It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 78: Heart Of The Broken

Chapter 78: Heart Of The Broken

"They'll be back in a few days, right?"

"They will." Master Irene said.

"But I don't think they'll go back anytime soon. During those times, I hope they'll change their mind."

Master Irene peers at me, intently. "How could you say that?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Just a feeling." A vague feeling clamped around my chest then I unconsciously had begun muttering to myself. "1... 2... 3..."


Earlier, while having a conversation, I've been noticing some miasma on Earl Arden's back, a [Death's Call] or someone who's on the verge of death. I'm not sure where I got it nor how it works, but one day, I just suddenly acquired it. Diana and I were certain that it's from Tsuki. It's a skill that I found no use of it, other than today. Moreover, asking Tsuki about this skill is utterly useless. She doesn't know a single thing. Despite her cuteness, she's kind of... an airhead.

Still, I feel guilty about last time.

That's the reason for my potion. Honestly, I was about to ignore it and let him be, but I chose to give him a potion for the purpose of saving his life along with a hidden goal. If ever he was saved by that potion, I'll be the benefactor. It might be twisted considering I'm playing with a man's life, but I could only call it, killing two birds in one stone.

At the door of Master Irene's office, the wife of Earl Arden forced through the door with her tears and sweats dripping down of her face. "Please help me! My husband collapsed!"

Master Irene and I went to her husband. In the hall, I saw a large figure lying down on the floor, as clutches his chest gasping for air. The heavy breathing and cold sweats of his were something to look for, as the torment only had just begun for him. Also, the miasma at his back started getting thicker and thicker as we stand there doing nothing, only watching him as he dies right before our eyes.

From the look of things, I could only guess it might be related to a disease which meant the potion that I gave it to him will be utterly useless in this situation considering healing potions are not meant for regenerating limbs, illnesses, or diseases, as they're only purpose was to accelerate the healing process of the wound. In this situation, we need a healer for his needs. Plus, I can't leave him here. Although this completely disrupted my plan because I thought he would fall into an accident, yet now, he fell because of some unknown disease that's looming around his body.

"The mana circulation around his body is moving rather slow. I'll get Clara." Master Irene said.

I furrow my eyebrows. "I'll pick him up and go to the healer at the guild."

At this moment, I'm having a hard time grasping the situation, as it feels like it could slip out my hand at any moment and would spark another trouble. Thus, my mind went into disarray. However, when I was about to pick him up, the stench of the miasma around his back wrestled my sense of smell. I almost threw up. So, I picked him up despite his large body and teleported all the way to the guild—in one swoop, that it almost tore my mind in half.

"Young man?" the guild master said.

"I need some help. Please bring the healers, this man at my back suddenly collapsed."


The breathing of Earl Arden became rougher and rougher. Thus, I lay him down on the guild master's sofa and patiently waits for the healers to come.


Days have passed ever since the incident...

Luckily, I managed to save his life in time. According to the beautiful healers that I've talked to, it's related to the brain that caused him to collapse—but on the other hand, how come those healers are god damn sexy? Every time they would open their mouths, I would get enticed by their lips. Not sure, if they're just beautiful or I'm just too horny—probably both?

After learning his condition has stabilized, I went back to the mansion where his wife was waiting for the news and begging me for information about her husband. I told her everything and the place where I sent him. All the troops and the carriages outside of the mansion went to the guild, faster than anything I've ever seen from a group.

He may be a piece of shit and a greedy one too. It does leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

The problem should be solved right now, right? Yet, why now out of places would this man and his twin sister would be in front of me? That's right, the twin psychos are in front of me—Albert and Rosalyn. I'm doing my morning jogging routine outside when I heard some voices at the gate, which I quickly notice two familiar people along with the people behind them.

"Hey scum, why are setting foot in my place?" I said in a friendly manner.

"Huh?! Are you calling a scum!?"

"No one in here other than you and your sister is in here, right?"

"B-Brother... Father said..."

