Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu

Chapter 228

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Hey guys! Fujima Sakura desu!

This is actually the 11th day of the 14 days of the Arousing Imouto Scanlations anniversary celebrations!

Let's take a moment to think back to one of our earlier works.

Back then we weren't as large a group, and went by Inyuu scans, but most of our key members have remained, and I think you can see that it carries our DNA!

Este: I really did translate and type-set this. Go back and re-read it with this in mind, but this time take a shot whenever the term KAGEYOWSI' appears.


I opened my eyes to the sounds of pigeons

Apparently after being stopped by the barrier of roses on my balcony, they took nest in my stomach instead. To give them their punishment I quickly changed and headed for food.

Today was looking to be a fine day.

Breakfast had been yummy, too. In the morning you just had to have rice!

At Zui'ran, here and there you could spot members of the Fulfilling Romance village making themselves known. It was still early in the morning and yet I could already see their members strutting about.

These I-Have-Experience villagers, these I-Suddenly-Got-Lover villagers, all absolutely unbelievable!

Ever since the cla.s.s trip I was feeling a sense of crisis from the sudden depopulation of the Forever Alone village. Perhaps I ought to introduce the Gonin Gumi system so that we would all police each other

As the village chief I couldn't tolerate any more deserters. A severe warning was required here.

Ah!? Those two over there were holding hands and gazing at each other! What an indecent

Wait, don't tell me that Zui'ran was allowed relationships!? I had to find out.

Where was my student handbook!?

Ah-, Kisshouin-san. Good morning. I was just looking for you.

I was in the middle of peering into the dark swamp of hatred that was my heart when Cla.s.s Rep called out to me.

Good morning, Cla.s.s Rep. Did you need me?

Mmn, could I talk to you for just a bit?

If course.

Cla.s.s Rep took my sleeve and led me into a corner. He began to talk in a hushed voice.

The truth is, during the free hours of our cla.s.s trip I went around with Hondsan and the others.

I see. I do recall you telling me at the British Museum. A cruise of the Seine river, was it?

You remembered? Mhm. We went on a cruise together. I had such a good time When we were getting on it was a little rocket, so I, I lent Hondsan my hand and

Flushed with happiness, he continued recounting his experience to me.

To think there was another new member of the Fulfilling Romance village I had to do something about my village's depopulation problem, and soon.

I see. And you were happy to hold hands. You have come to report to me your ulterior motives, then?

Ehh!? I-I didn't have any ulterior motives! I wasn't thinking like that at all, Kisshouin-san!


I wonder about that. Did he really not intend that?

After all, those boats had had handrails. Handrails that I had held myself while I was cruising alone.


Ummm, Kisshouin-san, it feels like you're kind of in a bad mood I mean, it's fine if I'm wrong but Ah, anyway, since Nonose-san was feeling cold, Iwamuro-kun lent his jacket to her. I think they had a good atmosphere going on.


For warmth, I had been forced to huddle up Ayame-chan and the other girls like a bunch of hamsters though? My, friendship between girls is a beautiful thing!

I had actually wanted to put a padlock on the Pont des Arts with her, but I was too embarra.s.sed to ask. I just thought it would be nice if we could do that one day Ah! This is a secret, okay!?

The Pont des Arts is a pedestrian bridge which crosses the River Seine, linking the Inst.i.tut de France and the Louvre. Since late 2008, tourists have taken to attaching padlocks (love locks) with their first names written or engraved on them to the railing or the grate on the side of the bridge, then throwing the key into the Seine river below, as a romantic gesture.

In other words, it would be nice if they could go to Paris together, one day. That's quite the proposal, Cla.s.s Rep.

And although he didn't get to place a padlock on lover's bridge, he went on to tell me that he did throw two coins into the Trevi Fountain to spend his life with his love though. I see, I see.

Incidentally I threw two coins in as well. Not that I had a love yet! Ha ha!

They had even promised to go hang out once we were back in j.a.pan, the four of them. My, that sounds like so much fun. I simply must recommend they go on a boat tour of Inokashira Park.

What are my intentions, you ask? Goodness, I meant nothing malicious by it.

It is said that, if you ride the boats on Inokashira Park's pond with a girlfriend, you will surely break up soon.

Cla.s.s Rep, may you be sacrificed to appease this dark swamp of hatred

The sacrificial maiden, knowing nothing of my thoughts, continued to smile as he talked to me. Pitiful thing.

