I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 200 How Did This Happen?

Morning came and Clara slowly opened her eyes only to be met with Shaman's sleeping face.

'H-huh what happened?' Panicking for a moment she tried to move, only to realise that not only were her hands stuck underneath Shaman, but she was also being hugged by her in return.

'How did this even happen?' Clara felt her head spinning as the situation seemed too surreal while the happenings of the night before felt like a fading dream.

'Wait! Last night, That was real? Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?' Recalling what happened before she fell asleep, combined with the situation she was in finally convinced her that everything was real.

"Clara?" Shaman woke up from Clara's squirming and wondered what was wrong.

"O-oh I'm fine, just trying to process what the hell happened and figure out if this is real." Hearing Clara's explanation of the chaotic state her mind was in, Shaman could understand why Clara felt this way.

"Well, would this help make it feel more real?" Shaman, still tired since she just woke up, didn't think about her actions.

"Hu-." Clara was going to ask what Shaman meant, but before she could speak, Shaman leaned in and kissed Clara.

Holding it for 30 seconds, Shaman finally pulled away, leaving Clara speechless as her mind descended even further into chaos.


"It's okay, rest a bit longer and let it sink in." Shaman patted Clara on the head. Clara's mind gave up on catching up to her situation as she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. Shaman smiled and leaned back into the pillow, closing her eyes as well while slowly patting Clara.


"OI! It's time to wake up!" Kiruya slammed open the door to Shaman's bedroom as they were meant to be heading to the dungeon today.

"Gehhh, do we have to get up?" Shaman sat up while escaping the arms of Elysia and Clara.

"Wait, hold on, am I seeing things?" Kiruya wasn't sure if what she was seeing was true so she slowly closed the door. Shaman tilted her head wondering what the hell she was doing.

Kiruya then opened the door again and, seeing Clara in the bed still, slammed the door shut and opened it again.

"That's Clara right?" Rubbing her eyes, it was starting to dawn on Kiruya that her task of solving Elysia's problem may have just taken care of itself.

"Yes?" Shaman didn't know why Kiruya was acting in such a way, but once she thought about it, it did seem a bit odd for Clara to suddenly be sleeping with them.

"What's all that noise?" Clara sat up from the bed, rubbing her eyes and wondering what was all the racket about. She also leaned into Shaman to keep herself from falling back into the bed.

Kiruya blinked in surprise as now she was forced to believe it was true.

"Shamannnnnn come back!" Elysia also woke up and tried to drag her back into bed, but then she saw Kiruya at the door.

"Oh hey there Kiruya." Sitting up, Elysia awkwardly chuckled as her morning attitude was embarrassing.

"Hello Elysia, anyway I think I see what's going on now, Shaman you have some explaining to do. In the meantime, get ready to head over to the dungeon while I go inform Freya." Kiruya needed time to think as it was quite the bomb to find out things changed overnight without her even doing anything.

Shutting the door to the bedroom, Kiruya quickly went back to her room to contact Freya about the news.

"I think she is more shocked than Clara was when I came to talk to her." Elysia looked over to Clara, finding Kiruya's reaction amusing.

"Haha well in her position she probably thought it was an impossible task, so I don't blame her." Clara knew she would have acted rather shocked if she suddenly witnessed this kind of situation as well, even if it didn't involve her, so she understood Kiruya's behaviour.

"Enough chatting, we really need to start picking up speed and try to get to tier 6." Shaman didn't want to linger for too long as she could imagine Kiruya getting angry if they weren't ready before she came back.


"Oh yes you're right, I'll head back to my room since that's where my clothes are." Clara quickly left Shaman's room, rushing back to hers to get changed.

"Hmm? But doesn't she store everything in her inventory?" Elysia realised that most of their stuff was already packed in their inventory and she simply assumed Clara did the same.

"Maybe she is too used to living without it, but oh well she can do whatever she wants." Shaman paid no attention to it as there was no reason to.

"Hehe~ well you like watching me change anyway, don't you? There is a reason why I don't use the quick-equip, so I'm surprised you didn't get her to stay." Elysia had a grin as she always noticed Shaman's gaze when changing.

