Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 77: Ghost Mirage Sacred Hand

Chapter 77: Ghost Mirage Sacred Hand

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Link: /NineClouds69

--- Chapter 76 ---

Yu Long and three ladies entered the Divine Phoenix City.

This place was ten times bigger than Silver Lake City, thanks to it being the capital city in the Divine Phoenix Empire. The atmosphere also had slightly searing heat due to the 'huge number' of profound practitioners with fire-attributed profound arts. 

Surrounded by tall red walls, the streets are clean, with people walking around with a hint of pride to be able to stand in this area.

Numerous 'Profound Arks' are hovering in the air, signifying the wealth of the residences.

"So, those are Profound Arks, huh?" Yu Long gazed at the sky, finding these transportation tools amusing.

A Profound Ark is a luxurious type of flying tool. It uses profound stones and crystals as a source of energy to fly and carry passengers. They can vary in size from a few meters to tens or hundreds of meters. 

Making one is extremely expensive, and the Profound Ark's consumption of precious stones and crystals is even more costly.

Those who can use a profound ark are people of high status and wealth.

No one has used a Profound Ark in the Blue Wind Empire, whereas they are 'commonly' seen in the sky over Divine Phoenix City.

Some Profound Arks have flown in and out of the Blue Wind Empire since the Lost Heaven Sect's emergence, but those are nothing compared to the ones above Divine Phoenix City. 

It's probably because the Lost Heaven Sect wasn't as open as the Divine Phoenix City. 

No, if we are talking about being open, Silver Lake City should have that level of attraction. However, people from other nations still use carriages.

"What a waste of resources." Yu Long commented helplessly. He could see a variation of several arrays in these Profound Arks, and each is very inefficient and burns profound energy faster than fossil fuels.

Hong Guan was 'slightly' amused by Yu Long's comment and added, "Young Master, if you want, we could make millions of these Profound Arks easily." 

"No, no, no! That would be a waste of money." Before Yu Long could reply, Lily flat-out rejected this idea.

As Shadow Realm's fund manager, Lily knows how much waste it was to make Profound Arks. They have immense wealth, but she'd use it on funding other things than throw it on a useless piece of flying metal.

"On top of that, our flying speed is faster than that garbage." She crossed her arms indigently.

Chu Yueli giggled on the side, "I would never think of myself agreeing with this money-grubber, but she has a point." 

"Who is money-grubber, you shaved ice machine!" Lily countered in annoyance.

"..." Chu Yueli's mouth twitched.

As much as she wanted to deny Lily's statement, Yu Long and Yuyan liked to eat shaved ice after training. 

As the only person who cultivated [Chronicle of Frozen World], making shaved ice somehow became Chu Yueli's permanent role. Yuyan even told her to always bring different kinds of syrups for it.

Contrary to her fellow maids' belief, Chu Yueli didn't hate her job because the satisfaction on Yu Long's face when eating her shaved ice somehow became her pleasure.

After three years, she maximized her 'Shaved-Iced Technique' and turned it into her regular training.

Watching Lily's boastful look as the sunny-looking maid puffed her chest made Chu Yueli want to laugh, but she held back.

"Okay, stop fighting." Yu Long sighed while giving them a flick each on the forehead. It wasn't painful, but enough to make them feel a little heat.

Chu Yueli and Lily covered their heads, "Ouch..." 

Yu Long glanced at Hong Guan and continued, "I want to find someone in this city."

"I don't know if he still lives here or not." He frowned because his existence most likely changed the world already.

"Your job is to trace 'Lightning Element' in the air." 

"Even if it is just a minuscule amount, you may report it to me." 

"Only that?" The three maids are surprised by this 'simple' task.

They thought their young master wanted to find a substitute for the leader of the eleventh base.

"Consider it done." Hong Guan confidently smiled.

As the maids disappeared, Yu Long whistled and stopped by a noodle stall. He's currently in the outer southern area of the Divine Phoenix City.

The stall owner laughed at the prospect of the new buyer and brought a clean and cold towel alongside roasted nuts for Yu Long.

"Welcome, welcome, young sir." He said with a grin. He's a modest man with tied black hair and freckles.

