King of succubus

Chapter 285 Grief.

"Enemies...? No, I would rather say invaders who are trying to take control of your kingdom, master!"

Hearing Sylvia's claims, Alvine remained momentarily silent while feeling Lilliana's cheek in his arms. Obviously, anyone could guess the cause of his indecision.

"For the moment, let's go back to our steps. I would like to know more about what happened when I was in the dual cultivation room." He then decided, while healing Lilliana's wounds with his healing spell, which was no weak than healing law.

"It's not necessary, master. The situation is more urgent than you can imagine. Coupled with our invaders, There are also demonic creatures lurking around the kingdom. If you listen, I'm sure you'll hear friction and explosions from the battlefield."

"A battlefield? I wonder what kind of assholes dare to threaten the peaceful life of the residents of this kingdom?!" He replied with his fierce eyes that carried a trace of madness.

"... Sigh, I don't know what kind of species they are. But one thing is certain; there is another civilization other than us on this planet. But the most important thing to know is that they are not allies! Sir Vandel has already gone there to lead the troops to prevent this new unknown threat from invading our territory." Sylvia retorted these words with calm eyes as if she did not want to worry Alvine.

"Well, Assiaphir, bring my queen to her apartments. And make sure she's going well before I get back."

While ordering the latter and giving her this responsibility, Alvine focused on Sylvia...

"Teleport us to this so-called battlefield!"


She then snapped her finger, just creating a milky white dimensional portal, after hearing Alvine's orders.


"Don't worry about her; I would do everything in my power to put her out of danger so that you can leave with peace of mind," Assi commented when she saw Alvine's gaze on her.

"... All right, I trust you." With these last words, Alvine also crossed Sylvia's portal to join this latter on the other side.


-Clang! Boom!!...

[Kekek, I would never have thought such ants would be in such a remote place! Definitely, it was a fucking good idea to have crossed this portal! No prisoners, kill them all! This place will soon be our territory!]

As soon as Alvine appeared on the other side of the portal, his expression darkened when he saw the new invaders who would massacre his subordinates as if they were nothing more than insects.

These invaders in question were different from all the species Alvine had met so far. Their silhouettes were not different from those of ordinary humans, but apart from that, everything else was different. They had dark blue skin and a big hole, which could let an adult fist pass through instead of their eyes!

But the most crucial detail was that these beings spoke in a language unknown to him, energies different from theirs, and above all, he could not feel their auras or their cultivation ranks!

At first glance, Alvine had the impression of seeing superior beings in front of him.

But seeing these hundred people triumph against his army of five hundred soldiers, the weakest of whom was a low-ranking divine mage; Alvine could not underestimate their powers.

"Sylvia, do you have any information about these strange beings?" He asked in a deep tone, even if he could guess Sylvia's answer from the expression he saw on the latter's face.

"N-no, this is the first time I've seen such lives. Whether it's their language, their cultivation methods, or their powers, everything is a mystery to me!!" Not surprisingly, Sylvia gave this answer to Alvine.

"..." He remained momentarily silent by analyzing the powers of newcomers with rabid but both placid eyes so as not to lose control of his emotions.

Six kilometers from him, he noticed a fierce battle between an intermediate divine mage against one of the strange creatures.

The vampire mage threw dozens of blood arrows at his enemy, which rushed towards him at lightning speed and bombarded him with his dozens of blood arrows!

But the next moment, Alvine frowns accentuated, noticing that the creature had only superficial wounds despite having taken a deadly attack.

"An extraordinary magical resistance, Huh?" He whispers this sentence flatly, finally becoming aware of the only reason that disadvantaged his subordinates against these mysterious entities.

"Indeed, their resistance is even stronger than that of the Valskars. Are they of the same kind as these abominable creatures (Valskars)?!" Sylvia nodded when she heard Alvine's conclusion.

"Very good! For now, let's solve this problem before it--!!" Alvine stopped in the middle of his sentence, noticing a man with silvery white hair, one kilometer away from them, lying on the ground in his blood.

"What's up, mas--

Even before Sylvia finished her sentence, Alvine went at full speed to one of the victims of this invasion, leaving Sylvia behind.

Notice this, Sylvia follows him from the meadow while looking in the same direction as Alvine.

