It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 86: The Misfits (4)

Chapter 86: The Misfits (4)

I've been doing nothing since the start of the class, so I approach Instructor Sienna once again. 

"Can you spar with me?"

My suggestion to Instructor Sienna was rejected by her and her reply makes a lot of sense. "Sorry, not today. I need to focus monitoring on your classmates first. Ask me again if we don't have any classes. Besides, you'll just be beaten, so no. I don't want my precious student to be harmed."

The corner of her mouth jerks up. "We can do that for another day. You can handle yourself already, right? Fret not, once the lessons start, I will be thorough. But, practically right now, I'm not sure how I can help you."

I bow out and went back to my spot.

We are mostly the class of the misfits or the deviants on how our other students perceive us. Most likely, they wouldn't associate themselves with us, or perhaps some would but that's uncertain.

Not to mention, my plan can't even be done since stepping foot on this academy. The eyes of these people are already behind my back, and mostly, they fear what's inside of me. It's logical to think that way, but I didn't cause any problem back on my guild... Perhaps, I do really need some intensive monitor considering my temper?

Back to important matters, since I don't need to hold back—I can just do whatever I want? Not really. I shall prioritize avoiding any further conflict with others, except when the situation tells me to do so. They fear me. It's the first. In short, I'm just a big mysterious person in their eyes.

However, will it work if I stay passive and didn't cause any trouble? Or, will it not? Because I need to graduate from this school. Once I graduate, I will get a lot of opportunities and the span of quests that I could get would be astronomical with my educational background. Also, I could even be a candidate to be a knight.

Alone on the corner, watching all of my classmates sitting with their feet crossed while meditating over the crystal given to them. I sat once again and posture myself like them. The air went through my nose and out of my mouth. "Huuu..."

The circulation of wind around me became wild, as it let be known from others. From then on, I manifested a strong essence of quintessence and entered into a state of trance, granting my inner consciousness access to Diana's soul space she created. Inside of it, Diana and I did what we would usually do. Since from the looks of it, there's nothing I can do in class other than training, so I did my own routine as Intrusctor Sienna already gave me permission.

A later while...

I open my eyes to see the upfront face of Instructor Sienne inch away close to my face. Her eyes are staring deeply at mine, scanning every fiber of my face and twinkling her eyes to me in deep curiosity. "Wow, you're not moving at all. That's impressive."

Abruptly, she stands up and claps her hand. "Well, that's all for today." Then she left me in a daze.

"What was her problem? I can't get a read of her."


Lars, Erik, and I were all walking together, heading to our class. However, we haven't talked to each other yet, as we're getting our timing rights because of the awkward atmosphere that just looms out of thin air. Luckily enough, no other students were walking in the hallway apart from my other classmates too. They're all behind us.

Upon arriving at our room destination, we saw a familiar-looking face.

"Hello." Instructor Sienna wave her hand to us.

"Huh?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Hm? I'm your professor for today. I'm teaching you the history of spirit. The origin."

Her entire outfit now was a complete contrast from what she's wearing earlier, the obscene, open outfit. Yet now, she's wearing formal clothing which doesn't match her face at all. Perhaps her outfit earlier was engraved in my mind on what kind of person she was, but now, it's entirely different.

"Sit on any seats you want and the lecture will begin."

We obediently follow her words and took our own seats, yet despite our smaller number, we don't really know each other and naturally sat apart from each other. What I've noticed, I haven't seen one of my classmates talking to each other.

With my chin resting on my palm while listening to Instructor Sienna's lecture about the theoretical origins of the spirit, or basically, where they came from. In short, she's discussing the unproven history of the spirits. Like, how the spirit realm was the first creation of our world's spirit or how spirits live in prospered in this world before our creation. There are no distinct conclusions as Instructor Sienna explains them to us in rhetorical questions and makes us question ourselves.

As I'm listening to her, I'm at the far end top of the class which makes it easier for me to see my classmates and observe them. A sudden realization surfaced at the top of my head, we haven't even introduced ourselves to each other because, for some reason, all of them have this wall built around them.

The class ended on a good note. However, to our surprise, our next lecturer was still Instructor Sienna! At first, we thought she would leave and we'll head our way to the different class, but the room stated in our schedule is this very room we are staying at.

"We'll start our class with..."

Then our next class... She's still here! She practically covered three different syllabi, alone! Bewildered by how she was able to manage to teach us different lectures alone, I found a new respect for her. Not just because she handled it alone, but how clear and communicative she was to us. I do admit, despite her weirdness. She's a great educator. 

