It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 99: Professor (6)

Chapter 99: Professor (6)

Ami and Siona kept arguing over the same topic. Shin attempted breaking the two, yet his words went over their head. He wasn't particularly showing any signs of worry because his eyes tell a different story. I can't read him. Elizabeth was sitting on the corner with her head cast down, blocking her face with her hair. While observing the four, I saw black miasma lingering at their back—It's quite big than what Professor Eukla has on her back. 

 I turn my back against them and approach Professor Eukla's back. "I apologize for arriving late. I'm still recovering."

"I know. I... Sorry... Haa... I hate my own stupidity at times. But I can't deny that they're also a huge helped. It wasn't just enough." Professor Eukla's entire arm was quivering. At one glance, any person can distinct how she's trying her best to maintain this protective barrier.

"People will die eventually from their own stupidity."

Professor Eukla's ears prick up. "What do you mean by that?"

I abruptly put my hands over to her shoulders, startling Professor Eukla. "Kyaaah! Don't touch me! I'm going to lose focus!"

"Wow, that scream is something else. Relax. You're too tense. You're supposed to be the older in this room. You might not notice, but your students here are all on the edge and probably panicking inside their heads. Even if they're above everyone else, they're still young in the end. We're still inexperienced and oblivious to this world. So, get your head together and act normal." I whispered to her right ear.

Professor Eukla went into a long silence before responding. "... You're right. I appreciate the concern... I will undo the barrier and fight it head-on—"

"That won't do, professor. You're a range user, it will be hard for you to do it. Plus, they can run on their own. I'll lend you a helping hand. And aren't you a cutey? I guess that mature tone of yours is just for show and I like it."

"Shut that mouth of yours."

"Hahaha, anyway, I'll inform them then."

"... You do you. But, I prefer you to go with them and leave me alone."

"Hahaha, nice joke professor, but remember, the more we prolong the fight... More people with die along with the people who were supposed to help you earlier."

"I know about them... It's unfortunate that their soul got absorbed... I wasn't able to protect them. They barely reach the perimeter."

"Despite not seeing the world, you can see beyond it. Does that mean those star magic of yours can access the astral space too? To put it simply, you must know a lot of soul-related magic then? So, you saved me earlier then?"

"Stop chatting and do whatever you want. We don't have the time in the world." She completely ignored my questions.

"Okay, okay." I'm displeased upon hearing her reply.

After patting Professor Eukla's shoulder a few times in a casual manner, I approach Shin and the group. The cheerful expression that I exuded earlier, darkened upon turning around. I need to get these people out. Obviously, Professor Eukla had a lot of expectations coming from them; however, when the situation was not going well on their side. It also affected her and her decision shifted into protecting the students. Shin's action affected everyone and everything fell like dominoes.

I've known that my existence and interference created an unforeseeable future of the world. Now, I will only see if the world will end for the best or the worst. Looking at Shin, I'm not sure if this was disappointment or something else.

"Professor Eukla said to me, she'll undo the barrier and you all are tasked to run away from this place."

Ami stops her bickering with Siona to ask me. "You all? What about you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to help to hold that thing off."

Shin didn't like the tone of my voice, so he voiced his frustration. "Leave you guys here? Won't that fall you into disadvantage?"

"We'd rather do that than have your injured self in here. At this moment, you're just a liability to us. Don't blame me since you did this to yourself. Ami, Siona, and Elizabeth can still help, but they're not in a good condition right now. You heard Siona earlier, right? Honestly, that's self-explanatory."

Ami was about to speak out her anger, but she hesitated as she saw my glint which made her shut her mouth. Shin grit his teeth. In the end, he can't refute and realizes what all I just said is just the truth. Siona and Elizabeth kept their mouth shut since they also agrees with me. 

"I can still fight..." Shin's thick-head still doesn't get it. The quintessence inside my body erupts. "Someday, your own foolishness will bring everyone you care misfortunes."

