Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 25

I dont think Pei Ying is suited for this role.

In the end, Song Nanchuan was able to coax a second round out of Pei Ying.

Pei Ying laid in bed, a bit confused. Dont you need to readjust time zones? How could he still be so energetic and vigorous?

Song Nanchuan responded, Nope. Seeing you gives me energy.

Pei Ying, .

She quietly got up and went to take a shower, and then she and Song Nanchuan went out.

The two played around in the bathroom a bit, and by the time they headed out the door, it was already past 1. After Song Nanchuan and she went to Tianxiaju for lunch, he had his driver take them to her apartment compound.

Pei Ying was a bit worried at the prospect of seeing that man under the tree again, while Song Nanchuan was rather looking forward to running into him. That would save him the effort in searching out the guy.

When they arrived, Pei Ying looked around, but the spot under the tree was empty. That man wasnt there. She slightly released her breath and then said to Song Nanchuan, The police probably dealt with him.

Song Nanchuan didnt say anything and just walked with her into the apartment compound.

Though hed been there several times, hed never gone up to her apartment. He looked around curiously and then commented, This place is even smaller than Id imagined. You shouldve moved out to my place sooner.

Pei Ying raised her brown but didnt respond. He continued, And there wasnt a single security camera on the way here. Its very unsafe. The security guard is also pretty much useless.

Pei Ying couldnt deny that. She pulled out a bunch of things from her closet and started to stuff them into a suitcase. Ill get the rest of it when I end my lease.

The rent for the place wouldnt be up until next month. Even if she wasnt living there presently, she didnt want to let the landlord earn an extra months rent so easily like that.

Mm. After seeing her finish packing her things, Song Nanchuan helped her carry the suitcase downstairs.

The peach trees in the compound were still in the process of blooming. Stuck together, they looked like some pink clouds. A few cats meowed and circled Pei Yings legs.

Blackie, Flower. Pei Ying stopped in her steps to look at them. A bit sadly, she said, If I move out, who will feed you guys?

Song Nanchuans eyes moved to the cats at her feet. I saw some cat food and a food dish in your apartment. Was it to feed these guys?

Mm. Ive posted pictures to my friend feed before. Do you remember?

Hearing her say that, Song Nanchuan did seem to recall something of the sort. He nodded slightly and then saw Pei Yings sparkling eyes looking at him. Does your place allow cats?

Song Nanchuan, .

He looked at the cats around Pei Yings feet. Personally, he didnt much like raising pets. Moreover, he didnt have the time to take care of them. But if Pei Ying wanted to, having a few pets wasnt that big a deal. Mm. My place is more spacious too, and they can play around in the garden. But youre responsible for taking care of them.

Okay, okay. Pei Ying happily pet the cats heads. Blackie, Flower, you guys are going to be living in a mansion soon!

Song Nanchuan called his driver over to help carry the cats. When Pei Ying went to catch a yellow haired kitten, it kept hiding from her. Little Yellow doesnt seem to want to come along with us

Song Nanchuan looked at the yellow cat and then told Pei Ying, This cats already an adult. It might not want to be taken in and probably prefers roaming about outside.

Okay then.

Pei Ying didnt catch it and just brought along Blackie, Flower, and another new cat addition. Before leaving, she ran back to her apartment to grab the pet food and dish.

Well send the cats for a checkup and to get washed first. Ill have the driver drop them off at the vet, Song Nanchuan said.



While the cats were being checked at the vet, Song Nanchuan and Pei Ying went to buy some things necessary for raising cats. It was pretty late when they got home, so Song Nanchuan had dinner delivered.

After the cats got home, Pei Ying realized that they didnt seem to like sitting around inside, so she let them out into the garden to play. After seeing her come back inside, Song Nanchuan brought over the suitcase hed taken back from abroad. The presents I mentioned before. Open it and see if you like them.

Pei Ying stared blankly for a moment before looking over at him. She asked, Everything in this suitcase is for me?


Pei Ying, .

And she was thinking earlier that Song Nanchuan hadnt brought a suitcase when he left, so why would he come back with such a large suitcase? So it was to bring back gifts!

He really knew how to spend money, didnt he!

With some excitement and anticipation, she opened up the suitcase. It was really stuffed full with clothes, purses, shoes, and even some beauty products.

Pei Ying looked at it all and then turned to Song Nanchuan to ask, When you returned, did Customs suspect that you were part of some procurement service?

Song Nanchuan, .

Xiao Zhangs the one who dealt with all that, he said. Look and see if you like it.

I like it! Pei Ying nodded repeatedly.

Song Nanchuan laughed. You havent even looked. How can you say you like it?

You went through such hardship to bring it home, so Im sure to like it.

Song Nanchuan smiled and bent over to pick up a bottle of liquid and a box of facial masks. Xiao Zhang said that a lot of female celebrities use this, so I had him buy you some.

