Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 26.2 - Parting Ways (Part 2)

Translator: SFBaka

Well, since were already near the Adventurers Guild, why dont we go ahead register our party? Uh, have you already registered as an adventurer, Elna?

I have. Im C rank.

I see. Great. I and Cleria are also the same ranks so thats perfect.

Eh!? Ria-sama is C rank as well!?

Yeah. We just registered yesterday and they told us we were C rank.

More importantly, Alan, what are we going to call our party?

Well I dont really mind as long as it doesnt sound weird. Ill leave it to you guys.

We definitely cannot use a strange-sounding party name. It looks like we have to decide on it after careful deliberation, Elna.

Afterward, Cleria and Elna immersed themselves in thinking up a good name in a corner of the guild. They were already at it for more than ten minutes.

Ah! How about Shining Star? Elna suggested.

I see. Shining Star, is it? It certainly does sound nice.

I didnt really get whats so good about it, so I asked Elna. She replied to me in a whisper.

It seems Clerias surname actually means shining star. I do think it sounded a bit embarrassing, but it did seem better than any of the other names the two of them came up with.

Well, Shining Star it is, then.

So its decided.

We went to the counter and found the guild staff we met yesterday, so we proceeded with registering our party. It looks like there wasnt any other party using Shining Star as their name, so we successfully registered. And it looks like they didnt charge a fee this time.

Well then, Ill proceed to register Alan-san, Ria-san and Elna-sans party under the name Shining Star. Who will be assigned as the leader?

Wouldnt it be fine for you to be the leader, Ria? The partys called Shining Star anyway.

I also support Ria-sama being the leader.

I think you should be the leader, Alan. The leader should be the strongest one among the party members. And I also do not want to stand out too much as well.

Well, she does have a point. It looks like Elna was fine with it in the end.

Alright then. Please set me as the party leader. Oh, and about that designated quest. I decided to accept it, but do I need to fill out some paperwork for that?

Um you just need to sign this form here and youre good to go.

Gotcha. Thank you very much.

We finished our business in the guild and started walking back to the manor.

By the way, the armor youre wearing doesnt seem too good, Elna. Whatever happened to your old one?

I sold it while I was in Cecilio Kingdom to gain some funds for my activities since the royal guard armor stands out too much. Im sorry, Ria-sama. I ended up losing the armor entrusted to me by the country.

I do not mind the armor. I see. It did not occur to me at all. We should procure a better armor set for you then. Will that be fine, Alan?

I was just about to suggest that as well. Were near Zalukes shop anyway.

We entered the shop and called out to Zaluke.

Yo, Zaluke. We came to visit again.

I still havent finished working on your armors. Do you have any other business for me?

Yeah. Its for this lady, Elna, here. Oh yeah. What do you prefer Elna? Do you want leather armor or do you like metal armor instead?

Well, Im used to wearing metal armor, but Im also fine using this leather armor, so you dont really have to purchase anything new for me, really.

Dont say that. We need to make sure every party members equipment is of good quality. Its also a way to ensure the entire partys safety. So dont hold back, alright.

Quite so. Do not hold yourself back on our accounts, Cleria followed up.

Do you have any metal armors you can recommend, Zaluke?

Lets see. We have several types but, considering her size, this one should be more fitting.

He pointed towards one of the armors placed in the metal armor section of the shop.

This is made out of a newly discovered alloy. Its durability is comparable to steel armor but is fairly light in weight. Mythril is still leagues better, however.

He took the armor off the display so we can inspect it. It certainly did feel quite light compared to the other armors on display.

Elna also checked it out.

It does feel lighter compared to the armor Id used before, Elna declared.

How much is this?

I was shown the price tag and found that it costs 55,000 Guineas. So it was more expensive than the armor I bought huh.

I shall also give you a twenty percent discount for this armor, so it will be 44,000 Guineas then. But honestly, theres a problem with this armors size measurements because its a bit on the smaller side. None of my regulars could equip it, so it was just taking up space in the store up until now. The discount is for that.

Do you like it, Elna?

I certainly do not have any problems with it, Elna replied.

Yosh. Well buy this then. This things made for adventurers, right?

You can tell from its looks, cant you? Of course, its made for adventurers.

