Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 305


When the declaration of war was made by Avoros, there was a fire which suddenly spread in the east, Hiiro alone headed to that place.

The place was a small island separated from the three continents.

Greenery was abundant with docile monsters inhabiting the area.

On this island there was a tree on top of a hill and under it was a tombstone like object.

This place was called Erotic Tears this was a place where Hiiro had previously visited.

At that time Hiiro was travelling with lilyn and gang, and they stopped by here, it was not a strongly emotional place, it was a place they just happened to pass by.

Although no-one knows why this stone was named Erotic Tears, there was another name given to the tombstone Grieving Hero.

According to the records. The Grieving hero was a real person who existed in the past, who always grieved his powerlessness and finally killed himself.

This was what Hiiro heard from Silva, but even so, Hiiro felt really unpleasant when he heard that the hero committed suicide and left the island soon after.

Hiiro crouched in front of the Tombstone. If you looked closely you could trace something engraved on it.

Due to the mud and soil being stuck on the tombstone, Hiiro did not pay attention to it and simply brushed it off as a dirty stone when he came here last time, but apparently, there was something engraved on it.

Since it was too troublesome for Hiiro to clean it with his bare hands as it would take too much time, he applied the word Cleanlinesson to the tombstone.

A pale magical screen covered the tombstone and it soon started to sparkle with a *KiraKira* and became clear.

And when Hiiro looked at the engraved letters, he was surprised.

I Grieve.

I grieve for the world.

I grieve for the Country.

I grieve for the people.

I grieve for myself

It was written in a language that Hiiro knew particularly well.


Yes, the language used was unquestionably Japanese.

As expected what that person said was really the truth, muttered Hiiro unconsciously, while trembling trying to hide his unrest.


As expected, that guy really did come from the same world as you

As if getting an electric shock, Hiiro immediately turned around responding to the voice from behind.

Hiiro looked at the person there, who had a similarly surprised face.

......Predecessor Demon King.....!?

Avoros Gran Early Evening

A young Blonde boy stood there.

Hiiro scolded himself for not noticing his existence even when he had approached so close to him.

Regardless, the opponent was the Boss who started the war this time, that's right he was the general of the Enemy forces.

Hiiro could not understand if it was careless or something else entirely.

While being puzzled, Hiiro used the character Analysisto check if something had been cast on him.

Because of the use of Magical Power, Avoros eyes slowly turned red in alert, but there was no appearance of anything being done.

However, he stood a distance away from the unknown Avoros and increased his alertness to the limit.

You are the one of the few who can actually understand the letters written there, doesn't that confirm it

Avoros was convinced by this alone.

(Are you really going to quarrel about this...?)

Hiiro judging the fact that Avoros never travels alone, increased his vigilance to his surroundings.

Probably just to defeat to me, he came here all alone just to take me on if that is what he wants to do, it felt really unpalatable to hiiro.

Hiiro did not plan on losing to avoros but, if he were to be surrounded by his black corps then that would certainly be quite severe.

While looking for an opening, Hiiro had the words Teleportready while waiting.

But strangely there was no hostility being excluded from avoros.

It almost felt as if he did not come here to fight at all.

(Then for what reason did he really come.....it can't be)

When Hiiro came close the reason why he appeared, Avoros gave a sly smile.

You can rest assured.

Because i do not wish to fight here.

Rather than that, it was really unexpected seeing you in such a place

....do you think i can believe something like that?

Then go ahead check the surroundings.

Use your favourite magic.

you can do it right? then you can surely tell, that i am the only one here and i bear no hostility

Hiiro still keeping his distance, and moves only a single finger.

Using the character Search Enemy to examine the area around the island.

Since it was a small island, the desired information can be obtained using only two characters.

And the result.

And as he said, there were only Hiiro and Avoros present on the island.

Which means, Avoros really did come alone

Well? Do you believe me now? More importantly, i don't want to fight you here either, even if you are the pivotal piece to this war

The face that Avoros made farsighted which was anything but childish, in fact loneliness and sorrow was what could be seen on his face.

...........is it because this is the place where you're best friend sleeps?

Avoros also straightened his eyes to the words of Hiiro and stared at him with a gaze as if exploring what he said.

........From whom did you hear?

i wonder, thing about it yourself

.............is that so, it's probably her.That Alisha....

Version Unedited

Hiiro remained silent without changing his facial expressions.

She seems to be earnest in her method one way or another.

Despite being sealed up until now, after all she is trying to work on the crisis of a country

Avoro alone nods with his conscience.

And then Avoros had his line of sight on hiiro who was wondering about something.