'?!, Im-impossible !!' She thundered in her thoughts, instantly surpassing Alvine and instantly appearing in front of the white-haired man, who was lying in the gigantic crater.

She felt the body with trembling hands and incredulous eyes and repeatedly cast high-level care spells on the pale body... but without success.

"No, no, no!!! That's not the time to make such jokes, Sir Vandel!" She madly yelled with rabid and wet eyes while using as much energy as she could to revive the old man who had a big hole in place of his heart!

Vandel Sunshield, the oldest vampire in the kingdom, died!

As Sylvia began to realize the unacceptable, she collapsed on Vandel's motionless corpse with waves of tears that continued to flow from her eyes as she cried in silence. But still, she didn't stop using her healing spell on Vandel's corps.

At the same time, Alvine landed behind Sylvia and walked with heavies and hesitated steps towards the person he had always considered the only grandfather he had never had in this world or the other.

His empty eyes shone as he used his magical perception to feel the flow of mana in Vandel's body, but instantly, his brain stopped working when he saw the result he never wanted to see.

He then knelt next to Sylvia and closed Vandel's eyelids with a trembling hand and garnet eyes. 'Old man, what's the point of bragging about your age if it's to die here? Wasn't it you who said you were looking forward to your great-grandson? Isn't it always you who--

But his thoughts froze again when he noticed a drop of hot blood falling on the back of his palm that was on Vandel's chest from his left eye.

He then touched his cheek and looked at the blood on his toes with a slight smile. 'Ah, it's true. How many years have I not seen tears? Since Helen's death? Yes, I remember it. It was also at this time that I swore to myself that I would no longer shed tears; because they would mean regrets to me. Regrets, Huh?' He wondered, watching Sylvia sobbing with a sharp look.

"... If only I had taken it seriously and had taken care of my role as a guardian...*sniff*...I'm sure he won't have...

Despite the noise and cries of the battlefield, all he could hear at the moment was Sylvia's sobs and words of regret, despite his sharp senses.

'Regrets, huh? What exactly does she accuse herself of when I am the story's culprit? If I hadn't asked him not to bother me while I was busy, would he be alive?' While asking this question himself, Alvine's hand suddenly passed through Vandel's face!


But at that moment, Vandel's body slowly turned into a dark mist that was instantly carried away by the wind that was blowing vigorously.

"SYLVIA, WAIT A MOMENT; I'LL SOON BE BACK." His voice resounded in the vicinity while slowly petting Sylvia's head, who was like a little girl who mourned her father's death, unlike Alvine, who had any expression except the one blood tear that flowed through his left eye.

Among the Punishers that Alvine had met, the person he found most normal was not Sabrina, but Sylvia, who had succeeded kept her 'humanity' for millennia of existence; this assertion on his part was, for the most part, based on Sylvia's emotions that were not different from those of others. That's also one of the reasons he liked him the most, even though they hadn't met in a long time.

After turning his back on Sylvia, a dark mist instantly appeared around Alvine's body as he invoked his shadow soldiers without having to pronounce a single sentence.

At the same time, the four shadow soldiers who had completed their evolutionary phase appeared behind him.

"Kuro, Ignis, Ignotus, and finally... Stella, I have a mission for you." He whispered before the five greeted them.

"My lord, order us, and we will execute any existence you do not appreciate!" They answered in a bloody voice, feeling the rage they had never felt before emanating from their masters.

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Alvine turned to them and looked at them with dark abyss eyes.

"Your mission is simple, Stella and Ignis; you will capture only one of them alive and keep it for later. As for the three of you, protect Sylvia and kill all the sons of bitches among them who will approach her." He ordered calmly.

*My lord, what about these creatures? * The only shadow soldier who did not speak out loud, Ignotus, asked Alvine telepathically with his garnet eyes and demonic smile.

Seeing Ignotus' smile, Alvine also smiled at him with the only thread of blood from his eye to his chin. "These creatures? Ah, are you talking about these things? Unfortunately for you, you're not going to have fun today; it's because it's my turn!" He then whispered, creating a great war scythe with his dark energy and blood that flowed through his left eye.

At the same time, two long horns emerged on his temples, gigantic black wings on his back, and finally, a long tail of three meters at the bottom of his back.

"I would make sure that these sons of bitches live forever in perpetual suffering for billions of years!"

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