It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Giana narrowed her eyes and asked sharply, "Why do you care so much about me?"

Dillon sighed heavily, he knew that his relationship with Giana was going to be a little awkward like now, but it seemed that Giana was becoming suspicious of him about a lot of things...

Wasn't it normal for Dillon to pay attention to Giana? Wasn't it that recently, even before that night, Dillon had been paying attention to her very often?

But, why was Giana now questioning his motives?

Indeed, relationships that have been damaged and tainted like theirs would make it difficult for things to stay in the way like before.

"Giana, I am only worried about you. All this time is no different," Dillon tried to sound as normal as possible, so this woman could stop giving him such a suspicious look.

"Stop worrying about me and start being professional," Giana said sharply and looked at Dillon through her eyes that were red from lack of sleep and rest.

At that time, Dillon wanted to refute Giana's statement asking him to be professional, because so far he had shown only that kind of attitude to Giana. But, since their situation had changed, it didn't seem like things would return to normal as usual.

Maybe Dillon should readjust with their new situation and condition.

Therefore, while rising from his chair, Dillon said in a more formal voice. "If there is nothing else you need, I will excuse myself then."

After finishing saying these words, Dillon immediately walked toward the door and went out of Giana's office, leaving the woman alone in there.

Meanwhile, Giana had no idea that Dillon would really leave. Wouldn't he usually try to make herself understand why he did that? Persuade her to listen to him?

Dillon would usually argue with her, even though he knew that Giana was very stubborn about agreeing to the opinion he conveyed.

For a moment, Giana stared at the closed door and felt an uncomfortable feeling at Dillon's attitude toward her. Or maybe Giana was too hard on Dillon earlier?

Or were there words that offended the man? She had no idea…

Giana felt the back of her head throb painfully, asking for more attention for herself so that she could refocus on other things that had nothing to do with Dillon.

Because such matters were overwhelming and waiting to be resolved.

Her life wouldn't be easy from today onwards.


"You ended up buying the ring for my engagement?" Aileen narrowed her eyes at George. Her words were so piercing that you could say that Aileen was mocking this man who was actually her real father.

Hearing how Aileen mocked him by saying this, George became furious and threw all the documents that were placed on his desk.

"You are insulting me!?" He exclaimed with overwhelming anger. His black eyes stared at Aileen with a ferocious desire to slap his own child. But, he could not possibly do that now, because he was under the spotlight and criticism from the shareholders and employees there, for the news that he gave the diamond to Aileen.

And if Aileen went out of his office with a swollen face now, then the situation would not be in George's favor anymore, therefore, as much as possible George kept his hands to himself and not flying over Aileen's face.

"I did this because of your carelessness!" George yelled at Aileen again, but because this time Aileen knew that George wouldn't dare touch her, she just gave him a sneer and a provocative look.

"My carelessness?" Aileen clicked her tongue in annoyance. What else was this nonsensical accusation that George had leveled at her? Increasingly, this old man was getting crazier in treating her.

Luckily for Aileen, however, she had a backup plan that George didn't know about. This was a plan to save herself from George's clutches or from Gevano's humiliation, if they get too much for her and made Aileen feel like she couldn't take it anymore.

After all, Theodore was almost beyond hope.

Aileen did not know what had happened to that man, because from that day onward, Aileen felt like he was slipping out of her grasp more and more.

Her tears used to be very effective in making this man bend his knees to her will and grant her all wishes. However, now it seemed that it didn't really have the desired effect. Aileen could tell from the way Theodore had looked at her the last time they had met.

Those were not the loving eyes Theodore always gave Aileen, making her feel like the luckiest person in the world.

However, not at that time.

At that time, Theodore was like someone who didn't even want to be in the same room as Aileen, as if that girl could spread a deadly virus around him.

Well, even though that's not wrong either...

It's just that Aileen would poison Theodore in a different way, after she was sure that she wouldn't get what she wanted from him.

After what Aileen had done to be with Theodore and after the many immoral actions she had taken just to be with that man, of course Aileen would not just let Theodore off and let him go out of her life unscathed, in case he mistreated her.

Theodore had to know the consequences he would have to face if he dared to escape from Aileen.

