It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 105: Cella Belmont

Chapter 105: Cella Belmont



"You've been staring into nothingness ever since I bought you here. Is there something in your mind that's bothering you? Or d-do you did not want to join me...?" Tears are swelling under Shikta's eyes.

"No, no, no. I'm too occupied by the people crying outside. It made me wonder." 'Why are you easily affected by it that you wanted to cry already?'

"Thank god..." Shikta clutches her chest in relief. "From my understanding, the poster plastered on the large board are the people that have been missing for years. And today, they pronounced them dead. Some people are complaining that they need shreds of evidence or corpse of their loved one for validation."


"Cruel? Most villagers also said so, but it's better than giving them pretense or hope..." Shikta then notices her hand on my wrist, which she let go of immediately, covering her flustered face in embarrassment. "... Sorry."

"It's fine."

I follow Shikta's back to a nearby seat. Upon taking our seat, a woman took our orders, and surprisingly enough, Shikta orders mine. After ordering, she's been staring at my face ever since. Checking every inch of my face, engraving it into her memory. Naturally, I find it uncomfortable at first, but as time passes by, I gradually got used to it.

From her gaze, I immediately thought of the possibilities of her being Claude's childhood friend. However, deep inside, I am certain that Claude's childhood friend was a boy, not a girl. A misunderstanding perhaps? His face was kind of blurry on Claude's memories. I only know his existence, but I can't seem to remember him. Like, an unknown entity was blocking those memories to the surface.

Shikta broke the silence. "Your face and hair changed. Did you perhaps dye your hair?"

"This...?" I fidget a loose end of my hair. "This is natural. I don't know how, but this changes gradually over time."

"Really? That's so cool. Plus, your overall personality and demeanor changed too. I'm glad... Brother would be so happy."

"Brother? Can you state our relationship? Are we close friends?"

"Ah? No, no, no... Wait, do you also not remember my brother?"

"Sadly... I don't recall..."

"Ohhh..." Shikta bit her lower lips, but then ended up in a sigh. "Haaaa... That's unfortunate then."

"But I do remember having a friend back then from the Kramer Family. Perhaps, is he the brother you're talking about?"

"Wait... Are you messing with me? Because I find it impossible for you to not remember him." Shikta narrows her eyelids.

"What would I get from lying to you? I do remember him, but not his face..."

Shikha's raised suspicion, gradually soften. Then our drinks came in the midway of our tensed conversation. The waitress who approached us also got nervous from the tense atmosphere between us, so she hurriedly placed our drinks on our table and swiftly left.

"I'm glad." Shikta clutches her chest before sighing in relief.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing. Anyway... 'It's been a while, Claude.'" Shikta smiles at me. "Those were the words of my brother that he wanted to tell you. You still remember his name, right?"

"Dir... It's Dir, right?"

"Thank you for remembering his name."

Shikha's smile was kind of off. There's a mix of tenderness and sadness from it. At first, I would already conclude that Dir would be her because of her mannerism... But... There's no way... Dir would be... Then I suddenly remembered a little girl behind him.

"Oh, you're the snotty brat from that time." I hit my palm.

The corner of Shikha's mouth gradually lowers and her blooming eyes got narrower. Then she flashes a smile to me, resulting in every hair in my body standing up. "Those words are not appropriate to say to a lady, Brother Claude."

"Brother? Aren't we the same age?"

"Yes, we should be. But, I prefer it this way. Wouldn't you ask my—"

Then a voice interrupted her. "My, my, Aldrich's fiancee is with another man. Wouldn't that spark some incurring rumors?"

It was a woman's voice. Quickly glancing in her direction, I saw the distinguishable hair of our family. She's notably without a doubt Claude's cousin. The person who also tormented him alongside Aldrich whom she admires a lot. She's enslaved by Aldrich's perfect personality and brilliance. That's one way to put it. I wonder if her brother also attends too?

Without a doubt, he's also attending the school the same as Aldrich. As for her brother, from Claude's memories, he barely saw him. It's quite fascinating how I can easily remember things that pained Claude more than his joyful memories, which says a lot—and that also applies to me from my previous memories. Painful memories are more vivid than good ones.

"Cella... Why do you care whom I will meet? Stop prying on my business and go on."

