Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru

Chapter 46

Bonuses Come Suddenly

Ultimately, I arrived at the guild without being able to debut my new fas.h.i.+onable set of armor. But, at least I had signed for it? I just needed to hurry up and make some money and then that dragon armor set would be mine. Currently, I had two golds, sixty silvers, and about six hundred coppers. The coppers were divided into six bags and stashed away in the hollow bag. I could exchange them for silvers, but the convenience store clerk in me wanted to keep them, just in case.

Regardless, I was in need of sixty-five more gold pieces. My calculations are wrong, you say? Hey, I wouldnt exactly be able to live if I emptied my entire wallet!

As expected for the Spiris guild Its big and beautiful.

The quality of adventurers seems high as well. Like that great sword-wielder over there, I have no doubt that he is very skilled.

We looked about, like two country b.u.mpkins until a guild member called out to us.

Is it your first time here?

First time in this guild, yes. We are from Fhiraldo.

Ahyou must be that Asagi that Fiona was talking about. The one who killed the wyvern.

Apparently, that story had already made the rounds. Even more, I was now the one who killed it. It was really the soldiers who did that, I had just slid in a single attack.

I have heard about you from Fiona. She said to treat you well. And in regards to the wyvern, Harold, from the west district guards also visited and said to give you the reward for slaying it. As you were the biggest reason that they were able to kill it.'


He said what!? All I did was throw a sword of ice at it. The rest was achieved by the guards!

Harold brought in eight wyvern claws, twenty-four teeth, two sets of wing membrane, one jaw plate, and one heart. And they are all to be given to you.

So saying, the guild member showed me the list. Yes, it was all there. At the bottom were the words Give all of the above items to Asagi in tidy letters.

Oh, but surely the other guardsmen will not be happy about this? I mean, they are having their glory taken away by some adventurer.

Wouldnt they? That was a wyvern! A dragon. It was a great feat to have been able to kill it. I couldnt see a scenario where they wouldnt be angry about me taking that away from them. But it would be even worse if their anger was directed toward Harold.

Well, this list is hardly the entirety of what can be collected from a wyvern.

Is that right? But these are the rare ones, arent they?

The materials with the highest demand are the scales and the hide.

Ahneither of those were listed.

But even then, that wont make up for what they are losing, right?

As for that, Harold is to pay the difference. They are likely all at a bar right about now.

The guild member chuckled. Ahhh I guess he would be buying quite a few drinks today then

So, I can take all of this?

Yes. The materials themselves are in storage here at the guild. Just submit this list at the Rewards counter when you wish to withdraw them.

I understand.

I receive the list. Suddenly, I was now the owner of a bunch of wyvern materialsI would have to thank Harold when I got the chance.

Next, Daniela and I went over to the Rewards counter. Fiona was not there. Which wasnt too surprising.

h.e.l.lo. We would like to convert this proof of slaying orcs into money.

Orcs, I see. Yes, of course. Please give me your status cards.

I hand over six orc fangs and the cards.

Also, this.

I slide over the list.

Let me see. .Yes, Asagi. So you wish to receive the items here?

Yes, please



The communicatively impaired master Daniela b.u.t.ted in. This was rare.

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