Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 32

You bloom like the summer fireworks, turning the plain winter sky into a rainbow-colored kingdom.

The shouts of the fans were full of enthusiasm. The host looked calmly at Pei Ying and shot her a smile. Pei Pei, would you like to sing a song for everyone?


Before Pei Ying could respond, the audience erupted in applause.

Pei Ying looked at them and smiled. She turned back to the host and nodded. Okay, Ill sing then.

Chen Shengs heart was nearly jumping out of his chest. The host was making a mess and going off the plan, but why was Pei Ying going along with her?! If you sing this song poorly, your hard-earned popularity will drop just like that!

The opening melody ofBloomingstarted playing and the fans below the stage screamed. They waved their arms and signs along to the countof the melody.

In the season where everything withers, you and I have become insincere As Pei Ying started singing, her fans grew excited. Her tone was very good and distinct. Her sincere singing was definitely a pleasure to the ears.

The difficulty in this song was controlling the rhythm, and Pei Ying had overcome that in the recording studio. As the chorus came up, Chen Sheng stood at the bottom of the stage, hands clasped together (as in a prayer).

You bloom like the summer fireworks, turning the plain winter sky into a rainbow-colored kingdom

Chen Sheng grew very still as he listened to Pei Yings performance. Her breathing was smooth, moving up and down like a mountain range. Although she sang in falsetto for the high notes, the transition from her natural voice was very natural and there was no break in her singing. Moreover, her breathing was very adequate throughout the chorus, and it didnt make the listener feel as if she couldnt handle the song. She even utilized her tone fully.

Was Qiao Yichen messing with him? He felt that Pei Ying did a great job singing! She was a lot better than some of the so-called singers in the industry!

After she finished the song, the site exploded in applause. The host had a difficult time controlling the crowdto announce the start of the signing.

More staff was brought out to keep the event organized as the fans lined up with their CDs.

All her years of practicing her signature would finally be made useful now.

A forty-minute signing didnt sound particularly long, but for the person signing, it was something torturous. After the eventended, Pei Yings wrist ached from all the signing.

The host announced the end of the event, but the fans that had yet to receive an autograph blocked the way, refusing to let anyone leave. The staff members said that there would be a second signing event, but the fans didnt pay them any attention. They just stayed in place and wouldnt leave.

Pei Ying understood their feelings. After waiting in such a long line, they didnt get an autograph. Of course they would be upset. If it were up to her, shed give an autograph toeveryone. But she had to return to filming. The filming crew wasstill waiting for her.

The staff escorted her from the scene, and even Chen Sheng joined in to help with the battle.

They finally made their way out of the Star Department Store, but there was still group of fans following behind her.

Pei Pei! Pei Pei! The fans cried out as they took photos. Some even had the guts to reach out their hands to grab onto her. This short path to the car was both slow and tiring. She was blocked in from all sides, when she suddenly saw two men in suits appear. Using their strength, they blocked the fans from her.

Pei Ying couldnt help looking at them again. They Werent they the community service staff from before?!

She didnt have time to linger over it as Chen Sheng took advantage of this time to push her into her van. After they got into the van, it quickly drove off.

Whoo Im tired. Chen Sheng took several deep breaths and picked up a bottle of water. Next time, well have to make sure the event organizers limit the number of guests allowed, lest they make another scene because they didnt get a signature.

As he spoke, he turned to Pei Ying. Your singings pretty good.

Pei Ying laughed. After Qiao Yichen scolded me, I started to practice my breathing. But Ive been a bit lazy since I started filming. To be honest, I wasnt 100 percent sure Id be able to sing well just then.

Only after hearing it from her now did Chen Sheng find out that shed been working on her breathing every day. He couldnt help feeling pleased. Thats why they say that opportunities go to those who prepare well. You sang well today. All those people who questioned you will shut their mouths now. But this host went against our agreement. Ill have to ask for clarification about it later.

Pei Ying nodded. She was indeed taken by surprise when the host asked her to sing. Thankfully, she had been practicing. She pulled out her phone and told Chen Sheng, Ill make a Weibo post to explain about the signing.

Mm, good. Chen Sheng pulled out his own phone and started going through Weibo. A lot of fans at the signing event had already posted photos and videos. After he looked through them, he opened Pei Yings new post.

[Pei Ying] (Official)

My very first signing event has come to a close~ Im regretful that because of time constraints, there were many fans that were unable to get an autograph. Im really very sorry. Because of my filming schedule, I was unable to give a signature to every single person. Ill do my best to sign for more people next time! Thank you for everyones support ^_^

Pei Yings Wiebo post was uploaded with great speed. Before anyone could post about her pretending she was all that or leaving without finishing the autographs, she already put out a clarification.