Albert's teeth grinding together reach my ears, only piquing my interest as to why they're here. Furthermore, I'm trying my utter best to ignore Rosalyn considering my last interaction with her was fresh in my mind. I admit she's quite a beauty too, but if there's something wrong with her head—I'm out. I'm not crazy enough to put my dick over someone who would probably strangle me. Nah-uh. 

While mulling over my thoughts, a loud crack echoed in the air, and saw Albert's face on the floor, as his forehead was kissing the stone ground and blood are coming out of it. I stopped thinking and was taken aback. "Forgive me for those hostile attempts that I caused you! And also, I will never ever bother Stephanie again! And, I will fix my attitude from now on! I hope you would forgive me!"

I open the gates and crouch in front of him. "Are you apologizing to me because of your father? I didn't expect him to really appreciate the kindness that I've given to him from saving his life. What a great father."

Albert's face looms. "He did... H-He also asked you to come to our house for a fancy dinner... And, he also hopes for us to be friends!" fear was somewhat apparent, as I see it all over his face, instead of grudge like he would often express; yet now, it's different when his father enters the picture. Albert's overall personality crumbled right before my eyes. This baffled me.

"I have to decline for now, as the academy will start in a few days. But tell him, I appreciate the offer and I would reconsider it when I have time after the academy. For the friends... I'm not sure. We will see." 'Quite easy to read his father's intention... Either he wants to find the person who gave me the potion or it's genuine. But, I doubt it's genuine.'

"I-I see... I will tell him."

"Never I expected to see you going on your knees to apologize."

Albert halts midway of him getting up on his feet. He swallowed his pride for his own benefit and endured the humiliation from the words that I spoke. It's fascinating to watch, yet depressing as he looks like a man without any free will, shackled on the tomb of his family forever; the same reason could be said for the twin sister too.

Speaking of which, Rosalyn had been smiling at me with her eyes sparkling and a tiny waving gesture. Since the beginning, she hasn't blinked her eyes. She just stood there, watching me.

The uncertainty around my chest has been bothering me since the beginning, from the twins. The stench of fear coming from him was abnormal, abnormally abnormal at how I view it.

Furthermore, Albert was also extremely skinny before as if someone drained the fat out of his body the same could be said for Rosalyn, only adding to my confusion. What's happening? There's also desperation and helplessness in Albert's eyes. For Rosalyn, I can't tell...  A longing one? I've been observing every facial expression they make, yet it's giving me hard time. Perhaps it's my first time interacting with them up close?

"Your obsessiveness with Stephanie... She mentioned that she helped you before, yet she didn't remember what she did for you to be so infatuated with her. Not sure if you really do love her... So, tell me, what do you really seek? Do you want help?"

The shoulder of the twins twitched at the same time. Rosalyn's eyes sparkled. As for Albert... Tears are swelling in Albert's eyes, but he cut it short with a sniff. Then without saying a word, he took his sister's hands and left the place without even batting an eye at me. I didn't stop him and only saw Rosalyn's glistening eyes looking directly to my eyes over her shoulders.

"What was that? I was asking genuinely, but he turned his back. Did their father...?" I scratch the back of my head and contemplate while walking back to the mansion. "Haah... It's not my problem... Yet, it feels bothering..."


A few days later, back to the guild...

Some people greeted and some don't; the usual stuff. The guild master sent a letter to me and requested to meet me. As usual, I went to the elevator and met a domineering old man behind the closed doors. He was at his usual seat, watching the scenery of the sky behind his desk.

"Can I help you with something, guild master?"

"Have a seat."

I did what he said.

"First and foremost, congrats on passing."

"Thank you."

"Anyway, take a look at this." the guild master tosses a pendant which I easily caught it. The pendant has an elliptical stone attached to it and a loop design around the outer cover.

"What's this a gift? Thank you?"

"No. Why would I ever gift you a pendant? Are you someone who would I take fancy on? Don't be stupid."

"Perhaps....?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Stop it."

"Then what's this?" I raise it in the air, as the glossy colorful lights that it reflects from the sunlight outside skim through my eyes.

"It was in the box, in my office earlier this morning. Tell me, what's your relation with this name called Alicia? Ever heard of her? I presume from her name, she must be a woman; perhaps, a woman of yours?"