"How could I ignore such an act? Meeting a man behind your fiancee's back?"

"Fiancee? Aldrich? Pfft—Hahahaha, you rolled a bad one for your fiancee, Shika. Hahahaha..." I burst into laughter, clutching my stomach as hard as I can.

"You really bought a man like this? He's both disrespecting both families, Shika. Not only he's disrespecting both families, but he's also disrespecting Brother Aldrich."

"Still the same as ever, huh? Cella. Head over heels over my brother. You know that you can't marry him, right? Pffft—"

Instead of getting angry, Cella looks at me confusingly. "Huh? Brother? Who are you?"

"Hey, it's me, Claude." I smile while pointing my finger at myself.

Cella squints her eyes before speaking. "Claude? That guy...? I find it hard to believe. You're speaking nonsense." Then she got closer to my face but ended up getting flustered by her own actions.

"Then believe what you want." I shrug. "Well then, since we're practically done here. I'll head my way, Ms. Shika. I hope you have a good day."

"Eh? Wait!"

"It's fine, we can continue this conversation for the next time we'll meet—"

Speak of the devil, the person whom we're talking about right now, suddenly just appeared from the door. Aldrich walks inside with his head wandering around, seemingly looking for someone. Then his eyes dart toward our direction and he flashes a smile upon seeing Cella and Shikha; however, once he saw my face his face darkens for a slight second before reverting back to his friendly smile.

"Wow, that's impressive," I muttered to myself upon witnessing a spectacle of a display from Aldrich. I held myself back from clapping.

Aldrich approaches with a smile. I quickly look at Shika to see her aloof face, not caring about her fiancee being here. Seeing the two, I suddenly remembered Ami and Shin's situation with the other guy. Shin must have had a good time dealing with two headaches. Although I'm not sure whether Shikha is already on a boat of Shin, I'll assume she does since she already interacted with him. It's a stupid assumption of mine.

"How's school going for you, my dear fiancee? I hope people are not giving you a hard time." Aldrich greeted Shikha before turning his head to Cella. "Your classmates are not giving you a hard time, right?"

I want to vomit upon hearing his cheesy voice.

Cella smiles responding. "Not at all."

"So, Shikha, what about you?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking." Shikha responds to him coldly.

I almost burst into laughter when I heard Shikha's response to him. It's totally enjoyable when girls are not head over heel to Aldrich. "Pfft—"

"Claude, my little brother, how are you?"

"Still good as ever."

"I see. That's good to know."

"Wait, that's him!?"

Cella's shocked face made me chuckle. Since I'm on my way out, I stand from my seat and saw the difference in height between Aldrich and me. "Hm... Did you get smaller, Aldrich? You're now head smaller than me now. Are you eating? Now, you're making me worry, Aldrich."

Inside my head, I'm laughing my ass off because Aldrich hates someone who ridicules him, especially on the physical aspect. He's a competitive person who wants everything to always favor him. Ever since my words reach his ears, he didn't react as he stood there looking at me in the eyes. The fact that I'm looking down at him made it better.

A sudden realization hit me. I like seeing Aldrich's pissed-off face. It's a sight to behold, but to my dismay, I didn't get the reaction that I want to have. Since my face is in front of Aldrich, I had this sudden urge to rip his limbs off. I shake my head.

"This is bad..." I muttered to myself.

"Well, well, eat and train to nourish those muscles in your body, Aldrich. It would be bad if you got sick." I said and attempts to pat his shoulder.

However, as I was about to pat his shoulder, he slap my hand away. I flash a smile before leaving, considering the dark looming aura around Aldrich's back. I left the place without saying a word other than giving one last glance to Shikha. She's looking at Aldrich with an eyebrow raised.

While going back to my dorm, I dangle the amulet in the air. Honestly, this amulet would be useless to me and it's better to give it to Stephanie as a gift since I haven't seen her for a year. However... I just hope the others wouldn't feel jealous when they saw this. As a backup plan, I'll also buy them some. Not a single item worked for me. 

"Shikha, huh? And a fiancee of that bastard? As expected, Kramer and Belmont always had a good relationship with each other. Unlucky for her, I guess? I pray for her well-being. And, Cella too? What a day. I met the twins and then them. And now... I need to get some rest. Mmmh—!" I stretch my arms up.

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