Chen Sheng silently gave her a thumbs up.

After she finished writing up her post, Pei Ying opened up her comments. In the past, when shed post something, she might only get some tens of replies in an entire day, but nowadays, after just a few minutes, she would have a hundred comments.

Pei Pei, I didnt get an autograph qaq Next time, Ill be sure to get there two hours early qaq

I got an autograph. Hahaha (picture)

Pei Pei was amazing. Good job~

I finally saw Pei Peis long legs up close! I almost couldnt stop myself from reaching out for a touch (sexy)

Fans from afar will just quietly watch on (smile)

Pei Pei, come to C City!

Long-legs Pei, youve worked hard~ (love you)

Her fans comments took away some of her exhaustion from her work and left her revitalized. While she was relishing in her comments, she received a private message.

Her Weibo messages were set to private, so only people she followed (who also followed her) on Weibo could send her messages. She glanced at it and then found that the message was from Qiao Yichen.

Pei Ying was so startled that she nearly dropped her phone.


Why was Boss Qiao looking for her? Perhaps hed seen a video of her performance that day so he sent her a private message to scold her?!

She fully prepared herself and opened her message, like a warrior ready for battle.

[Qiao Yichen] I saw a video of your performance at the signing event today. Your singing has gotten a lot better. Have you been practicing?

[Pei Ying] Yes. You told me to practice my breathing before, so Ive been practicing at home. Although I dont practice for very long each day, I still make a little bit of time orz.

[Qiao Yichen] Mm. If theres a chance in the future, we should work together again.

Pei Ying was totally taken aback. Boss Qiao was actually suggesting that they work together again?! Hadnt he previously said, in all honesty, that she should focus on her acting?!

Did this mean that Qiao Yichen was finally recognizing her?

Pei Ying was ecstatic, but she tempered down her emotions before responding. Youre really willing to record with me again?

[Qiao Yichen] Your voice isnt bad. Your foundation though, approaches zero. However, your performance today really surprised me.

Oh Well, he was Qiao Yichen indeed.

[Pei Ying] Thank you! I await our next chance for collaboration!

[Qiao Yichen] Thank yourself. I appreciate people with their feet planted on the ground who work hard. And those are the kinds of people this business is most lacking in.

Pei Ying was so touched and wanted to thank him for this chicken soup (as in healing for the soul?), but then she saw his next comment. But if we were at the recording studio, without a doubt, youd have had to re-sing the song.

Pei Ying, .

So this chicken soup had poison in it.

After the second of her signing events,Season of Lovestarted to air. The ratings for the first broadcast surpassed those of its predecessor,Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbows, so the entire crew was very pleased.

Pei Ying was extremely busy that month, but seeing all the achievements she made, she still felt it was worth it. TV dramas really were good for boosting popularity. Pei Yings fans had already surpassed a million. Many of her fans started clamoring for a one million follower reward.

Pei Ying hadnt decided what she should gift her fans when she heard the director announce a Universe Pictures party. CEO Wang, whom they ate with previously, had specially invited Pei Ying.

Pei Ying was rather startled upon hearing this news. Why would they invite me to a Universe party?

The director replied, Youre our female lead, arent you? Aside from the Universe executives, there will also be quite a few celebrities attending. For example, DIBS Li Sisi and Yu Kaize will be there. You and Chengyi will represent our team.

Oh So its like that. Alright then. What time is it?

Tomorrow afternoon. Well start earlier tomorrow so that we can wrap early.


The next day, after filming wrapped, she and Zhang Chengyi headed to the party together. The party was being held at Universe Pictures hotel. They rented out the entire open space and swimming pool area for a pool party.

After she arrived, Pei Ying saw that there were indeed many celebrities present, but most of the guests were high-level members of Universe and their family members. Mm, it wasnt at all strange that Song Nanchuan was also present.

When she arrived, Song Nanchuan was talking with CEO Zhang by the pool. The two of them were in formal wear and didnt match with the pool party at all.

Pei Ying didnt head over for a greeting. She just picked up a glass of juice and walked off to the side. Zhang Chengyi, whom shed arrived with, was immediately pulled away by a gaggle of girls. Pei Ying guessed that they must have been his fans. Ah, reincarnation really was a skill. Some fans would only ever be able to enjoy from a distance, while others were here, seeing their idol right in front of their eyes.

Pei Ying was thinking about all sorts of nonsense when Yu Kaize walked up to her, wearing only swim shorts. His upper body was partly covered by a towel, thankfully, otherwise Pei Ying wouldnt have known where to look.

