Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru

Chapter 3

Considering the time, it may have only been a few seconds. But in that time I decided what to do. I resolved myself and held perfectly still to wait.

The Goblin, who was relying on its sense of smell, made it to the thicket from before when I instantly stood up and aimed my spear at the Goblins thin throat before thrusting. Whether it was magnificent or silly I know not. However before the Goblin could even raise a finger, its throat was beautifully pierced by the tip of my spear, taking its life. I then quickly dragged the body of the dead Goblin into the thicket. Now there are 9 of them left in the group.

Yosh somehow through this method I should be able to shave off a few of them no way it could actually go that smoothly. That much I understood. Because the Goblin blood then began to flow.

Gugyaa! Gugyagya!

Those guys found out. But that outcome has already been arranged for. I pull back the spear, grab the Goblins leg and flee in the opposite direction of the group. With all my power, I pull away from the goblins until they are out of sight. By the way, I used the Nata to remove the head of the Goblin. The overflowing blood is spread across the ground, causing the odor from the blood to fill the path Im running. This reminds me of the time I had to chase after shoplifters during my part time job for some reason.

But this is not the time to be remembering such a thing. Using the Nata, I dig up some dirt from the path I ran. Thank goodness that the ground is made out of easy to dig up fluffy hummus. I cover the blood on my leg in the dirt to mask the scent. Furthermore, I take that occasion to roll around on the ground to make the dirt smell of my body odor. This will probably trick their noses. Since the spear is covered in blood, I take it away. You saved me in many ways. Thank you.

I change my direction of escape towards the foggy hill. While praying I wont run into a different monster on the way there, I start running again.

After running for a bit, I slow to a walk. To replace the spear I had thrown away, I grab another stick. Now that I have a Nata, cutting it was a simple task. But I cant cut the tip while Im walking, so I walk with it in the form of a pole.

After 30 minutes of walking the forest is cut off, and I exit into the plain at the foot of that hill. While watching my 6, I aim for the hill. Ive come back here compared to last time I was here my figure has completely changed. Back then I was unarmed and clean, but now I have a pole and Nata, and am covered in dirt. Based on the suns position, Id say its about noon. Around 5 or 6 hours have pa.s.sed huh unexpectedly, I might have a really high adaptability.

First I should find a nice spot to sit and take a short rest. Theres nothing to eat or drink. Im tired~. But I shouldnt say that. Once my breathing is in order I end my break, then survey the base of the hill. Right now theres absolutely no fog, so the view is perfect. In other words, I have no place to hide. But if I were to now go down the hill, I might be able to hide from the forest. Its not scary now huh.

With the forest behind, I go down the hill. It looks like the plain continues for a while. Theres no place to hide here either~ Its easy for an enemy to find me, but hard for me to find them. Well then, what should I do.

It was at that time I saw something. There were two long lines with a gap between them, in which were deep footsteps. Arent these wagon tracks? The lines which carved the prairie dirt extended into the forest on both the left and right. It traces a path avoiding the forest. This is a G.o.dsend! Because, if I follow it I should arrive at a town. Its just, which way is shorter? I dont know which direction is closer. That means that is is a critical situation. Hmm- Im worried.

After about 5 minutes of thinking, with great pains, I chose the left path! And so now Im walking. Walking on a road is way better than stomping down gra.s.s. Compared to walking on the plain, my speed is much higher. Somehow I get that feeling that my speed is much higher than before. Somehow, I wonder if Im in a hurry.

After that, I have walked without rest. On a gradual slope, the sun is descending behind my back. That means that I am currently walking towards the east. The sun always sets in the west. a.s.suming this starting from the hill the forest spreads out northward. I etch this information into my mental map as I do nothing else but continue walking.

After just walk around of awhile, I notice that its already evening. Its about time to rest. Even if I say that I have nothing but my pole and Nata. After the sun sets, its likely that monster activity will increase. Well then, what should I do now?

No, right now I dont really have a choice. Right now there is a forest spreading out before my eyes, and that forest has many trees growing. As far as I can see theres no safe spot huh. Somehow I already dont want to enter the forest, but to dont want to just lie down on the prairie and wait for morning either. I dont feel like having morning wait for me.

I quickly decide what to do. The trick is to do everything quickly. I run towards the forest and look around, confirming that there are no Goblins. A certain tree catches my eye, or more specifically the vine wrapped around it does. Using the Nata I cut the vine. I stuffed a nice rock in my clothes, and wrapped the vine around my body. I also used the vine to wrap up the Nata and pole. Next is- Ah, I wish I had a partner to watch my back during the night. I search the border between the forest and prairie for a large tree with thick branches. After a bit of wandering, I finally find it. This sucks, its almost dark. I quickly climb the tree. I guess that all the tree climbing I did as a kid is finally paying off. I aim for a nice branch I saw that didnt look too slippery and reached it.

After this, I need to carefully tie the vine around the rock. I stab the Nata into the tree and lodge the pole in between its branches. I hold the rock between my thighs and wrap the vine around it several times. Its a natural rope. Id feel nervous about only 1 knot, but with 3 knots it becomes considerably strong. With the fastening of the rock, my preparations are complete. I throw the rope as hard as I can and wrap it around my body and the tree. After several rotations, I tie off the rope at its original position.

Yos.h.!.+ Success! With this, Im firmly tied to the tree and wont be able to fall!

I shake my body to confirm that the rope vine will not come undone, and breathe a sigh of relief. The surrounding are already completely wrapped in darkness. I cant see anything anymore.

Then I start to think. Today was quite eventful. I encountered a robber, got murdered, and when I came too, was in a different world. I had an easy victory against a Goblin but hit my limit when faced with the group, having to cover myself with mud and flee. After that, I did nothing but walk, and now Im in a tree.

Seriously, this is no joke. A transfer to another world is supposed to come with more of a cheat and for no particular reason a harem right? Compared to that, Ive had nothing but misfortune. Poor me.

Well, after this. I should be able to manage if I make it to a town. This is my long awaited different world that I came to through great pains, so I should live in comfort.

I stare east into the darkness with hope in my chest, as I welcome my first night in another world.

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