And so to thank you, Iwamuro-kun and I Ah, look, it's Iwamuro-kun. Heeey~ Iwamuro-kuuun!

To thank me? What was this about?

Iwamuro-kun noticed Cla.s.s Rep's waving from down the hallway and took large strides towards us. Good morning.

Iwamuro-kun, I was just telling Kisshouin-san about our time on the trip. Anyway, how about we give her the present we got her?

Good idea.

From his bag, Cla.s.s Rep produced a bundle in adorable wrapping.

This is a thank you from the two of us, Cla.s.s Rep explained. For always being there to give us advice.

Thank you, Master, Iwamuro-kun nodded.

Oh my G.o.d.

I was ashamed of myself. I can't my jealousy had made me wish for something so cruel to happen to such good people.

I wasn't qualified to be a G.o.d of Fulfilling Romance.

Uuuu Thank goodness I hadn't recommended Inokashira Park yet

Thank you. I am overwhelmed, I said, hugging the present close.

We got you oil and hair treatment products from France. It's our way of wishing that your locks of fortune will always stay beautiful. Iwamuro-kun was the one who picked it, actually, explained Cla.s.s Rep.

I really admire your hair, Master. I just hope you'll like it

As expected of the kind of maiden who was into beauty care. Even his choice of presents was maidenly and thoughtful.

Even though his hair was cut short, it was l.u.s.trous and glossy. I could see the effort he put in every day to take care of it. As his teacher in beauty care, it made me proud to see.

It was thanks to the generosity of these two that I managed to, just a little, find it in my heart to forgive the members of the Fulfilling Romance Village.

After school I went to give the kids their souvenirs. That was how I found myself heading to the Pet.i.t Salon with presents in both hands.

While I was on my way I received a number of text messages from Kaburagi but I ignored them all.

I had zero interest in subjecting myself to his gushing over his Roman date with Wakabchan.

Keh! Compared to a date with the soothing angels of the Pet.i.t Pivoine, his little stories were nothing but trash!

As I opened the door I was met with Mao-chan who was nothing but smiles.

Reikoneesama, gokigen'yoh!

Gokigen'yoh, Mao-chan.

Upon entering the room I was greeted one by one by smiling children. So cute. I was already relaxing~

Distributing the souvenirschocolates, and french jelly they call pte de fruitwas met with a cute cheer from the children. Reikoneesama! Reikoneesama!' I was thus surrounded by bundles of adoring children.

My, my, I'm not going anywhere, so please don't fight over me like that~

Haah, how I wish a time slip could make these childrens' cla.s.smate I was born a little too early.

If I had been their cla.s.smates then just imagine what a fulfilling life I'd be leading right now.

This was a false paradise

Good afternoon, Reikoneesan.


And here came the boy who would have been the prince charming of that time slip scenario! Aah I was really born too soon.

After I was done handing out the treats, I was ushered out of the ring of children towards the sofa.

Sitting next to me was Yukino-kun. In front of me was Mao-chan and Yuuri-kun.

Well then, it is time for your souvenirs, I said.

Besides the sweets from earlier, for these three I also had foreign picture books and coloured pencils. The pencils that I bought were supposedly world-reknowned, and were even used in the colouring for famous picture books. You could use them to produce lovely soft colours.

The faces of my adorable little friends blossomed into smiles.

Also Mao-chan, could I trouble you to hand this to Ichinokursama?

I had been treated to meals by her uncle countless times, so for him I got cheese, black tea, as well as a gla.s.s cat paperweight since I thought of his pet cat Alice.

Maybe this was a bit much for Mao-chan to bring home, but she was going by car so it was fine, right?

I understand. I'll pa.s.s it to Haruto-niisama, right? Oh, that reminds me, Reikoneesama. Listen to this. Actually, while you were overseas I wanted to thank Akimi-san for her cooking lessons so I got Haruto-niisama to bring the two of us to eat! she beamed.

Eh? Really? I asked, surprised.

Yes. I'm sorry for not speaking to you first. But the two of us just happened to both be free that day, so

Well, I hardly mind, but Anyhow, did you enjoy yourself then?

Uhuhu. I asked Haruto-niisama to pick somewhere wonderful for us, and it turned out that the food was delicious and Akimi-san seemed to enjoy it too. See, the two of them both love eating, right? They seemed to have a lot to talk about, so I was thinking that maybe just the two of them could go next time~


Oh my G.o.d.

Without my knowledge, the adorable Mao-chan had transformed into a cunning matchmaker aunty!