Long time no see. Youve been really busy recently, Yu Kaize greeted very naturally. Pei Ying politely smiled at him and responded, I really have been pretty busy lately. Thankfully, the director gave me some time off to come to this party.

Yu Kaize laughed and then asked, Do you want to swim? There are swimsuits prepared here.

Pei Ying quickly shook her head several times. No, thats okay. I cant swim.

Yu Kaize looked at her skeptically. I wouldnt have guessed that you were a landlubber. Its a shame with those legs.

. Pei Ying took a sip of her juice and then said, I nearly drowned trying to learn how to swim as a kid, so I dont dare swim anymore.

Yu Kaizes brows jumped. How about I teach you? Ive always been a good swimmer. I guarantee your safety.

No, no, I really dont dare. As Pei Ying spoke, two kids came over in swimsuits. They both had swimming rings around their waist.

Little Uncle, you said you would swim with us.

Hmph. Little Uncle only talks to beautiful girls, but he ignores us. Im going to tell Daddy.

Yu Kaize looked at them, unsure whether he wanted to laugh or cry. These are my (older) brothers kids Before he could finish speaking, he was pulled over to the pool by the kids. The younggirl pushed him with all her strength and he compliantly headed into the water.

The two kids applauded, and then they went to pull Pei Ying. Pretty sister, you should come swim too.

Pei Ying shook her head as they pulled her. No, I cant swim.

Thats okay. Ill lend you my swimming ring, the little girl said innocently.

Pei Ying, .

After she spoke, she really started to pull off her swimming ring, and Pei Ying quickly stopped her. Then the little boy held up a water gun towards Pei Ying, who rushed to the side to hide. Unfortunately, the area by the pool was very slippery, and in her rush, she lost her balance.

With a plop, water splashed all over.


Yu Kaize saw Pei Ying fall into the water and then tensed. Hed wanted to swim over to her, but then he heard another splash.

Still wearing his formal attire, Song Nanchuan leapt into the pool and quickly swam to Pei Ying. The pool there wasnt exactly deep, as the water only went up to Pei Yings neck. But after falling into the pool, her panic caused her to swallow several mouthfuls of water.

Song Nanchuan raised her head up and pulled her out. Feeling Song Nanchuans strong hands wrapped around her waist, Pei Ying finally calmed a bit. Song Nanchuan saw her steady herself, so he first climbed out of the pool and then helped her out.

Pei Yings entire body was soaked. Song Nanchuan quickly took off his suit coat and draped it over her, before pulling her in close to him.

Although his suit jacket was also soaked, at least you couldnt see through it.

Pei Ying shrunk into Song Nanchuans arms, her body trembling. Song Nanchuan pat her on the back and quietly comforted her. Its alright, its alright. Im here.

He held Pei Ying in his arms as they headed into the hotel. The desk staff helped him check into a room, and then he carried Pei Ying inside.

Hurry and change your clothes. Song Nanchuan found a set of robesin the wardrobe and handed one to Pei Ying. Pei Ying was still slightly out of it as she clumsily accepted the robe. Song Nanchuan found a towel and started to help her dry her hair. He pulled her up from the bed. Do you need me to help you change?

Finally, Pei Ying came back to her senses. She grabbed the robeand headed into the bathroom.

When she came out, Song Nanchuan had also changed into a robe and was currently drying off his hair with a towel.

Seeing Pei Ying walk out, he beckoned to her with his hand. Come here and sit down.

Pei Ying walked over and sat down. Song Nanchuan turned on the hairdryer and helped her dry her hair. Pei Ying watched Song Nanchuan in the mirror, her fright from nearly drowning gradually disappearing.

Thank you for earlier, she said.

Song Nanchuan glanced at her in the mirror. For what?

Thank you for saving me

If I didnt, should I have waited for Yu Kaize to save you?

Pei Ying pursed her lips and said no more.

Song Nanchuan handed her a cup of hot water. I asked the restaurant for it. Drink some.

Oh Pei Ying listened and took a sip and then held the cup to warm her hands.

As Song Nanchuan helped her dry her hair, he asked, What were you talking to Yu Kaize about?

Nothing much. He asked me to go swimming and I told him that I couldnt.

If you cant swim, then why did you walk over to the pool?

I was dragged over by some kids

Song Nanchuan clicked his tongue. The little Yu brats need to be educated some more. Ill tell CEO Yu later.

Pei Ying, .

After that, neither of them spoke. Only the sound of the hairdryer echoed in the room, but Pei Ying felt very comfortable.

Song Nanchuan turned off the hairdryer after her hair was nearly dry.


As Pei Ying opened her mouth, Song Nanchuan wrapped his arms around her from behind.

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