Yu Long smiled, "Give me two bowls of noodles." 

The stall owner giddily responded and returned to his cooking counter, "Okay, come right up." 

Yu Long stared at the sky and let [Lazy King's Eears] and [Echolocation] be unrestricted for a while. He could hear a spectrum of sounds changes into strings in his mind.

There are countless of them.

One is big.

One is small.

Each moves in harmony, or so Yu Long thought.

The Profound Practitioner's moves sound different than 'normal' people's as their movement carries more energy. The ones in the city's center and the far south-western area feel much, how to put it, chaotic?

Yu Long raised his brows and heard a bowl rattling noise.

It was the tall owner.

"Two bowls of noodles are ready." 

"The condiments are on the table, so feel free to adjust the taste." 

"Thanks." Yu Long answered while picking up chopsticks.

When he was about to slurp the noodles, Yu Long's ears detected something.

'Young Master, a faint Lightning Element is near your location!' Lily warned him.

Yu Long shook his head gently and watched a fleeting white light blow the street, leaving nothing behind. 

Even the shadow didn't come after it.

However, Yu Long didn't pay much attention to the white light because it was a facade.

It might fool people with weak senses, but not Yu Long's.

It sounds like bragging, but he could discern the profound strength in the atmosphere to the smallest detail.

"There, I saw the light there!" 

"Hurry up! We should catch that petty thief quickly!" 

"He has stolen many things from our master's house!" 

"Ghost Mirage Sacred Hand, You BASTARD!"! 

Several armored guards ran, chasing after the fleeting white light.

Yu Long slurped his noodles and watched a man in a grayish-green robe sitting before him. This guy looks like a wandering warrior who has roamed the Profound Sky Continent.

"Boss, give me a bowl and wine." The wandering warrior shouted with an accent.

Yu Long leaned back and asked, "New to the city?" 

"Yeah, it's my first time." The wandering warrior answered humbly. 

"Haha, I never expected the Divine Phoenix City to be this big." He added with a small laugh.

"Same. It's my first time as well." Yu Long chuckled in amusement.

The stall owner brought a bowl of noodles and a wine jar to the table for the wandering warrior. "Enjoy~!" He said with a toothy smile.

They enjoyed their meals, ignoring the fussy guards who ran back and forth around the area. 

Yu Long finished his first bowl and glanced at the second bowl, "Hmm, not bad." 


Someone's stomach growled. It was a kid in a brown robe. He stared at Yu Long's second bowl of noodles intently.

"Do you want this?" Yu Long asked casually.

The kid nodded excitedly, but Yu Long's following words shocked him.

Yu Long started eating, "Then, keep watching." 

"This will teach you not to wish a good thing 'always' happen." 

"The world doesn't revolve around you..." 

"..." The kid.

"..." The stall owner.

"..." The wandering warrior.

They stared at the handsome young man speechlessly.


Yu Long finished the second bowl quickly and patted his stomach in satisfaction. He rummaged through his spatial ring and placed down two yellow coins, which was the price of the meal.

"Thanks for the food." He stood up and walked away.

The three watched Yu Long's back and had a curt expression on their faces. 

What the fuck was that?


After a while, Yu Long sat above the roof of a building and watched the wandering warrior and the kid walking away. 

He laughed and commented, "You know your cover is blown already, right?" 

"The subtleness of your action can't be hidden with a layer of disguise." 

"How did you know?" A mirage of lightning appeared behind Yu Long as a dagger pressed against his back.

Yu Long hummed, "Your disguise is nearly perfect, but any normal business owner would show some nervousness when someone with authority is around." 

"On the other hand. You are still calm when guards pace back and forth in the area. No, you are still in the mood to make more noodles, hehe~!"

"You're gutsy, for an ordinary noodle stall owner, that is." 

"Tsk." A click of the tongue is all the response Yu Long gets.

Yu Long stared into the distance and continued, "Nice to meet you again, Stall Owner." 

"Your noodles are not bad." 

"Or should I say... Ghost Mirage Sacred Hand?" 

"The most famous thief around." 

"Fuck. It Is the best thief in the Profound Sky Continent! Don't get it wrong!" 

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