Without a doubt, this was her way of trying to get rid of Eriksan and replace her with Akimi-san, wasn't it?

Yuuri-kun who was oblivious to her hidden motives simply smiled and said, That's great to hear, Mao.

Why were boys so? No, of course. It was better that they didn't realise. They'd live happier that way

While this was happening, Yukino-kun was enraptured by the Mother Goose collection.

Hmm hmm, what's this you're reading~?

Mmn. Yukino-kun, how about we read something more pleasant? You might not be able to fall asleep at night, you know?

The four of us spent the next while chatting, comparing the souvenir books, or talking about my trip. It was only interrupted when I heard the door opening to the squeals of the girls. Together we turned to the source of the commotion and Geh!

Oh? It's Niisama.

In the middle of the uproar was Yukino's brother, Enjou, as well as Emperor Kaburagi. What had he even come to the Pet.i.t Salon for?

Niisama, what are you guys doing here? Yukino-kun asked blankly. The two of them had walked over to us.

Enjou gave a helpless smile as Kaburagi stood with his arms crossed.

Masaya over here has business with Kisshouin-san.

Eh-? Business with me?

I had an incredibly bad feeling about this

Kaburagi nodded grimly and turned to me with a frown.

You. I've sent you so many messages already, and you still haven't noticed? Honestly, you're hopeless. I had to come all the way myself.

I knew it.

Since I didn't reply, he decided to come in person? What a born stalker

The Natural-Born Stalker Kaburagi.

That'd make for a good ring name if he ever got into pro wrestling, actually.

My sincere apologies, I said to Natural-Born Stalker. My phone was in my bag and I had not thought to check.

It was a reasonable explanation.

I looked to up find Enjou smirking at me. Tsk.

The two interlopers took the opportunity to join us at the table.

Yukino, what are you reading?

Reikoneesan gave it to me. It's a souvenir from her trip, he replied.

From Kisshouin-san? I see. Thank you for going out of your way for my brother, Enjou said.

Not at all. It was but a trifle, so please do not mind it, I replied politely.

From the side, Kaburagi peered at it in curiosity. What's it about?

It's Mother Goose's collection, answered Yukino.

Mother Goose? Ah, right, we've got that in my family's library too, Kaburagi mused. Come to think of it, the talk about rhymes reminds me. We used to have ten little Indian dolls lying around the house, but I found one of them mysteriously broken. I think it was at the end of 1st Year he finished in a mutter.

At the end of 1st Year? Wasn't that when he had his big heartbreak over Yurie-sama?

A cursed Indian doll that broke because of his broken heart?

And then there were none'


While I was lost in my own ominous delusions, the kids had begun asking them about their time on the trip. The conversation turned to the soccer match they saw in England, which really interested Yuuri-kun.

We chat picked up to a swell, and we had just about finished the tea when Enjou's phone rang.

He excused himself, and after a chat from a small distance away, he came back and let Yukino-kun it was time to go.

It looks like our ride is here. Let's go home, Yukino.

Ehhh? But I still want to talk more

There'll be another time. Come on, they're waiting for us downstairs.

Yukino-kun looked dissatisfied, but Enjou rubbed his head as he chided him, and so Yukino-kun reluctantly left his seat.

Apparently Kaburagi planned to stay though. n.o.body asked him to stay

Yukino-kun seems to want to talk more, so how about you go together, Kaburagi-sama? I tried. Unfortunately, Enjou denied it to me with his next words.

Sorry, but I've got plans after this.

Cheh. Is that so?

Well then, we'll be heading off first, he finished. See you tomorrow, Kisshouin-san.

Gokigen'yoh, Enjou-sama. Let us speak again, Yukino-kun.

Bye, Reikoneesan. Thank you for the book and pencils. And the sweets too!

Huhu, you are very welcome.

The soothing angel left us, and as I mourned that fact, somebody tapped my shoulder as a shadow loomed from behind me.

Well then. Let's go somewhere else. I've got heaps of stuff I want to talk to you about.

I wonder if he couldn't give me a report with just the main points summarised. I promise I'd read it when I had time.

By the way, breaking news! Debt Girl, and/or Otoburi, along with maybe possibly probably not Bathroom G.o.ddess, are getting picked back up on a semi-regular-irregular-probably never basis! We'll put up a chapter 9, and based on the reactions we get, we'll see what we can do. Also, like, subscribe, click the bell-shaped notification b.u.t.ton, and donate to our patreon for more frequent, regular releases!

We're also on 1,000 posts!

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