"Shut up!" Shaman blushed and turned her head as she was unable to deny this.



<Kiruya's room>

"Freya you won't believe this!" Kiruya had frantically pulled out the stone she was given to contact Freya.

"Hai, hai, what is it, you're lucky I give your reports a priority as you caught me busy attending to the girls." Freya sounded like she just woke up. A moment later another woman's voice suddenly came from the stone.

"Is that kiruya? Oh my, it's been so long, please come back soon sweetie without you our sessions just aren't the same~." Marsha the half cat spoke through the stone, but as her voice got closer there was a sudden noise as if someone got thrown across the room.

"MeOWWW!!!" A sharp meow came from the stone but came out muffled, likely coming from further away.

"Ahem, what did you want to say Kiruya?" Freya tried to brush it off as if nothing happened and continued on with the conversation,

"U-umm well it seems things have taken an unexpected turn and Clara is a part of the relationship now." Kiruya wasn't going to question what happened to Marsha, so she instantly spoke about the reason why she had called.

"You're joking right?" Freya couldn't believe her ears as she indeed thought it would be a long process.

"What would you say if I claim to have seen all three of them in bed together?" Kiruya saying it out loud found it hard to believe her own words, but it was the truth.

"HAHAHAHAHA, NO WAY!!!" Freya burst out laughing as she wasn't expecting this outcome and thought she would have to step in.

"You know what, I am coming over. You are in the hideout I made, correct?" Freya needed to see the situation for herself and was already getting ready to teleport over.

"Y-yes, but are you sure?!?! Wouldn't that cause a stir?" Kiruya frantically left her room while carrying the stone as she had to prepare for Freya's arrival.

"Don't worry, I will only come to the hideout and then head straight back." Freya then suddenly cut the line and left Kiruya hanging.

"Ahhhh! I got to get ready!" Kiruya ran out to the living room, but as soon as she opened the door, A blonde she-wolf came walking through a blood portal in rather casual clothes. Her grey and green piercing gaze washed over Kiruya, sending small shivers down her spine.

"Hey there darling~, hope I am not interrupting anything." Freya had come to the hideout to see for herself what was going on.

"I-I…. Hello, Mistress." Kiruya was not mentally prepared at all, but all she could do was accept things as they were.

"Now let me see if this is true." Freya walked past Kiruya to the bedrooms. Being able to `sense Shaman's mana, she knew exactly which room she was in.

The noticeable detail was that there were indeed 3 people in Shaman's bedroom and Freya began to get excited at that thought.

Opening the door, she was greeted by Shaman, Elysia and Clara hugging each other.

"FREYA!!" Shaman shot up in shock as it was the last person she expected to see at the moment.

"Ara~ So it is true you have all hooked up, I must say I am very proud of you Shaman~." Freya, being always involved in multiple relationships herself, felt rather proud of Shaman as she knew better than most it was not easy to build such a bond.

"I should have stayed in my room." Clara was extremely embarrassed. She could have just dressed in her own room, but instead rushed back to Shaman's hoping to sneak in some snuggling.

*Sigh* "I appreciate your words… BUT DID YOU HAVE TO BARGE IN HERE!" Shaman stood up and jumped at Freya in hopes of getting her to leave.

"Now that isn't how you treat your second mother." In one swift motion, Freya spun around with Shaman's momentum and restrained her.'

"Damnit." Shaman knew she couldn't win, but hoped Freya would go along with it, yet she only ended up getting restrained instead.

"Fufu~ Now you have to tell me how did this all happen?" Freya wanted to know all the details as it intrigued her how things happened so quickly.

"Fine, but I am not the one you should be asking. The ones that did all the work are those two." Shaman, who realistically did nothing, wasn't able to give the details as Elysia managed to do it by herself.

"Ohoo? Interesting." Freya let go of Shaman and took a seat in the desk chair, facing Elysia.

Elysia was feeling a bit awkward, but she sat on the side of the bed next to Clara.

"Well I guess I will start…"

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