"The connection between our body and our mana can be detached by forcefully extracting the power of Core inside our body. The Core is the essence that's part of our soul that grants us mana. But of course, that's just according to speculation and studies. It's not proven yet."

"That means if we're able to extract it. We can open new countless possibilities of manipulating the soul entirely?" I raised my arm.

"Indeed. However, with how dangerous it is, the official authorities or the council prohibited such research. Needless to say, there's no strong conclusive proof to back the theory up or to continue the research. And the Core is just a name, remember that. This theory was essential, theorized because of the existence of manaless people. Or people with illnesses related to their mana. This theory also believes that we were once all manaless."

Soon after, Instructor Sienna raises both of her palms in the air, as if she's trying to reach something. Between her palm, an orb of white light came into our sight. It's so pure and beautiful. "This is my mana. The ethereal mana inside our body."


"That's so amazing."

Lars and Erik exclaimed.

"Take a note, I'm doing this without the help of my spirit." Then Instructor Sienna throws it on the wall.


On the wall, there are cracks and debris falling from the tiny hall that was caused by that simple orb of light. It looks plain, yet destructive. All our eyes were glued in the hole. I saw admiration and excitement bloom in my classmates.

"By compressing our mana, that will be the result. However, to achieve this feat, we need to fully understand how mana works around our bodies. And my first assignment to you all... Will be... Mana control on our body. Manifesting mana into a matter is not that simple, it's like creating something with nothing but air."

(Wow, I didn't expect it to be true. Amazing, I'm learning some new things.) Diana said inside my head.


Lunch break came...

The atmosphere between us three stayed the same. Walking side by side with them on our way to the cafeteria, walking on this lonely hall of the building alongside a few of our classmates—only three to be exact, as the others went somewhere. Their names? I'm not sure. Earlier, I tried to break the awkward atmosphere by introducing myself to my three stranger classmates, yet I got no response. Naturally, it made our situation more uncomfortable. They're quite an oddball.

And finally, Erik said something. "Say, out of curiosity, what are you really?" He directed the question to me.

"I'm a human."

"Not your race, but your identity as a whole."

"I'm an exiled noble from a well-known household. Because of some fortunate event that occurred in my life. I was able to turn my life around and became a guild adventurer in the Seeker Guild. That's my life summa—"

They didn't have the time to respond, as our attention deviate to the noisy sound of people's voices behind the tall door. Opening it, my eyes were welcomed by the gleaming scenery of the cafeteria as lights are alighting from these golden tall arched-top windows and the humongous dome roof above with blue flags hanging on the ceiling. I can see the green scenery of the grass and trees fluttering. Disparaging eyes greeted us. Honestly, I'm too tired to concern myself with them.

"I-I think I'll just go back to the dormitory to eat..." Lars said as he turn his heel the other way and left. As soon as he left, the other three of our classmates also vanished. And now, I'm left with Erik who doesn't give a single care about them, as he's indulging himself in reading his book. Until now, I'm still not used to him being this geeky despite his bulky appearance.

"Let's go?"

"Hm? Oh, no problem. Yeah, let's go. The training earlier drained me."

We garnered a lot of attention than I expected. And I must say, we were not quite welcome here as their mocking smiles bloomed openly, not even considering whether we can see it or not. Moreover, even the E-Class group of students who are eating at the table are not bothered by us. Perhaps because they're not far worst than us.

Erik and I are the only F-Class students here. We're like the thorn among the roses if I could summarize our situation. Walking past other students, we got our food peacefully without any trouble and sat on a vacant round-shaped table.

"Ohhh! Lover of Lily!"

When I was about to take my first bite, someone tackled me from behind. It's soft and firm. At the same time, it's strangling my neck. "Kuagh..."

Turning my head around. "Arya?"

"Ohhh, you remembered me! Hehehehe~"

Observing her, base upon her uniform it seems like she's also in Lily and Adelle's class. My eyes wandered past her shoulder to check if Lily or Adelle was with her, however, to my disappointment, they're not. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm searching for Lily, but she's hard to find. So, I gave up and took a stroll then my nose picked your smell. That's why I'm here. Besides, I'm also hungry!"

I cover my ears from how loud her voice, plus she's close to me, almost deafening me."R-R-Really now?" 'She's too loud for heaven's sake! Can't she least tone her voice down?!'

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