Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 101 - Is Su Li Dead?

Chapter 101 Is Su Li Dead?

When Jin Cheng’ao stepped into the dungeon, the cold and humid atmosphere made him frown. He came here before, but today he felt that this place was really disgusting.

“Master, Workshop Owner Su is here.”

A jailer pointed to a single cell. To see in the direction, a girl huddled in the corner. She wore a thin prison uniform and her body shivered slightly. People cannot help but have pity for her.

Seeing this, Jin Cheng’ao was not anxious. He waved his hand to dismiss the jailer. He opened the cell door and went inside.

When Su Li heard the footsteps, she suddenly looked up and saw a young and indifferent face.

Jin Cheng’ao!

Su Li didn’t see him in previous life, but the image in the biography was quite vivid. She could recognize him.

“Workshop Owner Su, you are in such a difficult position.”

Jin Cheng’ao crouched down and stared at Su Li’s dirty face sarcastically. He said, “I do not expect that the Workshop Owner Su is only sixteen years old. I did not believe it before, but now after seeing you in person, I think that you look younger.”

“What do you want to do?”

Su Li shook her body and a trace of fear and stubbornness showed in her eyes. Fang Yuan who stood in the dark rolled his eyes. But when he thought about the revenge later, he hesitated.

“Rest assured. I will not hurt you.” A sense of immorality showed in his eyes. He continued, “As long as you are obedient.”

Su Li was surprised at seeing the scene. Immediately she had the intention to kill him. But she didn’t let him eat the aphrodisiac. She had never thought that Jin Cheng’ao was so unbearable. When he met her, his first thought was actually...

Hearing the words above their heads, Fang Yuan’s right hand which held the sword trembled slightly. His sight had been calm before, but at this moment anger was immediately ignited.

What did the bastard want to do?!

“Workshop Owner Su, look at this thing. Do you remember its origin?”

Jin Cheng’ao still suppressed his thoughts and took out the jade bottle. But it did not mean that he had given up his previous thoughts. When a new workshop owner was elected, her identity would not protect her and she would be thrown into his hands. It could be seen that she was a virgin. He had already been tired of the Second Sister and the maids of the Jin Family. He wanted to change his taste.

Su Li looked up at the jade bottle and felt slightly puzzled. But soon she came to understand, “This is my stuff which was stolen by others. Why do you have it?”

Jin Cheng’ao was happy, “Do you still have this thing? Well?! If you can tell me its specific origin, I will ask my father to spare your life!”

Su Li was immediately surprised and scared, “Spare my life? I’m innocent and you don’t have any evidence. You cannot hurt me!”

After Jin Cheng’ao heard the words, he suddenly laughed, “Workshop Owner Su is really innocent. Indeed, I don’t have any evidence. Can’t I make it? When there is a new workshop owner in a few days, do you still think that you can go out safely from here?”


Su Li’s round eyes were filled with despair. She could not help but step back. Her right hand touched her chest and she lowered her head sadly. It seemed that she had been scared to suffocation by the words of Jin Cheng’ao.

Just then, her ears moved slightly.


The cold and decisive voice suddenly echoed in Fang Yuan’s ears!


Fang Yuan had no time to think and immediately stabbed the sword at the back of Jin Cheng’ao!

A violent scream rang in the sky. Pupils of Jin Cheng’ao shrank and the whole body shook without thinking. There was a circle of sword light around his body instantly.


The long sword clashed with the back of Jin Cheng’ao. The gold and iron clashed with a little spark.

The body protection sword air!

Fang Yuan didn’t have the time to be surprised by the strength of Jin Cheng’ao. He immediately turned his body and stabbed the sword at Su Li. Jin Cheng’ao couldn’t allow Fang Yuan to hurt Su Li. He saw the flaws and grabbed Fang Yuan’s wrist. There was a shock!

“Let go!”

Under the strong strength, Fang Yuan couldn’t hold the long sword as expected. The weapon was seized by Jin Cheng’ao. He smiled grimly and left. He disappeared at the corner.


Jin Cheng’ao was furious. When he tried to catch up with Fang Yuan, the long sword in his hand suddenly lost control. He subconsciously firmly grasped it, but even his own body was inexplicably sucked to Su Li.


At this moment, the blood spurted!

Jin Cheng’ao stared at the sword in his hand and stabbed it at Su Li. His face was full of blood.

“Why did it happen? Why wasn’t the sword controlled?”

Su Li was nailed on the wall. “Cough”. She spat out much blood and instantly her breath was weaker. Then, she stopped to breathe.

At this moment, Yan Shixun, Jin Zhentian and others came to the dungeon together and were shocked when they saw the scene.

Time seemed to have been frozen. They were surprised to see that Jin Cheng’ao killed Su Li!

“Bastard! How dare you to kill!”

Yan Shixun thoroughly got angry. He rushed to Jin Cheng’ao while he was shouting. He heavily slapped Jin Cheng’ao in the back. When the Jin Cheng’ao was absent-minded, he stunned him and Jin Cheng’ao was arrested by the soldiers of the Provincial Office.

All these things happened in a short time.

All had been over before Jin Zhentian realized it. Watching his son being dragged by two elite soldiers, he was immediately furious and tried to stop it, but he was scared away by Yan Shixun’s stare.

Yan Shixun asked servants to save Su Li from the wall. While he was transferring energy to Su Li to suppress the injury, he said, “Quickly! Ziye! Invite the best doctor in the town!”

