whoosh.

The heat was intense, the flames licking up the walls and consuming everything in their path.

The assassins who had been hiding in the shadows screamed in terror as the fire closed in on them, their cries drowned out by the roar of the blaze.

"Uwaaaarrrgh!" "Arreghhh!!"

Lyerin watched with a satisfied smirk as the flames devoured the last of his enemies.

Meanwhile, back in the Borgias courtroom, Lord Victor watched the scene unfold through a magical projection, his laughter echoing through the chamber. "Spectacular, simply spectacular!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands in delight.

The other members of the courtroom, seated in their shadowy alcoves, murmured amongst themselves, their expressions a mix of awe and confusion. "How did he know the Batriders' weakness was loud noises?" one of them asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. "And what is he planning to do next?"

Another figure, an older man with a long, flowing beard, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "He's certainly resourceful," he mused. "But what I find most intriguing is his knowledge of the Borgias family. How does a halfling like him know so much?"

Lord Victor's grin widened, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, Lyerin is full of surprises," he said, his voice laced with anticipation. "But that's exactly what makes him so valuable. He's unlike any other, and I have no doubt that he will continue to exceed our expectations."

The members of the courtroom exchanged glances, each one silently pondering the enigma that was Lyerin.

They had all heard rumors of his past, as a halfling. But none of them could have predicted that he would be capable of such feats.

"He's certainly proven himself tonight," one of them finally said, breaking the silence. "But the real question is, what will he do next? He's only just begun, and there are still many challenges ahead of him."

Lord Victor nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed," he agreed. "But I have a feeling that whatever comes next, Lyerin will be more than ready for it."

As they spoke, the flames in the chamber began to die down, leaving behind a smoldering ruin. The magical projection faded, the image of the burning chamber disappearing into nothingness.

At that moment, the heavy wooden doors of the courtroom creaked open with a low groan.

All eyes turned toward the entrance as Lyerin stepped into the room. His expression was calm, his movements measured as he approached the center of the chamber.

There was no trace of the fierce battle he had just fought, no sign of the fire he had unleashed. He looked as composed as ever, his face an unreadable mask.

Lord Victor watched him closely, his expression a mixture of pride and curiosity. "Welcome back," he said, his voice carrying a note of approval.

Lyerin didn't respond, his gaze sweeping across the room. He could feel the eyes of the courtroom members on him, could sense their curiosity and suspicion. But he didn't care. He had proven himself once already, and he was more than ready to do it again.

The silence in the room was thick, heavy with unspoken questions. But Lyerin remained unfazed, his expression betraying nothing.

After a long moment, Lord Victor broke the silence with a slow clap, the sound reverberating through the chamber like a drumbeat. "Well done, little halfling Lyerin," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Well done indeed."

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