Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1225: Crystal's New Friend

Chapter 1225: Crystal's New Friend

Julian soon found an open isolated area and released the pokemon he just caught, he looked at the little bug pokemon with its hard white scales on its back, its red-colored mouth and tail, and its little red antennas over its eyes.

It looks timid and is slowly backing away as it stares at Julian with its weary eyes, Julian also looked back at his new pokemon the Shiny Wimpod with a smile on his face, since he didn't want to scare it, he lowered himself to not look intimidating and took out some delicious treats that bug type pokemons love.

As soon as Julian took out the treats, Wimpod was instantly captivated by the smell of the snack in Julian's hand, even though it is weary of Julian, it couldn't help but approach the snack to try it, Julian was very proud of himself right now because he knows his pokemon treats are one of the best out there and no pokemon can resist it.

He watched as Wimpod slowly approached his hand, Julian lowered his hand a little further and placed it on the ground, and let Wimpod get comfortable, Wimpod crawled up right next to Julian's hand and started to sniff the treats and looked back at Julian as it is still very cautious, the desire to eat those treats is very high but its nature is also very timid.

During this interaction, Julian did his best to stay still as Wimpod are very curious pokemons, even though they are timid, they are known to approach people and pokemon if they are very still out of curiosity, Julian hoped that him staying still would help Wimpod calm down and except him as someone that is not harmful.

It took a minute, but Wimpod finally showed signs of trust and started to munch on the treats in Julian's hand, as soon as it started eating the treat, it got hooked and couldn't stop eating, in a matter of seconds, Wimpod emptied Julian's hand and looked back at him wanting for more.

Julian smiled and took out some more and fed it to Wimpod, Wimpod continued to eat without a care in the world, Julian took this time to make Wimpod get used to his touch as he slowly stroked the back of Wimpod.

Wimpod liked this feeling so it didn't oppose Julian and let him continue, it really didn't take Julian long to establish trust with Wimpod, since Wimpod is still not mature and just a little baby, they can easily get attached to someone who can provide them food.

It is a natural instinct of weak and small pokemons to be dependent on stronger pokemons that can provide for them, Wimpods are also very dependent pokemon who need the protection of their mother at a young age, or they would get hunted by predatory pokemons.

Julian got very lucky that he didn't encounter any Golisopod protecting these Wimpods, usually the mother Golisopod are very close to these Wimpods in hiding, the only time they are not is when they go out for a hunt.

Golisopods give birth to several Wimpods at a time but very few are able to evolve into adulthood because they get hunted by every other pokemon in the ecosystem and with their curious nature, they get eaten by predators who just stand still to get the attention of these Wimpods.

Julian is very lucky to have caught this Wimpod today, if he had not caught it, it might have got eaten by something big in the waters and it would be a waste of such a good seed.

Once Wimpod was done eating, Julian lifted it up in the air and found out that this one is a male, Julian was surprised by this, he thought this one would be a female because of its size but he was wrong, this one is a male.

Julian doesn't know why his Wimpod is so small compared to others but he doesn't care, he did notice that his Wimpod is very fast compared to other Wimpods he saw so it was an advantage.

As Julian was checking on Wimpod, Crystal who was napping inside his pocket suddenly popped its head out startling the Wimpod causing it to bolt away from Julian's hand and hide behind his leg, Julian sighed and knew he has to teach his Wimpod to be braver.

It will be a hard task due to his nature, but he has to do it for Wimpod to become a stronger pokemon and then further evolve into a stronger Golisopod.

Crystal flew out of his pocket and floated towards Wimpod with curiousness in his eyes, Crystal loves making friends and it wants to befriend Wimpod so it extended its tiny arm towards Wimpod with a very cute little smile on its face, no matter who it is, they cannot escape the charm that Crystal has.

Wimpod immediately felt that Crystal is very friendly and approached it, it didn't even take Crystal a few seconds and it looks like they are already best friends as they ran around Julian trying to chase each other.

Julian sat down and decided to let the two of them play around for a while as he enjoys the view, he also kept a very close eye on his surrounding as there are a lot of predators in the area and his Wimpod is a very easy snack for them, of course, they would be foolish to even approach Wimpod in Crystal's presence but who knows why might happen so it is always best to stay cautions, thankfully nothing happened and Julian was able to relax and watch the massive endless ocean touching the horizon creating a beautiful scenery.

After Wimpod was exhausted from running around trying to catch Crystal, Julian fed him some berries and sent him back to his Pokeball, it was time for him to head back to the town and find a hotel to stay at.

He could, of course, stay at the school but Julian decided not to, he went back to the town and rented a room at a nice seaside hotel with a beautiful view so he can look at and appreciate the beauty of this island.

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