Nah, I honestly cant tell, buddy. I took out four gold and four large silver coins from my bag and paid the bill.

How long do you need to adjust this one?

Well, it normally takes three days, but you guys are already my regulars. Ill finish adjusting it within two days. You can pick up all three armors by then.

Thatll really help. Well leave it to you then.

We left the shop after Elna had her measurements done.

Alan, let me pay you back with my money for the armor purchase earlier.

Its fine. This concerns our entire party anyway. We should pay for the partys expenses with the partys money. Elnas also one of our comrades. Dont say something so distant, alright?

I understand. Thank you.

Oh, that reminds me. Theres an expensive-looking jeweled knife among the goods we recovered back from the bandits. I was thinking of selling it for cash, but what do the two of you think?

I dont know how much itll sell for, but well need all the money we can get our hands on right now.

You can go ahead and sell it then.

Great. Ill speak with Tarus-san about it later.

We managed to catch Tarus-san and Jonas-san discussing with each other when we arrived back at the manor.

Ah, Alan-san. Thank you very much for sharing the pudding recipe. My chefs told me your cooking instructions were very easy to follow.

No, thats only natural given that I was paid for sharing it. By the way, Tarus-san. I was wondering if I can sell you an item I have. Can you take a look at it?

I took out the jeweled knife from my bag.

Ah, one of the items from the bandit lair, is it? I see. I shall appraise it then.

We went to Tarus-sans office so he could take a better look.

Tarus-san used an item resembling a magnifying glass and inspected the item thoroughly. Jonas-san went to inspect it as well after Tarus-san.

Its quite the exquisite item. Its certainly a rare find, but its a pity that the jewels used are on the smaller side.

Jonas-san gave his verdict. He and Tarus-san proceeded to use gestures to discuss with one another. Theyre probably deciding the price.

Alan-san, we can purchase this dagger for 80,000 Guineas, Tarus-san announced.

Whoah! Thats quite the price.

Thank you very much. If you please.

Jonas-san quickly handed me 80,000 Guineas worth of silver coins.

And about the recipe, Alan-san, are you agreeable to the payment being five thousand Guineas?

Five thousand Guineas for a pudding recipe sounds fair enough for me.

Yes, thatll do nicely. I cant thank you enough.

Great. Weve completed this task as well. The only thing left to do now is searching for an inn.

Can you recommend to us a good inn to stay at, Tarus-san?

He isnt going to recommend another one of their establishments, right?

I presume youd want one with a bath, right? If thats the case, then theNatures Bountyinn should do nicely. Its five silvers to stay a night there. That also includes two meals as well. It has quite a good reputation among the inns of higher quality. The food, bath facilities, and overall service has garnered good reviews.

Oh, so it looks like it really isnt one of theirs this time. I feel kind of relieved. Getting two meals included in the package certainly sounds good.

Thank you for your help. Well check the place out later. Also, I want to stock up on new ingredients and seasonings. Wheres your general store located, Tarus-san?

Ill have Willy guide you there. Ive already informed the store employees as well. Are you heading to the inn after this?

Yes, we are. We dont want to impose on you for too long, so well head for the inn now.

I see. Itll get lonely without you all here. So, Alan-san. Let us talk about the reward for my rescue from the hands of those bandits.

No, theres no need for any further rewards, really. It was only natural for me to help you back then. And weve received plenty of help from you as well. Lets just call it even, shall we?

Alright. I understand. It cant be helped if you say so. But please take those clothes youre wearing with you as thanks at least.

Come to think of it, the clothes were wearing were borrowed from Tarus-san as well.

Okay. Thank you very much for your generosity.

As we packed our luggage and got ready to leave, Tarus-san, his family and employees came out to see us off.

Weve been in your care. Were really grateful for the warm hospitality youve granted us, everyone. We will visit you again if given the opportunity.

Please do. Let us have some warm tea and share stories when you next visit. Well gladly welcome you, Tarus-san replied.

Please share some sweets with us again next time, his wife followed up.

Alan-san. I shall be waiting for you in front of the adventurers guild for you tomorrow then, Jonas-san reminded.

Understood. Well then, everyone. Farewell.

We left Tarus-sans manor accompanied by Willie.

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