I look at Ami and called her out. "Ms. Ami. You know what's better for everyone, right? Think for everyone, not for your feelings."

Ami bit her lips. "Yeah... I'll do it."

"What about you two?" I look over to the sisters.

"What do you say? Do we look like we can still fight? I'm afraid, we're done for today." Siona shrugs at me with a smile.

We end our agreement on a good note, except for Shin. He's complaining about his concerns to Ami on how we can die if they don't help us. Honestly, I'm certain about the feeling that I'm having—was my disappointment to Shin. He's just depressing to watch.

"It's been a while since I used this. Overload. Looks like I won't be moving for a few days." A resurgence of quintessence rose throughout my body.

"Tsuki." Within the shadow, an eerie dark cat emerges to the surface of the ground. Tsuki growls. The group of people behind me might think of it as a growl. But for me, I heard excitement. (Yay! Feasting time!)

It left me no choice. I don't want Tsuki to be in danger, but I have a great feeling about Tsuki doing well against it. However, if the situation calls, I won't hesitate on bringing back Tsuki. Her powers and everything about her is still immature.

Once I saw the barrier diminishing, I tightly grip the handle of the sword. Behind me, Ami was carrying Shin over on her shoulder. Next to her, Siona and Elizabeth were preparing themselves.

Slowly, the miasma went past through the gaps.

At this moment, Professor Eukla wouldn't stand a chance as she needs time before she can fight again. I carefully scan the surrounding. I heard Ami and the group running in the opposite direction. I was expecting for the monster to attack whomever it sees first, but its red eyes went past through my shoulders, eyeing the group behind me.

The monster dashes and went straight ahead of them, but I intercept it by teleporting in front and intercepting the attack with the blade. I squeezed the muscles in my arm. The blade cut through between the claw of the monster, taking out a chunk of its flesh. However, I'm not done yet. On my free hand, chains coated in flames tangles around the neck of the monster. It screech. "Szieeee!"

Then the monster breaks my chains, freeing itself up. Siona passes by and hits the monster in the chest with her weapon, helping me greatly as her attack did some damage. Its attention diverted to me. Its piercing eyes produced an eerie feeling. I felt its eyes were directly looking inside of my body or it felt my soul was getting sucked. I broke contact from its eyes and stabs a dagger between the eyes. "O Forsaken one, grant thy wish, devour every sin—"

While chanting, I twist my face in pain. A sharp object stabs me right on my guts. But, that didn't hinder me from saying the chant again. "O Forsaken one, grant thy wish, devour every sin of this world."

As I felt the blood oozing from the fresh wound, an electrifying sensation came right after. I can't move a single limb after feeling it. Luckily enough, the dagger lodged into its head finally activated. The miasma around the monster was slowly depleting. I received another stab. "Pug-gah... Kuff... Kuff..."

Tsuki shifts back on her original form and pushes me away with her feet. As a result, my back collided against a tree. I grunted in pain. "Arrgggh—! That cat...!"

I'm checking my wounds and saw it's not worse than I thought it was. Tsuki was fighting the monster. She can't land a single hit from its slick maneuvering. Suddenly, above the sky, countless arrows are falling on Tsuki's spot. I pulled Tsuki away back into my hand and glance at Professor Eukla grimly. "That's dangerous—Kuff, kuff!"

"What dangerous? You're far away."


Looking at the godless scene, a morbid repulsion drained the color out of my face. The monster's back was filled with arrows, yet it didn't flinch nor deter its eyes from looking over a certain direction. I knit my eyebrows in disgust. "The perseverance of these guys. You really crave for his soul, huh? He's quite tasty, isn't he?"

I stand staggeringly and I raise my arm forward. The spears of Diana materialize behind me, launching at unimaginable speed. Simultaneously, running back staggeringly to Professor Eukla. I'm holding my own wound in hopes that my regeneration would kick in fast, so I can get over this agonizing pain.

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