King of succubus

Chapter 263 Face The Heavenly Tribulations, First Salvo.

Since the sky darkened following the disappearance of the blue dragon, Linn's frown was accentuated when she saw this abnormal scene.

'This is a terrible sign! Should I interrupt him? No, knowing him, he will blame me to death for having interrupted his divine ascension.' She said to herself, looking at the sky with her perception increased to the maximum.

Barely two seconds more, her body cools as if she had just taken a bath in the Arctic sea, noticing the golden dragon faster than Alvine.

"O, my goddess?!" She swore these words as if she could not believe what she saw.


"Hey! What the fucking hell are you doing?! Come back here right away if you don't want to die!" She shouted these words at full lungs to warn Alvine.

But the latter could not hear Linn's warning and still continued to wait for tribulations nervously.

"No... Argh!! How a fucking obsessed bastard!" She swore out loud while trying to save Alvine.

But the moment she decided to sprint to Alvine, her expression changed into horror when she also noticed that she was deprived of her movements!

"What?! By all the devil of hell?!" She swore aloud by instantly releasing her primordial concept to twist the space itself.

But before she faced what she wanted, another obstruction more potent than before sealed her powers simultaneously as her movements!

At the same time, a gigantic creature, no, rather a grotesque abomination, instantly appeared next to Linn as he laughed madly next to her!

[GHIHIHI--!! Keh nàn n'hawo Bäkará!!]


Seeing this shadow with a thunderous and unpleasant voice, Linnaella instantly bowed in front of him, despite her concern for Alvine.

"M-monarch of corruption?! What is the honor of your presence in our world?!" Luna stammered these words with her rabid expression that made her eyes shine with a dark glow as if she had small black holes in them!

The shadow with a head with more than six eyes pointed one of his four indexes at Alvine and spoke in a dismaying tone.

[LUNNAELLA? Xaga kegnana. Àkaleh M'Baanaya toxo Reha Garini!!]

"...What?! Tsk, Tsk, how ridiculous, even coming from you, one of our goddess's three personal bodyguards. All I see is that you want to kill him to prevent us from... Keukh!" Linn could not complete her sentence because of the uninvited intruder, who slightly moved his hand, forcing her to remain silent.

Seeing the actions of the shadow, she forcibly manifested her bloodthirsty primordial aura with bloody eyes. [Xibare n'tamaga Yere, Jabal!!] She also retorted these words in primordial language.

"It is only out of respect for you; you have neither the right nor the authority to be present here! So get out of here before I apply the sentence on you!"

[....Ghahah-!-!! Ah, LINNAELLA, an yakou wugni. Hara foumbe gafit'an jeya, quen lanta forotgnaji däh!]

'This bastard! He doesn't take me seriously because he knows I can't fully use my primordial powers. I'm sorry, Alvine, but I can no longer do anything to prevent such injustice!' She said to herself while looking at Alvine, facing the two dragons, who still remain his devilish smile.

Seeing Lunna’s quiet, the shadow also looks at Alvine with a wicked smile.

"Haha, it seems these bastards are still angry with me!" Alvine retorted these words with decisive eyes while holding his breath with his teeth clenched to take the successful attack of the two thunder dragons!


When the two dragons were a hundred meters above him, the two merged into a giant dragon with more sharpness as if he were a real thunder dragon!

"Come as much as you are, son of bitches!" Alvine replied with garnet irises!

The dragon, whose rage reached the top after hearing Alvine's arrogant voice, growls in anger before hammering him violently with all his grudges, giving Alvine the impression that his soul is tearing!


"Keuukh!!!" He persisted despite the atrocious pain, which was no less severe than when he strengthened his body with Linn's assistance.

'It's crazy! How can the first impact be so fierce and so painful?!' He wondered with half-open eyes while trying to absorb the double-edged attack!

The thundering of tribulations is not the sole purpose of torturing cultivators during their ascents but also has the function of attributing new powers to the Magi, which absorb them. The more a mage absorbs celestial thunders during his ascent, the more positive advantages he will have over his pairs.

On the other hand, it was a significant advantage for Alvine, who has a body adapted to absorb all forms of energy.

But despite all these factors, it took him more than a minute and a half to eradicate the energy of tribulation by absorbing it!

-UGh!! A single attack was enough to crack this divine armor?! Tsk, Tsk, I would never have thought that tribulations have such destructive powers! But I can see that my energy reserve has increased by at least 5%, and my constitution has strengthened by 30% more?!' He said to Himself, looking at the state of his body and armor with a ridiculous smile.