"You are saying I asked you to fight Ramon Tordoff by pretending to buy that ring?! I didn't even know that you would say things like that!" Aileen then rose from her chair and glared at George, but a moment later she shook her head and made a dramatic sound. "You are so stupid."

"What did you say?!" George immediately jumped from his chair and walked toward Aileen with long strides. Anger flashed in his eyes.

"Why?" Aileen challenged George, she lifted her chin boldly and grinned. "You want to slap me? Do it and see what happens." She knew that he wouldn't dare.

Aileen knew very well that George could not possibly do that in the midst of this precarious situation, but that did not mean Aileen would stop provoking this man.

Of course not.

Not only Theodore, but she would also destroy the Tatum family, especially George and Hailee, if they pressed her further to take more extreme measures than this.


Tonight, Giana looked very beautiful in a dark blue shirt and white pants, combined with black boots.

However, that beauty faded away as her expression looked tense and her hands trembled slightly.

Giana had already prepared herself for tonight, but that didn't mean she didn't feel nervous and scared. Because after all, this was a big step, which she would take in her life, so of course there was a part of her that was still trying to get her to cancel all her plans.

Part of herself that didn't want any confrontation kept telling her to back off…

In the other hand, as usual, Dillon accompanied Giana, he sat behind the wheel and occasionally glanced at the woman beside him, who was clearly in need of support. It's just that, after their little bickering this afternoon, Dillon felt that Giana didn't want to hear his words.

Dillon was hesitant to say anything, even after they had stopped in the parking area of ??the luxury restaurant for five minutes, Giana was still pensively staring at the view out of the car window.

Even though Dillon knew that there was nothing interesting around them to look at, Giana's mind was too complicated to notice.

It was only after ten minutes had passed that Dillon finally reminded Giana. "We have arrived, your lawyer will come with you later, now he's still on his way here."

"Hm." That was the only response Giana gave and the atmosphere returned to silence.

Dillon then decided to give Giana a few more moments, but after he didn't see that Giana was going to do anything, he reminded her again.

"Don't you want to come down?" asked Dillon. "I think they have already arrived." He then looked at the clock that read fifteen past seven.

"Hm." Giana gave Dillon the same muttering response when she heard the man again.

Seeing how nervous Giana was, Dillon finally lowered his ego and tried to talk to this woman. Maybe later he would hear some unpleasant words from Giana again, but for now Dillon just wanted to help her.

"Hey," Dillon rebuked her gently again, shaking her shoulder lightly to get her attention. "Want to talk about what's bothering you right now?"

Slowly, Giana turned her body and Dillon could see that the lookin the woman's eyes was of a wounded and helpless one. Dillon had never seen a stubborn woman like Giana behaving this frail...

"You are okay?" Asked Dillon softly, and it was this tenderness that made Giana's holding grip on her broken heart crack and shatter.

A single tear fell down her cheek and was followed by a sob that she tried to suppress, Giana's shoulders trembled to hold back the emotions and feelings she had been trying to keep for years.

Seeing Giana like that, Dillon forgot about his position and also about his promise to himself that he would treat Giana in a professional manner.

Dillon forgot that he shouldn't have gotten this close to Giana and let this sadness of hers bother him too.

However, that was what happened. Dillon couldn't help but feel the same pain Giana was feeling right now.

Giana, who was sobbing with tears, made Dillon feel like protecting her and feel an urge to make her stop being sad.

The pull was so strong that he reached out his hand and embraced Giana's trembling body.

Meanwhile, Giana did not refuse when Dillon hugged her, instead she shed all the uneasiness and sadness she felt now.

Especially when she heard Dillon ask; Are you okay?

Giana even forgot the last time anyone asked her how she was. She even forgot the last time anyone being really worried about her and saw her cry so badly like this.

Usually Giana didn't like it when she had to show her weak side, especially at times like now. But, Giana didn't hold back as she cried on Dillon's shoulder and in the man's arms.

It felt so good to have someone you can lean on and not just someone who pretends to be there for you, but who really doesn't care about you, like her parents.

On the other hand, Dillon found it complicated. He only realized it now, after he saw Giana's condition, being in a state of decline like this, could actually affect him quite strongly.

He shouldn't have felt these kinds of feelings, right? Something feels wrong ...

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