I paused upon hearing the name Alicia and thought for a moment while peering intently at the pendant at my hands. However, something's odd about the eyes of the guild master. Not sure, what it is. "Pardon? What's the name again? I think there's something inside my ear."


I squint my eyes to the guild master. "Really?"

"Yeah, now, tell me what's your relation with her."

"I'm not even sure, she's more of a stranger to me. Why, guild master?"

"Hahahaha..." the guild master hysterically for the first time throughout the times I've met him, yet it's disturbing at the same time. Thus, I put the pendant around my right pocket and slowly back away. If he ever tried to do something funny, I will escape as I've already located the spot where I will teleport, later on. "... Now, tell me, what's your relation with her?"

Immense mana exploded within the office, destroying the office from the gush of wind coming out of his body. The guild master's eyes were terrifying to look at, as it screams terror. Runic letter emerges from the wall, slightly tensing the air as it reconfigures itself by moving the letters on different parts of the room. Thus far, the space around this room hasn't been affected by this phenomenon, leaving my chances relatively high.

I swallow a mouthful of saliva before speaking. "Huuu... Even if you threaten me, I don't have any idea who that woman is. I only met her once."

Out of nowhere, the violent trembling stop. The guild master shuts his eyes off and inhales an amount of air before releasing it. "How can I assure you that you're telling the truth?"

"Trust me."

"Trust me? Even with this?" The guild master toss another item to me, a piece of paper folded in half.

Opening the letter, it stated.

'Dear Victor,

How are you? How long has it been since we met? Anyway, you could say this letter is me checking up on you, as I have nothing much to say. I know that you've been searching for me through these years. I adore your determination and love for me, but my answer would still be the same. Hence why I would like to apologize again. You're old now, go explore the world. There are a lot of ladies waiting just right outside your door. Go find them on my behalf. One last thing, I want you to give this pendant to the kid named Claude on your guild. He's a special person to me. Take care of him for me, thanks.

Sincerely, Alicia'

After reading the letter, I thought to myself. 'Wait a minute. Did the guild master got rejected halfway through the letter then it ended up on that woman asking for him to take care of me because I'm a special someone? That's fucked up, no matter how I look at it. Alicia is savage. Furthermore, do they know each other? What are the odds?!'

"Uh... Guild master... W-What's your relationship with her?"

Guild master looks down on the floor, veins are popping out of his forehead from his anger rising. The ground had begun trembling once again. The guild master's emotions deep inside his chest are going out of control. "Tell me, what kind of excuse do you still have? Do you know how many times I waited patiently? Through the years of waiting when she finally sent me a letter and rejected me once again, yet she mentioned a kid like you? I know that you have your ways to get a woman, but even the witch that I dearly love?!"

The mana around his body exploded.

"Let's talk rationally, okay? Regain your composure and talk things out. All the images of the dignified guild master in my head are slowly crumbling down. So, let's talk things out shall we?" Midway through my sentence, I suddenly blurt my thoughts out. 

After persuading him a few times, he finally calmed down. "Just get out of my office," he said, as he pinch the bridge of his nose and tears fell from his eyes. The guild master whom I also look up to was crying right before my eyes, destroying my perception of him. I left his office with respect for his own privacy.

Outside of the office, I'm holding the pendant in the air and stares at it intently. "Alicia..."

(Haa... I hope the old man would be okay. The poor old man's heart got broken by my sister... I didn't expect them to be this fragile, unlike the people that she rejected before. I could say, the old man's feeling was genuine.)

(Is this a normal occasion for you guys?)

(Of course.)

(Your sister is a savage person.)

(Not really, she's just a tease. She's a kind person. I trust her. Although at times, she can be mischievous.)

( I don't think so...)

'Not sure why, but I'm getting a feeling that someone is laughing at me.'

The people at the lounge of the guild are panicking because of the guild master's mana outburst from earlier, causing an earthquake. Luckily enough, I will be at the academy tomorrow and will not meet the guild master for quite a long time. Until now, I can't get my head at how the guild master and Alicia got to know each other. Is Alicia a well-known person here? I have to ask Master Irene later. If I could...

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