"Is that all you have in your stomach? I'm disappointed!! What a fucking disappointment on your part!" He screamed, removing the helmet from his head and wiping the blood on his lips.

'The more powerful the attacks, the more I would gain more energy, divine laws, and even better, my energy tank will grow infinitely! I can't miss such an opportunity. Sigh, I feel like I'm going to live a worse hell than the previous ones!' Seeing the benefits he could have from one attack, his greed was stimulated in proportion to the pain he felt.

"Are you so weak?! Do you call them thunders?! Kahahah! I didn't feel anything but some tickling!!!" He immediately carried out his suicidal plan without hesitation, acting with as much audacity and arrogance as possible to lure the heavens’ fury to himself!

'Wh...!! What an unconscious bastard! You almost died from the first attack, and you continue to provoke the heavens?!' Linn cusses Alvine in her thoughts when she hears these deadly provocations from him. It was no longer a matter of concern for her own interest, but she wanted to witness everything except the death of Alvine, who had changed her lonely daily life. And without her even realizing it, she began to appreciate Alvine's company as she spent time with him.

But the current situation was more worst than she expected. Just seeing the state of Alvine's armor, she could guess the danger faced Alvine!


At the same time, as if the heavens wanted to fulfill his wish or perhaps punish him for his arrogance... no matter the reasons, the heavens still granted Alvine's request.

The next attack was four golden dragons that merged into a giant dragon size and pummeled Alvine!


At the same time, apart from the helmet, Alvine's armor turned into black ash!


As he screamed with pain with a bloody body, the third attack manifested itself at the same time without waiting for Alvine to absorb the ocean of lightning around him!

"I hope it's a fucking joke?! I didn't come here to die like the fucking victims I hate!" He thundered these words by pushing his body to its limit to remove the obstruction that prevented him from using his powers!

"Ahhhhh!!!!" At the same time, the strange glow that his eyes had after completing the reinforcement phase appeared again! His pupils, garnet red, turned black with bloodthirsty red irises!


His golden energy exploded with fervor and ferocity, annihilating the thunders that constantly grayish his skin and, simultaneously, the other eight dragons that tried to fuse a hundred meters above him, attracting them directly to his body and absorbing them instantly!

"Kahaha!! I knew you were just fucking weak people who played the role of omnipotence!" He screamed, removing the helmet from his head and wiping the blood on his lips.

"Sends forty, even thousands of thunder dragons if they sing to you! In the end, they will only be fucking weak flies destined to make me strong! Do you want to kill me?! Please do your best to achieve this goal, Kahaha, because, after these tribulations, I will kick ass all of you as much as you are!! So stays hide well behind the heavens that only serve a hole for rats that you are!!!"

[Kukuk! No matter how much time he had spent in his prison, the arrogance of this bastard had only increased!]

The shadow next to Linn retorted these words with his metallic laughter.

"Tsk, Tsk, I can't believe you can talk about him like that when you said you were anonymous and not hostile to him barely five minutes ago!" Linn replied to him with these words without looking at him.

[Kuk, look at him well. Do you still think he's the same person you believe? In this regard, I recently noticed the destruction of five planets during my trip; you're still not going to tell me that it was an accident, are you? I would recognize him even if he changed to body or race! The darkness in his soul will never disappear, even if he eats all the fruits of the supreme tree!

"Yes, yes, I heard everything. Between you, who say nonsense, and Zenof, who has almost gone crazy in his library by dint of being obsessed with him, Sabrina, who never had a heart, and the others who run after his powers that I have not yet seen, I don't know who to believe. That's why I would only rely on my own judgments of him." Linn replied in response.

[Thus, I have nothing else to add. But I can't wait to see how the beings from above will react to all these insults. Kekekeh, it's exciting! I would have regretted my existence if I had missed such a show.]


Regardless of them, Alvine channeled all his energy to accelerate his regeneration to be in good condition before the second salvo!

Instantly, burns and deep wounds regenerated at a speed that was no less fast than Linn when he bit her on her neck.

Following this, he looked above him and threw his helmet with all his strength, and pointed his middle finger with an erratic smile.

"In your asses! That is this gesture's meaning in case your fly brains do not know its meaning!" He thundered once again with a sinister smile.

Apart from the traces of blood on his body, he had managed to heal all his wounds.

But after thirty seconds of waiting, his smile gradually faded when he saw the color of the sky change to another!

'... Huh?! What is..?! Ha-Ahahaha, these bastards want really kill me!!' He stammered to himself with incredulous eyes.

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