Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 148- Spice and Fox

Chapter 148- Spice and Fox

[Keeno POV]

Opening my eyes, my mind felt a bit cloudy.  Ignoring that feeling, I looked around. Instead of the dark room we’d been staying in, I was laying on a big round bed under a veranda. I say veranda, but it was more like a gazebo with walls made of vines. At the roof beautiful purple flowers grew on the dangling vines, providing a sweet scent that permitted the air.  Looking outside the gazebo, I saw something that didn’t make sense. I could clearly see both suns sitting on the horizon like they were frozen in time just before they set, leaving the sky in a beautiful array of colors.

{Ufufufufufu.  Like it?  I called in some favors and now we have some time to ourselves.}

Before I could even turn around to see her, I felt her pull me close. Resting my head on her two natural pillows, I looked up to see Ama’s smiling face. Just the sight alone was enough to make me ignore the coolness of her body.

{And how is my adorable other half doing on this fine occasion?}

“Much better now that I’m seeing you.”

She leaned forward and stole my lips.  The kiss only lasted for a moment, and when we separated, I turned around in her arms, pushing her down on the bed, and kissed her again.  After several minutes that felt like hours, I sat up, straddling Ama’s stomach.  A seductive smile crossed my face.

“Now, what should I do with this adorable, defenseless, goddess underneath me?”

I gently ran my fingers through her hair as she smiled up at me.  As my hands slowly made their way up to her ears, her face started to become red.


I gently took her ears and started to softly caress them.  I was reveling in the soft, silky, fluffy feeling when I noticed something else. The more I rubbed her ears, the more the clothes she was wearing would fade.

{Nnn.  I…heard from a friend…Nn, that using illusion clothing, aah, is a way to spice things up.}

My smile grew wider.

“An interesting concept.  And a treat for me.”

{Aaannhh!  I…thought you’d say that.}

Deciding that she shouldn’t be the only one like this, I stopped playing with her ears and slowly took off my top.  From what I could see, Ama was enjoying every second of it.  Deciding I’d give her more than just a show, I leaned over, making sure my chest covered her face, before playing with her ears some more.  Ama made some very happy noises that were muffled as I gently nibbled on her ears.

“Aah.  You sneaky little thing, you know doing that is-!!!”

I felt Ama grab my waist and before I knew it, she was the one straddling me.

{You seem to be enjoying my ears quite a lot, yet you are keeping yours away from me. Let’s change that.}

Leaning forward, my vision was completely covered by soft mountains and an almost numbing sensation shot through my body as I felt a pleasant pinch on one of my ears.


{Hehehe.  Felt good, eh?}

Ama slid down and brought her lips to mine for a second before nestling into my neck and kissing it.  One of her ears twitched and I managed to grab the tip of it with my lips, causing Ama to twitch.

‘Two can play at that game, Ama.”

I flipped us over again and buried myself in kissing her neck.  Over the next few hours, we continued to trade positions, slowly moving lower down our bodies as we did so.  At some point we had started treating it like a sort of game where whoever got low enough would…anyway I was just about to win when I thought Ama was a bit dazed when she suddenly pulled a surprise move and stroked the base of one of my tails then flipping us over. The second she kissed there my mind went blank and I felt a strange sensation. My vision went dark and when I managed to open my eyes again, I was in the room I went to sleep in.

“…Gods damnit!” (Keeno)

My shout instantly woke the others up.

“Whats wrong, Keeno?” (Freya)

“Nothing, just a…dream.” (Keeno)

{Judging by your expression and the fact that your heart is racing, it was either a nightmare or extremely pleasant.}

“I’ll tell you about it later, Ama.  For now, we should just go back to sleep.” (Keeno)

The other three looked at me with some concern, but after I vehemently assuaged them, they let it go.


‘Ama, I know what we’re doing next time we’re together.’

{So, it was THAT kind of dream. Want to give me more details?}

‘Sorry but I think I’m gonna leave you just as frustrated as I am right now.’

{You tease.}

‘Guilty as charged.’

I laid back down and closed my eyes.

‘Ama…I’m very stressed right now, and you are my only relief. It’s honestly maddening I can’t even physically feel you, and I don’t even mean that with lustful intent. Hearing your voice is one thing, knowing you’re always watching is another, but just feeling you close is enough to blow those two things out of the water.’

{I know. I feel the same way.  If I had the power to, I’d love nothing more than to travel along with all of you in person, but it’s truly impossible. I feel like the two of us have become exceptions to many rules, but some just CAN’T be broken, otherwise nothing but absolute chaos would reign. So, we must deal with our circumstances as best we can for the time being. These short years apart will make everything all the better when we can bet permanently by each other’s side.}

‘I’ll do my best. And who knows, when I can fully utilize Runes as an Authority, maybe I can figure something out which will let us meet more than once a month. But that’s for future me to figure out.’

{{Hehe.  I’ll wait patiently for that time to come. For now, though, try to sleep again.  Maybe you can have another pleasant dream.}

‘Even if I do, nothing beats laying with the real you.’

{Yet more sweet words.}

‘All the sweeter when they are true.’

Those were the last words I spoke tonight as sleep once again overtook me.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …Payto…

I feel bad for them too, Luna, but like she said, I can’t make exceptions to EVERY rule. Honestly, I think I’ve let loose a bit too much.

Order: You could have let them have that as a shared dream.

…Why didn’t I think of that?

Luna: Probably because you were being blinded and your ears covered.

Even then, I knew what was happening. But enough of that for now, things are about to get exciting.

Order: Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.

And don’t you think I don’t know what you’re thinking.

Order: Later then?

Of course.

Luna: Accursed pink aura of love!  Begone with thee till my lovely Tamamo returns!

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