Mm, thank you! Pei Ying accepted the bottle and looked at the English on it that she was so very not good at. However, shed still heard of this brand before. Song Nanchuan lifted his hand and kneaded at her soft hair. He asked her, By the way, how did your audition go?

The audition was this morning. I think it went alright. The director said hed send out the results in two days.

Pei Ying was actually pretty confident with her performance. Aside from Tao Taos, shed seen the other three actress auditions, and based on acting skill alone, she had a clear advantage over them. But there were a lot of factors in nabbing a role, so she couldnt make any assertions.

The day the audition results were going out, she grabbed her phone and started waiting for the notification. Seeming to know what was on her mind, Song Nanchuan finished his meeting and told Xiao Zhang, Pei Ying auditioned for a role at Universe Pictures recently. Go ask about the results.

Okay. Xiao Zhang retreated from the office. Not long after, he returned to report, CEO Song, Universes representative said the director felt Pei Ying was the most suitable, but the original writer favored Li Sisi. She seems to be Li Sisis fan.

Song Nanchuan asked, Mm, so whats the result?

If nothing comes up, it should be Pei Ying. Then Xiao Zhang asked, Is this for the Dancing In the Bright Sunlight film?

I think thats the name.

Xiao Zhang hesitated, but then told Song Nanchuan, CEO Song, although I know it may not be right to say this, I think you should know about it in advance.

Song Nanchuan raised his eyes to look at him. If you have something to say, just say it.

Have you read this novel?

Of course not.

Mm Nan Feng Liangs novels have rather grand plots. The hero and heroine in the novel are both dancers, so there are a lot of scenes where their bodies will be in close proximity. There are several heated dances. Feeling Song Nanchuans gaze fall onto his own body, Xiao Zhang quickly finished what he had to say. Im not certain whether the director will cut out the dances or not, but theres one scene where the hero and heroine are practicing in a dance studio. The electricity suddenly goes out and the two continue dancing by the light of the moon. In the end, their emotions get the best of them, and then

Xiao Zhang glanced over to his boss with an expression that said, Everyones an adult, so you know what comes next.

Song Nanchuan didnt say anything, and Xiao Zhang was also silent for a moment. Finally, he added, Thats the only time in the story where anything happens between the leads. Because its a classic scene in the story, the director isnt likely to cut it. Additionally, the male lead in this film is Yu Kaize.

The pressure in the office dropped. Xiao Zhang stood still, fear growing inside him. He kept asking himself over and over inside, whether or not he had blabbed off unnecessarily. But even if he hadnt brought it up now, Song Nanchuan would find out later. And when that time came, hed probably be in a much worse situation.

Having worked by Song Nanchuans side for so many years, he was very much aware of his boss temper.

Song Nanchuan sat in his chair and remained silent. After a long time, he said to Xiao Zhang, Tell Universe that I dont think Pei Ying is suited for this role.

Xiao Zhang bit his lip. Understood.

Before he walked out of the room, Song Nanchuan called out to him. Also, check if Universe has any projects that are similar to Dancing In the Bright Sunlight and have them keep the role for Pei Ying.

Okay. Xiao Zhang retreated from the office and closed the door.

Song Nanchuan was finally intervening in the casting with his shares. And hd thought for awhile that he really didnt care about that two billion investment.


Pei Ying waited until 10 in the morning when she received a call from Chen Sheng. Pei Ying saw the incoming call screen and took a deep breath before answering. GM Chen, hello.

Ah, Xiao Pei ah. Chen Shengs voice didnt sound like one that would be delivering good news. The lead for Dancing In the Bright Sunlight ended up going to Li Sisi.

Pei Ying had already expected as much, but hearing the news for real now, she couldnt help feeling disappointed. Alright, I understand. Thank you.

Dont despair. There will be more projects. And losing to Li Sisi isnt so horrible.

Mm, I understand.

Okay, keep working hard. There will always be a better opportunity, Chen Sheng consoled her.

Pei Ying spoke a few more words with him before hanging up. She laid down on the sofa and stared up at the chandelier, lost in thought.

Meow~ Blackie stepped onto her and Pei Ying picked up the cat.

Blackie, she called to it. I failed another audition.

Meow~ Blackie walked over to her face and gave her a lick.

Pei Ying laughed and played around withe the cat. Then her phone suddenly sounded from the table. Pei Ying glanced at it and saw it was a message from Yu Kaize.

[Yu Kaize] The lead for DIBS was decided today. Did you know?

[Pei Ying] Mm, I just heard from my manager (sad)

[Yu Kaize] Dont be too sad. I heard that Yi Feiyue originally wanted to pick you.

[Pei Ying] Mm?

[Yu Kaize] But Song Nanchuan said it didnt suit (you), so the role went to Li Sisi in the end.

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