
Chapter 67.2: Mrs Fu (2)

Chapter 67.2: Mrs Fu (2)

Fu Yanzhi tilted his head, and his soft lips brushed against the tips of her ears.

Ji Qingying hung in his arms and squinted at him, Your physical strength is very impressive.

Fu Yanzhi halted his strides and asked, Is that so?

Ji Qingying nodded seriously.

All the things before are basically arranged by Fu Yanzhi. Although she also did it, she didnt do much.

After two hours, this man was still able to carry her to the bathroom, thats why his physical strength should not be underestimated.

Ji Qingying is a person who is generous in her praise, no matter who it is, its all the same.

In Fu Yanzhis case, she praised him more.

She likes to express her feelings so that he can really feel them.

Fu Yanzhi grinned and replied, Then experience it more.




Ji Qingying was stunned, and when she looked at his dark eyes, she realized it belatedly.

At night.

Ji Qingying once again experienced Dr. Fus strong physical strength.

After the experience, she thought it would be better for her not to have such an experience for the time being.

Late at night, the two leaned close to each other and whispered.

Since they both have different jobs, most of the time they spend talking is at night. No matter how tired they are, Ji Qingying can still babble with Fu Yanzhi about the days work with her eyes closed.

Whether it is about design issues or communication with her customers, Fu Yanzhi will give his own views and opinions.

Occasionally, he would also talk with her about interesting things that happened in the hospital.

Is it busy at the hospital today?

Not bad. Fu Yanzhi took her into his arms and whispered, What about you? Were you busy?

Ji Qingying yawned, Its still okay, but I secretly took an order today.

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, Huh?

Ji Qingying smiled and said, Its Chen Lunans order.

Fu Yanzhi was slightly taken aback when he got an answer right away.

He asked you to help make a wedding dress for Yan Qiuzhi?


Ji Qingying said, Although Its a bit rushed, I want to make it for Yanyan.

Fu Yanzhi nodded, Their movie is about to air, lets go and watch it when its released.


Ji Qingying said, Mr. Chen is very kind to Yanyan.

Fu Yanzhi smiled, Praising other men while in my arms?

Ji Qingying was speechless, Thats your friend.

Thats also not good. I cant stand to hear you praise other men, Fu Yanzhi was very bossy.

Ji Qingying didnt know whether to laugh or cry, and coaxed him, From now on, I wont praise any person.

Fu Yanzhi rubbed her lips and whispered, Good. Ill remember it.

It was quiet for a moment.

Ji Qingying continued to mutter to him, Yanyan and Mr. Chen have been married for several years.


Fu Yanzhi said, At first, it was a marriage for family connection.

Ji Qingying nodded, I know, Yanyan told me.

She continued, But they are happy now.

Fu Yanzhi pinched her face and said in a low voice, Were very good too.

Ji Qingying laughed, I know.

She buried her head in Fu Yanzhis neck and rubbed it, then asked in a low voice, Will you feel very upset?


Ji Qingying looked up at him and said, Marriage. If it wasnt because my job couldnt be rearranged, and I also want to make my own wedding dress, we would have already been married.

Hearing this, Fu Yanzhi thought for a while, Its really a bit upsetting.

Ji Qingyings eyes widened.

Fu Yanzhi turned sideways, stroked her head to comfort her, But there is a solution.

Ji Qingying, What is it?

Fu Yanzhi replied, We can get the marriage certificate first. He said, It looks like this way I wont be as sad anymore.

Ji Qingying laughed, and said speechlessly, So you just want to say this, right?

Fu Yanzhi nodded honestly, Indeed.

Ji Qingying thought for a while, Okay, then lets get the certificate first, and well hold the wedding after we finish everything.

What season do you like?

Ji Qingying thought for a while, Autumn. But I like all of the seasons.

She counted on her fingers and said, Yanyans wedding is in May, so lets choose October, shall we?

She looked at Fu Yanzhi expectantly, Give me a buffer time.

Fu Yanzhi grabbed her soft ear, opened his mouth, and bit her ear. In a low voice, he said, Okay.

Do you think its too late?

No, he said. Fu Yanzhi said, I just want to tell everyone as soon as possible that you are my wife, Mrs. Fu.

Hearing his voice, Ji Qingyings lips pulled up uncontrollably.

She hooked his fingers under the quilt, and said softly, Now Im considered as Mrs. Fu.

Fu Yanzhi understood, and patted her on the head, Do you want to plan the wedding yourself, or leave it to Mom and Dad?

Leave it to Mom and Dad.

Ji Qingying said, We wont be able to think thoroughly, and we dont have so much time.

Fu Yanzhi understood, Okay, then I will ask Mom, Dand and Grandma to choose a date, while we will go to get the certificate first.


The matter about getting a marriage certificate and wedding was decided just like this.

Time went by much faster after the choice was made.

Ji Qingying and Fu Yanzhi got their marriage certificates a few days before the Lunar New Year.

Ye Qing and Grandma asked someone to choose a date, and it was said to be a very good date.

When they went to get the certificate, it was snowing.

As if echoing their promise to live together, whether its a marriage proposal or getting a marriage certificate, or every step and year in the future, they will spend it together until they grow old together.

After they got the certificate.

Ji Qingying and Fu Yanzhi went home as snowflakes were falling from the sky all around them.

Ye Qing and Fu Zheng were busy making a big meal and waiting for them at home.

When they got home, Ye Qing hurried out of the kitchen and said, Come here quickly. I want to see your marriage

Fu Yanzhi was helpless, Mom, dont be in such a hurry.

Ye Qing gave him a mean look and said, You dont understand.



Ji Qingying laughed and handed her their marriage certificates with both hands.

Ye Qing didnt even have time to go inside the house, and just opened it right away.

On the marriage certificate, theres a picture of two people leaning against each other, and Ji Qingying was smiling from the heart. Fu Yanzhis cold face also had a little smile, and the tenderness in his eyes was rarely seen.

It is the look of happiness.

Ye Qing could not stop looking at it.

Its really beautiful.

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