After doing all these things, Yan Shixun had the time to look at Jin Zhentian who was dull. He sneered, “Lord Jin, your son may be killed for what he has done! You’d better think about the reason why your son tried to kill Workshop Owner Su. Otherwise, it is not easy for you to be exempt from the legal sanctions of the Dahan Country!”

Watching Yan Shixun take his son away, Jin Zhentian gnashed and did not dare to take any action.

“Investigate it! It can’t be done by my son! The case must be checked thoroughly to prove that he is innocent!”

The whole Supervisory Division was in chaos. Fang Yuan left in the chaos and his feeling was complex.

“Su Li, in order to fight against the Jin Family, is it really worth it?”


When Yan Hongxiu saw that Yan Shixun rushed into the house holding Su Li covered all over with blood, she was so scared that she covered her mouth and couldn’t think.

“Daddy and Third Brother, what happened? What’s wrong with Su Li? She shed a lot of blood!”

Yan Hongxiu ran with Yan Ziye and looked alarmed and bewildered. But Yan Ziye did not have time to speak. He carried the old breathless doctor beside him to the room. He was afraid that the old doctor would faint due to tiredness before they reached the room.

“Prepare the hot water quickly!”

“Don’t shake her body. Level! Steady!”


After a burst of chaos, the doctor who looked tired took Su Li’s pulse. Watched by Yan Shixun and others for an inquiry, he nodded and said, “Her life is saved.”


Everyone took a long sigh of relief. Yan Shixun was also scared. If Su Li died tonight, the matter would be serious. Not only the Jin Family but also the Yan Family would be involved.

The owner of a province’s embroidery workshop died with grievance. It was a big event which could affect the country!

“However, Workshop Owner Su is lucky.” The doctor smoothed his beard and sighed, “She may subconsciously hide by an inch in danger, which made her avoid the pulses luckily, and there was no harm to key parts. Otherwise, she has already died instead of lying here.”

Then everyone could not help but be shocked.

She just avoided all the pulses. She was really lucky.

Yan Hongxiu squatted by the bed and watched Su Li who was breathing smoothly. She couldn’t help but smile.

In her mind, although Su Li was not as powerful as the immortal master, her concentration in teaching and her pride in scolding made Hongxiu revere Su Li very much. The feeling only existed among peers.

In other words, she had taken Su Li as her idol. Although she also liked to be against her on the surface, she had already been sincerely convinced by Su Li.

If Su Li had suddenly been killed by members of the Jin Family, she would have been grieved in the lifetime.

“You are so lucky. You should get well soon to continue to teach me embroidery...”

The doctor and others quietly left. Yan Shixun and Yan Ziye had more things to do next. Only Yan Hongxiu and Huan quietly accompanied Su Li in the room.

“How is Su Li?”

As soon as Fang Yuan came back, he was surrounded by Qu Qingning and others. This trick was dangerous and frightening. If there had been any mistake, Su Li may have died.

Seeing those pairs of eyes, Fang Yuan didn’t tease those people. He nodded and said, “I went to the Yan House. Su Li is fine. That sword was controlled by her. It was natural that she would avoid key part. What’s more, with her cultivation, even if she was stabbed at the pulses...”

Then, Fang Yuan looked at Qu Qingning. Qu Qingning couldn’t help but scratch his head with a hollow laugh, “In the inborn realm, every inch of the body can be controlled. Even if her heart was punctured, Su Li would be able to close it temporarily. Don’t worry about her.”

Heidan and others responded, “Oh.” Then they breathed a sigh of relief. But Yin Xuetong and Fang Mu were shocked. Heidan and others did not understand what the inborn realm was. But it did not mean that Yin Xuetong and Fang Mu didn’t understand it either.

“Was Su Li in the inborn realm?”

Yin Xuetong couldn’t help but pinch Qu Qingning. The pain made the latter scream, “Why do you pinch me? I knew it just now. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Fang Yuan!”

Fang Mu could not help but be speechless, “It is quite incredible that Su Li is one year younger than the eldest brother. She has reached the inborn realm at sixteen. She is really a talent. There is a legend that...”


Fang Yuan interrupted Fang Mu. The latter woke up and almost utter the taboo. He was in a cold sweat.

“What legend?” Heidan and others couldn’t help but surround them. “Big Brothers, why don’t you continue to talk about it? I heard from you that Boss Ling was also a Young Master. What is the relationship between the Young Master and the legend?”

“Yeah! Big Brothers! Unfinished words make people extremely curious!”

Others couldn’t help but heckle. Fang Yuan and other insiders closely guarded the secret and changed the topic.

After three days, Su Li woke up. When she saw that Yan Hongxiu was surprised by the bed, a trace of smile emerged in her pale face.

She didn’t faint at all. She had been in deep meditation to heal her in the past three days. If she had fainted because of such a small injury, she couldn’t have persisted for many years in previous life before she was arrested.

“Su Li, you finally wake up!” Yan Hongxiu said cheerfully, “I’ll look for my daddy to come.”

Su Li realized that she was in the Provincial Office where she absolutely didn’t dare to step in in her previous life.

After a while, Yan Shixun finally came. He arrested Jin Cheng’ao; that is to say, he had started a fight with the Jin Family. He had been extremely busy in the past three days. Lots of industries of the Qinghe Town were controlled by the Jin Family. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to deal with the Jin Family.

But he would not tell Su Li these matters.

“Workshop Owner Su, I am relieved to see you wake up. How do you feel?”

The smile of Yan Shixun showed a hint of his concern. Su Li smiled slightly and said, “Thanks for your rescue; otherwise, I would certainly die on the Supervisory Division. I don’t know how to repay you for rescuing my life!”

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