Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1231: Meeting The New Group

Chapter 1231: Meeting The New Group

Julian is surprised to see the results, he had read about Turtonator's signature move Shell Trap being a very strong move but he never expected it to be so powerful. From what he saw, he estimates Shell Trap to be as strong as a Giga Impact or a Hyper Beam.

With another three pokemon of Team Skull being knocked out, only four pokemons were left with the Team Skull kids, as Ash was about to step in and finish the battle, the kid next to him stopped Ash and stepped forward declaring that he will put an end to this.

The kid with dark skin, red and black hair stepped up after his declaration and started to speak with passion as he did some kind of weird dance, it was not only him, even his Turtonator did it with him which suddenly raised the temperature of the surrounding as a massive ball of fire slowly condensed in front of Turtonator.

Julian who saw the whole process clearly recognized this move, it is called a Z-Move which can only be triggered through the use of Z-crystals which can only be found here in Alola.

Julian just watched as the dark skin kid did his weird dance along with his pokemon and when they were done dancing, Turtonator blasted the giant ball of fire towards the Team Skull goons while the kid yelled "Inferno Overdrive".

The massive fireball made contact with everyone in the Team Skull group present in the area, the explosion covered a massive area engulfing almost everything in its path, the destructive powers of this z-move are clearly visible to Julian and he is very impressed by it.

The massive ball of explosion continued to expand while the air surrounding it continued to burn up, the shockwave released from the move traveled all over the place bending some trees in half, soon the massive ball of explosion started to cool down and it looked like it was imploding on itself as it shrunk into nothingness, the only thing left behind is a very big crater with Team Skull goons right in the middle with their pokemons all knocked out cold.

The crater is massive but not too deep, Julian is impressed by the area damage this move could do, even with a pokemon like Turtonator which has just started training, it was able to release such a powerful attack, Julian wondered what kind of devastation his Infernape would cause if he gets his hands on one of those z-crystals.

The team-skull goons panicked as they saw the state of all their pokemons so they sent them back to their pokeballs and made a run out of fear, Ash who was standing next to the dark skin kid was also mesmerized by the move that he just used.

Ash "What was that?"

He asked excitedly.

"I called a Z-move that only the people of Alola can use".

The dark-skinned kid said and one could easily hear the pride in his voice as he talked about Alola.

Ash "That's so cool, can I get one of those?"

Ash asked.

"Hmph, do you think you can just find a z-crystal out in the streets? To get a z-crystal, you need to complete an island trial and gain the acknowledgment of the Island Kahuna to properly use it".

The dark-skinned kid explained.

Ash "I see, I can't want to give this island trial a try"

Ash said carefree.

Julian also decided to approach the group as he has no use just standing far away from them so he approached them, Julian walked right towards the entrance of the school.

His arrival, of course, grabbed the attention of everyone present and only a few people in the group recognized him, them being Ash, his mom, Principal Oak, and Professor Kukui.

Ash "Julian!"

Ash was the first one to call him out as he rushed towards him.

Ash "Did you see that move? it went like 'ZOOM' then 'BANG' then 'GRRGGGG'"

Ash started to explain in his own unique way to which Julian just smiled, he couldn't help but forget that the Ash in front of him is just a 10 year old in this world's standards, he has watched him growing into an exceptional trainer so he sometimes forgets that he is still just a kid.

Julian "Indeed, it was not bad"

Julian said and looked at Kukui, one of his few friends in the world.

Julian "Kukui, how are you doing?"

Julian asked with a smile on his face.

Kukui "I am doing great, I was just wondering when you are going to show up, I heard that you arrived yesterday so I thought you would at least give me a visit"

Kukui said.

Julian "Something came up so I couldn't and it's not like you would be going anywhere, you have been coupled up in this island for quite a while now"

Julian said.

Kukui "Hahaha, that is true, well it good that you are here. We can talk later when I am free, I have a class to teach"

Kukui said and looked at the children around him, the children were also looking at him and Julian wondering who Julian is, these children are too extroverted to stay at home and watch TV or browse the internet to know about the world's affairs to know about Julian.

They are so focused on things that are going around in Alola that they don't care about the outside world and Julian also doesn't expect them to know him, they are just kids who seem to have just started getting to know the world of pokemon.

Kukui "Ah, I completely forgot to introduce you. Kids, this is Julian and he is my friend and he is also a very strong pokemon trainer"

Kukui introduced Julian.

Julian "Nice to meet you all"

Julian said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Mallow and this is my pokemon Bounsweet".

The girl with the green hair introduced herself first along with her cute little grass-type pokemon showing off that she is the most extroverted out of the group and likes to take charge.

"My name is Sophocles and this is my buddy Togedemaru"

The chubby blond kid introduced himself with a cute mouse-like pokemon next to him, Julian is seeing this pokemon for the first time in real life, and the combination of electric and steel typing is such a unique type.

"My name is Lana and this is my partner Popplio"

The blue hair girl introduced herself with her seal-like water pokemon which clapped its flippers and greeted Julian.

"M... my name is Lillie... Ni...Nice to meet you..."

The light blond girl introduced herself and she seems to have a shy demeanor.

"My name is Kiawe".

Finally, the dark-skinned boy introduced himself and he decided to keep his introduction short, Julian didn't take any offense to his short introduction because some kids are like that, you can't force something into them that they aren't.

Julian "Well, once again, nice to meet you all. Principal Samson, I have something to discuss, hope you are not busy".

Julian said and put his attention on the Principal as he needs to discuss some very important things with him.

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