Then that means you, know about everything

So what if i do?

Is it worth your existence now?

.....it is what it is.

.....do you not thing it is unreasonable? Probably just the like person sleeping there, getting used by the country, and by the world, and the atlast being discarded ?


Besides, those people look down on those people who are dancing in the palm of their hand from their height.

is it not unreasonable? are you all some kind of game pieces or something? that is really unpleasant

You say it well.

Even you treat your subordinates like game pieces as well

ahahah! You got me good on this one! but you know, they are different from the rest.

game pieces are game pieces, but they still stand on the same board as everyone else

Even so it does not change the fact the people are treated as game pieces in their hands.

The unpleasantness continues to increase from avoros laughter.

However, avoros continued.

Lets speak like this once again later.


That power, can you not use it for me?

Do not joke.

I have circumstances that i can never forgive you for

.........was there such a thing?

Aa, that is why Matar Deuswill definetly be crushed

Fuu~n, I do not understand why you are motivated so highly, but once i have decided on something, then i will not ask for what others might say.

And in that way we are the same

Avoros looked at Hiiro in nostalgia.

......shall i tell you something.

why do you think that i have not contacted you up until now?

I don't know

Ahaha, that's because i wanted you to see the truth of this world with your own eyes.

well, there were certain reasons on why the body was imperfect and could not move satisfactorily enough, but i wanted you to move freely and then learn the truth on your own.

well actually i intended to tell you this during the war but this was also unpexcted

It was actually quite surprising that Marquis Bluenote, Aka alisha would tell Hiiro the truth.

That means you wanted to me leave on my own and move freely and then learn the truth for myself and then think of how i would think of this world?

Well, that's roughly the gist of it.

But it seems that although you know the truth you still no wish to lend a hand to complete the work right?


I still have lots to do in this world.

I cannot stop before i am satisfied

Hmm~ There is no reason to stop, but still what will change will change.

if you do not do well, then you may lose one or two continents more

Can you really do that.

You are trying erase a continent with mountains of treasure that have yet to be seen.

I can permit such a thing to happen

Kukuku, what is it that is so important to you? Is really that much of a treasure? Money? weapons? or maybe women?

It is books and Food


I will not say it twice

Avoros was stiff while his eyes were opened wide as if a child had been cheated.

R-really......what!? F-food you say? Eh? Books to read?

Avoros asks back with an amazed face,

If you try to stop my reason for living then obviously i will stop you with all my power

........f-for such a reason you raised your blade? For that, i will give you everything that you need so how about it?

I don't want your donation

.......why is that so?

Somehow, i don't like you

Avoros glares at the Hiiro.

And then breathes a huge sigh and closes his eyes.

Such rebellious eyes is exactly like that of his.

Although it was hateful , but i could somehow understand it from the beginning.

I wonder how you will go against the remaining enemies.

and that that is why i have left it up until now



That's all


I will overturn everything.

The people, the country, the world, everything.

Even who has inherited that magic.

No, it is a testament to that fact that you succeed the magic of despair, persuading you into despair to the one who inherits that magic.

then, those people will without fail reach you, and give judegement

There was only the ghost of the past and an earnest desire to carve a future reflected in them.

In his voice and dark eyes were the similarity of fanatics.

Therefore make sure to show your full power.

When strength is combined then it will be good.

Do anything you must.

But even so i will cross over everything

You will not say the same once you are defeated.

That's right! That's when i noticed the height of the wall.

and that is why i think that is an obstacle that can be overcome!

As i thought, no matter what i say he will still take the opposite course.

He only believe in his own way and goes through it.

Even if a flock of sheep named sacrifice lie along the way.....

When Avoros clears his throat, he returns to his expressions from which had been distorted and warped back to that of his original good looking boy.

And gently sighs to the gravestone.

I would like to offer you my thanks


Thank you for making the tombstone clean again

After saying so, Avoros turns his heels and showed his back to Hiiro.

With the same appearance,

I will not say anything more.

Whatever you do, i will win this world.

If you want to stop it, stop it.

However, make sure to come prepared.

Next time i meet you, that will be the time that i will show you despair

Fuu~, are you sure it won't be the other way around?

ahahahah, you still continue to remain an ignorant child.

Even though it is to the king of a country

Then why do you not behave like a king? you do not even look like one, all i can see is a brat trying to wreck things around

......i see.

then you do not need to speak anymore

Aa, that's right.

The wind blows and the two's hair start to rise with the wind.

At that moment both of them speak at the same time.


The next moment the wind stops blowing.


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